In front of the real strong, especially the strong who have broken through the limits of the world, the number is always just a character, and as long as the strong man moves, he can easily win the battle, just like Lei Luo now.

"Tell me, Sharkstar, what happened?"

It turned out that Fishman Island withdrew from the world government because it was under the Pacifiers Alliance, and it was because of this that they were bloodily purged by the navy, except for the captured White Star, only Shark Star was left in the entire royal family.

This is how the world government handles, any kingdom that does not submit, the final result is only destruction!

"Go, you follow me to retake Fishman Island first, as for the matter of White Star, then talk about it."

As soon as the words fell, the flames condensed by the golden light mixed with the blue sky, burning the navy soldiers who fell in front of them into nothingness.

"Huh? Why don't you go yet? After

walking a few steps, he found that Shark Star was not following behind him, and suddenly thought of something, and this body pulled away the dirty rag that covered Shark Star's body.

The hands and feet were all cut off, the torso was full of heart-shaking wounds, and through the decayed and blackened bones, you could even see that only a third of the heart was beating hard.

With such an injury, he should have died a long time ago, but Shark Star has been waiting for the arrival of the peacemakers.

Endless anger grew in his chest, and Lei Luo clenched his fists tightly, not choosing to use phototherapy to treat Shark Star.

With the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye, he has already seen through everything, and after Shark Star tells the ins and outs for himself, the forcibly hanging qi directly dissipated, and his life came to the final end.

"Rest in peace."

Lei Luo squatted down, closed Shark Star's unwilling eyes looking at the Dragon Palace Kingdom in the distance, and his figure turned into a golden light and fled.

At this time, Mary Joa, the Holy Land, had a thin blonde figure walking forward with difficulty, each step seemed to smash his internal organs, but this severe pain only made him slightly wrinkle his curled eyebrows.

"Luffy, brother-in-law, I will find you soon, Imta, who has obtained the three ancient divine weapons!"

That's right, this figure is just Yamaji.

However, what Sanji did not expect was that his elaborate escape plan had always been within Im's control, and he had been crushed and reborn over and over again in the underground secret room before, and he had already left traces of nutrient solution in his body.

And that is Im's secret weapon, a secret weapon that can stun everyone in the final battle!

A few days passed in a flash, and the people of Relo had completed the relocation of the base and the initial transformation of the moon.

"In the next period of time, it seems that I want to cultivate the nine secrets well and explore the realm of the unity of the last nine secrets!"

When the words fell, Lei Luo slowly closed his eyes.

According to the strength of its own strength, even if it is only fifty percent, it is an absolutely invincible existence in this world.

However, I don't know what the reason is, Lei Luo always feels that Yimu is by no means simple, and there is even an extremely familiar, but indescribable feeling in his body.

And the only thing that Relo can be sure of is that the feeling is definitely not where he has seen it before, but more like the two have some kind of same existence, such as bloodline or the essence of some ability.

The long years passed like a white horse, two and a half years passed in a flash, and it was on this day that Lei Luo slowly opened his eyes, and there were stars hidden in his dark eyes, which were filled with an excellent wisdom.

During his retreat, several doppelgangers walked on the sea and witnessed many events.

Encountering Sanji, who escaped the torment of the world government, he brings him back to the moon and reunites him with everyone.

The Peacemaker has a new second-generation model called Red Inu.

Nearly thirty percent of the world's countries fell because they were unwilling to bow to the world government, which represented the supreme interests of the Draco, for the sake of independence and freedom.

There are countless such things, and one of the most shocking points for Lei Luo is the resurrection of Luo, who was hit by himself and ended his life, actually resurrected and returned, and his strength has reached the level of a general.

"Mr. Relo, are you awake?"

When Lei Luo was out of his mind, a faint voice suddenly came from outside the house, this is the two brothers Saab and Luffy.

Since the two of them saw the resurrected redhead, Dragon and the others, they would come every day to look for Relo in retreat.

Regarding the purpose of the two of them, Relo thought with his feet that it must be related to Ace.

"Sit down first, I'll cut a pot of tea, in my hometown of Konoha, if my tea ceremony recognizes second, no one dares to say that I am third, and I have to rank fifth."

After a short wait, two cups of warm Pu'er chrysanthemum tea exuded a pleasant atmosphere and were served to the two.

"Relo, I'm not as good at talking as Saab, I just want to ask you, can you resurrect Ace?"

Foodie Luffy actually gave up the tea this time and asked directly to Leiluo.

"I'm sorry, Ace, I can't be resurrected."

Leiluo's method of resurrection, to put it bluntly, is to use phototherapy techniques to restore the body of the deceased, and then use the trick of accumulating corpse qi to stuff their souls back into their bodies.

However, Ace's death was many years ago, not to mention whether his physical body was well preserved, nor whether his soul could be found in the underworld, just whether the soul and body were still compatible was enough to lead to the failure of the resurrection.

This is why Relo has never tried to revive the old powerhouses of the previous generation.

"I've heard Anilu mention that besides resurrecting a person, there is another way for you to make a deceased person reappear in the world, as if it were called a native."

"This move can indeed resurrect Ace in a sense, but this requires Ace's corpse and sacrifice to the living, and Ace at that time should no longer be described as a human."

For the dirt rebirth mentioned by Luffy, Lei Luo directly chose to deny it.

With Ace's arrogant personality, even if he didn't mind his ghost appearance, he would definitely not continue to live in this world by sacrificing the lives of others.

Saab and Luffy knew this even better.

"So there's no way?"

Drinking the already cold tea in front of them, Saab and Luffy both showed a little loneliness in their tones.

The last hope is dashed, and the blow to people is always the deadliest!

"Don't worry about the two of you, I still have a trick to let Ace fight side by side with us in the final battle in half a year!"

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