After solving the CP1 led by Closda, Luffy and Saab also showed a look of exhaustion on their faces.

CP Block, as the strongest force under the world government, although there are few people, but each is the strongest of the strong, if the base is aside, the navy in front of them, that is, a few more perverts similar to Karp.

However, what about such individual factors, in terms of the level of generals alone, the Navy will always be a bad move.

"Hancock, let's go now, don't make Relo and them wait too long."

In the face of Saab's urging, Hancock just looked at Renly's life card in his hand, and his brows became more and more locked.

According to the guidance of the life card, Rayleigh is still in the East China Sea category at this time, but his position seems to be constantly rising.

That's right, the secret development place that Relo envisioned was the infinite land that Anilu had yearned for, that is, the moon.

"You mean to say that they are now in a higher position above the empty island?"

Even Luffy, who had always grinned, was somewhat surprised after hearing Hancock's explanation.

In that kind of place, can humans really live, and besides, the three of them don't seem to have any way to step into that forbidden place for humans.


Suddenly, the space in front of Luffy and the three began to vibrate faintly, and everything around seemed to be frozen, the wind could not stop the clouds, the flowers and trees stopped abruptly, and time stood still!

A moment later, the flowers and trees returned to their former wind, only one more person on the island.

"My doppelganger will take you to the Infinite Earth."

Lei Luo whispered, and then a dazzling golden light erupted from his body, wrapping the three people away from here.

At this time, on an unknown island on the sea, roaring artillery fire mixed with thick smoke rose, and the ground was full of the corpses of naval soldiers.

"Edward Weibull, don't want to die like your mother, it's better to obediently surrender!"

The person who spoke was the captain of CP2, a woman with an extremely ugly face, known as Vimoyali, who was called the evil woman.

"My beloved son, in order to protect my mother's safety, you must kill all this hateful group of navies!"

Behind Weibull, a short woman with sunglasses and a wrinkled face pretended to be dying, and the words were bound by love, pushing the battle forward.


However, at the moment when everyone was ready to strike, the navy took the lead in rushing out a laser ray, which bypassed the layers of obstacles with extreme precision, and pierced MISS Bajin's eyebrows before Weibull could react.

"Mom! Mom! What's wrong with you? You...... Damn the Navy, I'm going to kill you! At

that moment, the overlord color domineering burst out, Weibull's eyes were already blinded by hatred, what he wanted to do was to let everyone present accompany his deceased mother!

"Damn, who the hell did it!"

Vimo Yali took the lead, and the long sword in her hand blocked the big knife that came from the split, and the brute force shocked her mouth.

Anger can affect people's emotions, can devour reason, and can burst out more than their previous combat power.

The big knife moved with his heart, and while the striking momentum was strong, the cooperation was quite ingenious, and for a while, Weibull unexpectedly single-handedly suppressed the entire CP2 organization.

That person... That's Relo!

While dodging, Vimoya Li accidentally saw Lei Luo, who was smiling and watching all this not far away, and in an instant understood all kinds of Fang Cai, and also understood what Lei Luo meant, he wanted to sit and watch the battle of sandpiper mussels.

"Hey, it's him, he killed your mother!"

"Kill, all of you are going to die!"

No matter how Vimoya Li yelled, Weibull couldn't listen to it, and now he just wanted to split all the people alive in front of him in half to eliminate the hatred in his heart!

For this accident, Lei Luo only happened to encounter and so happened to strike, and the next battle did not mean anything to him.

At present, the most important thing is to go to the capital of seven waters and Fishman Island to find two ancient weapons.

In the face of the final decisive battle three years later, it is everyone who understands what the three ancient weapons will have against the sky, so it is not only Lei Luo who has taken action, the people of the world government have long chosen to start in secret.

"Iceberg, honestly hand over the design drawings of Hades Bruton, or the finished product created by your ancestors, otherwise I'm not sure if Cokoro and your little secretary can be shot!"

The capital of seven waters, months ago, was occupied by a swarming navy, and all the shipwrights were imprisoned, until a few days ago, several young people finally could no longer bear the torture of the cage and exposed the truth.

It is rumored that Hades Bruton is a super battleship that can wipe out an island in the world with a single blast, which is the worst warship that represents power in history!

And now, the original design drawings were destroyed by Franky a few years ago, but according to the revelations of the young people, the iceberg hid a rubbing, and the Hades battleship seemed to be silent somewhere.

"Iceberg, the current navy is no longer the representative of justice, don't be blinded by the love of your sons and daughters, what you have to do is worthy of the whole world!"

Cocoro said his last words, resolutely chose to take the initiative to seize the spear in the navy's hand, and buckled it at the temple of the little secretary.

As the only iceberg who knew the secret of Hades at that time, the biggest burden was that he and this little secretary, who knew in his heart, did everything he could, and after personally ending the life of the little secretary, he swallowed a gun and committed suicide!

Boom! Boom!

Just as Cocolo closed her eyes and was about to start her plan, something changed happened, something seemed wrong with the pistol, and the trigger could not be pulled, making her despair again.

Could it be that even God chose to side with the Navy?

"It's good to get it!"

Lei Luo, who was holding the barrel of the gun with his big hand, breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, his face suddenly changed.

On Fishman Island, before Lei Luo, who had just landed, had no time to make any moves, a fishman dressed as a beggar suddenly fell in front of him.

"Lord Leiluo, please, save Fishman Island, save White Star!"

"Are you... The Great Prince Shark Star of the Dragon Palace Kingdom!

The shouts of the two sounded one after another, but they attracted the helpless sighs of the pedestrians on the roadside and turned their heads away, as well as a large number of naval troops in the distance.

As the mermaid princess Bai Xing, who is the sea king Poseidon, it seems that he is already fierce at the moment.

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