Feeling the overwhelming terror in the air, the government forces and peacemakers chose a truce in a very tacit agreement.

Relo's move, the power is too frightening, if Yim does not have a move to compete with it, then the result of this battle is already obvious, there is no need to continue fighting.

However, if Im can burst out with stronger means, then Relo's fate will only be death, the Peace Alliance will completely dissipate today, and only the government will exist in the world.

No matter what the result is, it has directly announced what the future world will look like, and all that everyone can do is witness the rise of a new era of emperors!

"Guys, I'm sorry, I can't support your resurrection anymore."

In the air, Relo's voice full of heavy apologies sounded, and at that moment, all the peaceful people who had experienced death before collapsed to the ground, and their souls poured into the vortex.

Life and death are no longer important to those who have experienced death, they have neither the desire for life nor the fear of death, but only hope that they can contribute their last strength to true peace.

Therefore, each of them fell with only blessings on their faces, blessings for Relo's victory.


I saw Lei Luo's arms for a while, all the energy in his body gathered between his hands, and a giant energy ball flashing with azure light appeared in his hands, just like the earth, beauty and destruction coexisted.

"Children, you must have suffered a lot during Daddy's absence."

Suddenly, in a certain whirlpool, a tall soul appeared, and there was a crystal light in the eyes of those who looked at Margao's group.


The roar containing longing sounded from the mouths of all the white-bearded crew present, and at this time, they knelt on the ground one after another, holding back their tears, just hoping that the father who sheltered him to grow up could see that he was doing well, even if he was suffering, it was still very good.

"Daddy, run slowly, pay attention to your body!"

At that time, a young figure rushed out of the whirlpool, and while his tone was slightly reproachful, he did not forget to support the white beard.

Listening to this familiar voice, the figures of Margao and his group shook suddenly, and finally their eyes could no longer bear it.

Being able to see your late father and brother again, even if you die, there is no regret!

However, on the side of the peacemakers, in addition to Margao and the others, there were two other people looking at the young figure that appeared later, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, and tears welled up like springs.


Hearing this call buried in the depths of his memory, Ace jerked back and looked at the two best brothers of his life.

"Mr. Leiluo, these two brothers of mine may not be very obedient, and I hope you will take more care of you in the future, Ace thank you first!"

Just after smiling and waving at Saab and Luffy, Ace turned around and bowed deeply to Relo with the help of the cover of his white beard.

A rare reunion, Ace will definitely not let his brother see this indisputable appearance in his eyes.

"Karp, Sengoku, and everyone, it's been a long time!"

"Captain Roger!"

"Roger, I'm sorry I didn't take care of Ace."

Another soul emerged, and it was the famous One Piece Roger.

"It's rare to meet, don't say such things, there are a large group of old friends behind me!"

Roger hugged Ace's mother beside him and smiled, looking back at the old era powerhouses who kept flying out in the vortex in the air.

At this moment, whether it is friend or foe, deep hatred in the sea of blood or great kindness, it is already like the past, and if they can meet again, they are all friends, old friends who have accompanied them through a glorious time!


"Father, mother!"

"Kid, daddy is here!"


With the appearance of a soul, everyone saw the person they most wanted to see in their lives.

Relo did what they promised!

"Let's say goodbye, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to see you again in the future."

Lei Luo smiled helplessly, after these souls entered the Spirit Wave, whether it was the human world or the underworld, they would cease to exist.

This is the accumulation of corpse qi to turn into spirit waves, the trick that humans use to kill gods, and everyone condenses all their strength to burst out a trick that is enough to kill gods!

"Daddy, father, father, don't you bother! Everyone in the world listens to Lao Tzu, if you don't want to die, then bring me all your strength!

After a moment of silence, Im's roar resounded throughout the world, and at this moment, he also raised his arms high, like Leiluo.

At this moment, everyone around the world, except for the Peacemaker Alliance, subconsciously raised their arms and pointed their palms in the direction of the Holy Land Mary Joya.

Ten days ago, the five old stars forced everyone to do this after hearing Im's instructions in the form of a live broadcast, otherwise the end would be to kill the whole family.

In the face of this punishment that is more vicious than the death penalty, the people who are just ordinary citizens can only choose to submit, allowing the light blue light to sweep out from the palms, and the sense of powerlessness constantly impacts their brains.

"Not good! Im is condensing the vitality bomb!

Looking at the energy bomb held by Im Tuo getting bigger and bigger, Lei Luo exclaimed, quickly turned his head to the souls who were still trying to look at their relatives and friends, and nodded solemnly.

"Goodbye, everyone!"

The voice that hit the depths of the soul sounded, and under the leadership of Roger and Whitebeard, thousands of souls turned into the purest energy, which did not enter the energy ball in Leiluo's hand, and became part of the corpse qi transformation spirit wave.

On the one hand, it is the vitality bomb condensed by relying on the power of living people.

On the other hand, it is the gathering of the souls of deceased people to form corpse qi transformation spiritual waves.

Between the two, it seems that they are born enemies that represent life and death, and once they appear, they will definitely fall apart!

"Go and die, let me hate Lei Luo all my life!"

"The victory of this battle will definitely be me, because this is the power of everyone!"

The roars of Yim and Relo sounded in unison, and even the timing of the move was exactly the same.

With such a high level of tacit understanding, Relo even felt that if the two of them knew each other, they would definitely be no weaker than Ace, Saab and Luffy, as well as brothers like Naruto and Sasuke.


Two powerful energy bombs collided together, which was the strongest move the two of them could use!

Everyone, whether government troops, pacifists, or ordinary people, held their breath and quietly waited for the outcome of the collision between the strongest and the strongest.

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