"How is this possible!"

Lei Luo gasped, and the beating frequency of his heart suddenly increased.

The blessings of the three-immortal flow immortal mode, the pretense Godzilla coat, Susanoo and the four-in-one form of gods and Buddhas, in this world, except for himself, how can there be this second person who can use it!

"Surprised? Then I'll show you what else I have! "


A ray of laser light shot out from Im's raised fingertips, easily piercing Relo's chest.

This is the ability of the Sparkling Fruit!

Looking at his constantly healing wounds, Leiluo's face gradually became gloomy, and an extremely absurd idea was born in his mind - could the so-called Im be transformed by the evil thoughts that he had unintentionally scattered?

However, this conjecture was quickly overturned by Relo.

Not to mention whether he has dispersed evil thoughts, from the perspective of time alone, Yim will definitely not have anything to do with himself.

"Who the hell are you!"

Lei Luo roared, this unknown mystery made his spirit very uncomfortable, as if he was in a hellish fantasy.

Wait a minute, Illusion, Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye... Could it be that you have fallen for illusion?

No, illusion is a unique ability in the Hokage world, and it will definitely not appear in the pirate world, coupled with the innate ability of the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye to peep through ten thousand laws, it is absolutely impossible for him to have illusion.

In this way, everything that Yim just showed is true!

After being stunned, Lei Luo, whose body was hard, was shocked by reality.

"Want to know who I am? Wait until you survive! Kill the ashes together! A

snow-white sharp skeleton shot out from Im's palm, directly crossing the spatial node, freeing itself from the shackles of time, and cutting through Leiluo's face.

The effect of killing ashes together is to smash beyond time and space.

A faint breeze blew through, and Lei Luo, along with that bone, turned into a strand of powder, floating wantonly in the air.




The people who first inquired about the vision only felt that in their chests, an unquenchable fury was constantly rising, like demons in ancient times, engulfing their reason.

Kill Kill Kill! Whoever appears before my eyes will die!

The pacifists incarnate one by one to kill the devil, killing the enemies who appear in front of them without reservation.

They want to avenge their leader, for the leading figure whose mission is to build a great era of peace!

"Calm down! Read it all as I go! Carefree together, the spiritual platform is quiet..." Master

Yi backhanded a sword to pick Flying Count Hong, and the sword qi on his body formed a shield, and the meditation technique continued to be chanted from his mouth.

Relo is not dead, and no one knows this better than him, who has a heart connection with Relo.

Besides, the huge vortex in the air that constantly resurrected the peacemakers who died in battle did not stop spinning.

"Hey, Karp, listen well!"

The Sengoku and Tsuru, who had also been aware of everything for a long time, sandwiched the mad Karp in the middle.

The murderous monster produced by the engulfment of reason by hatred and killing intent is already terrifying, and if the ontology is the level of Karp, with the support of infinite resurrection, it will definitely become the priority target of the two sides.

Sure enough, at the moment when Kaido was about to join forces with Aunt to sneak up on Anilu, a golden light firmly sheltered him, and the flying powder in the air also returned to its place.

"I really don't know what you think, obviously you can avoid the co-killing ashes, and you actually have to risk a hard resistance."

There was some confusion in Im's words, but none of this mattered, because the battle between him and Relo had no room for maneuver.

"If I don't resist hard, how will I know if this trick of yours is true or false?"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo's body, which was also four states in one, moved with his heart, and thousands of lightsabers condensed behind him, and the armor of Hades instantly wrapped his body.

The system said that only those who have eaten the fruit of Chakra and have the eye of reincarnation can use it, since everything in Im is true, then there is only one possibility, he is from the parallel space of Leilo!

Seeing that Lei Luo finally began to face this battle squarely, Imna's eyes did not have any indecision, the burning pitch-black flames condensed into a battle armor attached to his body, and tens of thousands of seeking jades appeared behind him.

"Did you also control the Yin and Yang Escape and become a Six Dao Immortal?"

Lei Luo grinned, and the iron sword in his hand bloomed with earth-shattering light, slashing down towards Im.

What about the same ability, what about the six immortals, the god-level underworld robe of Hades, he is the only one in the world!

As if feeling the horror contained in that sword, Yim did not dare to have half a contempt, and with a big move, a transparent crystal wall blocked him in front of him.


Two extremely strong energies are venting wantonly, the earth is trembling, the sky is retreating, even if it is a god, it will definitely choose to flee in the face of this attack!


High in the sky, Relo and Im are still bombarding, but the two warring men and horses below have suffered because of this.

That supreme brilliance, they can't stop it at all, any defensive means even if they just touch a trace of power that seeps out of the air, they will turn into nothingness in an instant, only white shredded pieces of paper and blood are endless.

The immortality of the rebirth of the dirt and the infinite resurrection brought about by the accumulation of corpse qi made Lei Luo and Yim exert their full power without any scruples.

"Leiluo, you have to solve the battle as soon as possible, the pirate world can't overwithstand the collision of you two monsters!"

The system's prompt sounded suddenly, first reminding Relo how powerful the opponent he was facing was.

"Then don't waste time, accumulate corpse qi and turn spiritual waves!"

Relying on the distance of Leiluo, who was far away, he opened a sufficient distance between Yimu, and above his raised arms, endless corpse qi was constantly surrounding, and several huge vortices were added to the firmament.

"What is that?"

"What a terrifying power!"

"Is there really a God in the world?"

"I'm afraid this energy is enough to destroy everything in the world!"

In all parts of the pirate world, countless people looked at the vortex that suddenly appeared high in the sky in the distance, and they subconsciously chose to retreat, hiding in a position that they thought was safe and did not dare to show their heads, for fear that their lives would follow.

Today, it is the day of the decisive battle between the world government and the Alliance of Pacifists, and no one does not know it, but what they cannot imagine is that there is such a powerful human existence in the world.

No, this can no longer be said to be a human being, this is a god, only a prohibitive supreme deity can have such great power!

A power that all humans cannot match!

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