"And the last three months, the tasks I assigned, how did you complete?"

Yimu, who was sitting on the throne, played with a strangely shaped dagger in his hand and asked nonchalantly to the five old stars kneeling in front of him.

Since the last time I saw the person in front of me resurrect Lu Qi by means against the sky, the five old stars who originally secretly planned in their hearts to reap the benefits of the fisherman in the final decisive battle completely dispelled the thoughts in their hearts.

Im is so powerful that it is impossible to imagine, what they can do is to honestly complete the task and accompany Yim to complete this game.

Game...... A game!

That's right, in Im's mouth, his final battle with Relo is a game that has been carefully arranged for decades!

"Master Report, we have successfully used the secret method you have given to merge the three ancient weapons into one!"

When the words of the five old stars fell, there was a rampant laughter that was almost at the peak of the throne.

The three ancient weapons, the world only knows that they have the power to destroy the world, but no one knows, to achieve that step, there is another crucial step, that is, to combine the three!

In the laughter that resounded through the government building, the five old stars shrank their pupils.

At that moment, the hazy mist that shrouded Im's face slowly dispersed, revealing a beautiful face that was more delicate than a woman, the face of a young man with some similarities to Lei Luo.

"Lo... Locks! "

A name that has been erased by the world government and sealed for decades, slowly spit out from the mouth of the five old stars.

Lord Im, who has dominated the entire world, is actually the only overlord on the sea and the most powerful pirate Lokes ever!

"Hehe, since you see my true face, then don't blame me."

Suddenly, Yim stopped laughing and looked playfully at the five old men below who had been shocked and never returned to their senses.

"Lord Im, we will never tell outsiders your true identity, please let go... Forehead...... Meet the host! A

moment later, with the bodies of the five old stars shaking in unison, they knelt down towards Im again, and the title in their mouths changed from adult to master.

If there is a seventh person present at this moment, they will be stimulated by everything in front of them and begin to doubt whether all their previous understandings in their lives are correct.

Because, the eyes of the five old stars all turned scarlet at this moment, and a pitch-black jade slowly emerged.

This is the same as Leiluo's evil eyes, and also the same eyes as Yimu's eyes, the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye!

Three months, but only one hundred and twenty days, in the process of cultivation, he would only quietly cross his fingertips and come to the day before the final battle.

Above the Moon.

"Is this day finally coming?"

Relo walked out of the room and looked at the blue planet in the distance.

Everyone has been waiting for this day for a long time, because it is the final conclusion for whom.

Standing at the top of the tallest building, Lei Luo looked around, and there were cyan auras shining everywhere, and there were dozens of blue qi flames, which was the embodiment of the eight gate dunjia.

At this time, the Peacemaker Alliance had an unprecedented level of combat effectiveness, and in the history of pirates, no force could compare with it, and even did not have the qualifications to carry shoes.

The 108 selected possessors of the Hades Holy Robe represent 108 combat powers that are at least at the level of great generals.

For the remaining troops, the newly developed scientific and technological combat uniforms and weapons made by the assimilation gas of the sea building have still become standard.

Navy Six Style, Domineering and Eight-Gate Dun Jia are the three most proficient skills for everyone.

Looking at this super fleet that he personally trained, Lei Luo was still a little sorry.

The strongest god-level holy clothes in the Hades holy clothes are Hades, Hypnos, the god of sleep, Danadus, the god of death, and the four dream gods, but Relo searched the universe he could explore, but he only found Pluto, and the rest of the god-level holy clothes did not find any relevant forging materials at all.

However, none of this matters, because soon he will leave this world.

"Peacemakers, assemble!"

Relo's voice was neither big nor small, but it was clearly audible in everyone's ears.

Assemble, this order of the leader, everyone has been waiting for three whole years!

During these three years, they have been training hard to build the era of peace in which everyone is equal, free from exploitation and oppression!

"All obey the order, march towards the Holy Land of Mary Joa!"

With Leiluo's order, the moon shook slightly, and then ten warships rose from the ground.

"Yo, it's not bad, it's a good one."

Originally, this was just a drawing that he casually threw to Gaji and French, but Relo didn't expect that the two of them actually built it, and it was a whole ten!

That's right, this is the final product of ten Galactic Flying Battleships and one of the ancient weapons, Hades Bruton!

At this moment, in the Holy Land of Mary Joya, the five old stars had already led everyone, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Peacemaker Alliance.

"What's that?"

Tichy looked at the several azure blue dots that were constantly flickering above 10,000 meters in the sky, and said lightly.

No one needs to answer, and as far as the current world situation is concerned, there is no need to explain too much about who is coming.

"Everyone is in alert mode!"

The five old stars gave an order, silently looking at the ever-expanding blue light in the sky.

The current world government, like the Alliance of Peacemakers, condenses many powerful beings standing at the peak.

In addition, they also have a larger number of grassroots soldiers and a hundred generations of peacemakers.

"It's just that I didn't expect that the former navy would actually mix with the pirates to become a force."

Auntie sneered and said that if it had been in the past, without the arrival of the Peacemaker Alliance, everyone present would have gone their separate ways and started an extremely bloody melee.

"I just want the lightning imp who killed Akin, and the rest you are free!"

Kaido snorted angrily, he couldn't forget Relo's power that he couldn't match, nor could he forget the thunderbolt figure that blew Akin into dust in the video that Tichy brought back.

"There are many old friends this time, but I don't know if they can survive in my current hands!"

The person who spoke was the golden lion Shiji, and now he is completely a ghost, and beside him, there are the same vampires, Red Earl Ryder, and other veteran sea pirates who should have died!

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