
No one expected that at the moment when the corpse qi turned into a spiritual wave that was about to devour Yimu, Lei Luo suddenly shouted, summoned up all the power of every cell in his body, and forcibly threw it into the sky!


Like a meteorite exploding brilliance burst the sky, above the holy land Mary Joa, there was a hole like in ancient times, but that time there was Nuwa to make up the sky, but this time only two weak figures fell to the ground.

"Are you pitying me? Lao Tzu does not need your mercy! Im

, who was full of tense muscles, lay on the ground, cursing viciously at Lei Luo, who was not far away supported by the iron sword in his hand.

"Useless death can't change the rules of reality, I just hope you can turn back."

Lei Luo's voice did not have any emotion, and he had just experienced death, and he deeply understood the sense of powerlessness and the yearning for life.

At that last moment, he chose to let Im go, because he is human, a person with feelings and flesh and blood!

Looking back?

Im kept muttering, and silence entered between the two, and the entire island, only young geese, mournfully waived around the dead old geese.


The huge vortex reappeared in the sky, which was Relo's determination to revive the Peacemakers.

"Is it finally over?"

People all over the world looked at the huge hole in the distant sky, and the two powers containing the destruction of the world disappeared, and this great battle, which represented the endgame, finally came to an end.

"I lean, what is that?"

Suddenly, a huge mermaid with wings on its back soared into the air and rushed into the hole blasted out by the corpse qi transformation wave, which was the ultimate hole card after the fusion of the three ancient weapons that Im painstakingly created, which was enough to completely destroy a world, the god king Zeus!

There is no furious power, nor any energy fluctuations, just the continuous decomposition of Zeus, the shape or the clear and light gas that gradually repairs this gap.

Seeing all this, Relo just smiled, he knew that it was Im's choice, proving that he understood his mistake and turned back.

The god king Zeus has the power to destroy everything, but in mythology, he has a father who protects the growth of human beings!


The war that is about to be extinguished is rekindled, and among them is a strangely shaped black-feathered bird that spreads its wings and flies, this is the Benu bird reborn from the ashes, and it is the return of Yamaji.

"It seems that the Celestial Storm Star Hades Holy Robe is indeed suitable for you."

Feeling the breath that appeared behind him, Lei Luo did not stop, but continued to search for the souls of everyone who lost their subjective consciousness and swung with the wind, and he wanted to resurrect all peacemakers!



As soon as it was too late, a large hand wrapped in pitch-black armor appeared without warning, piercing Leiluo's chest, and the uncontrollable blood gushed out down his throat, difficult to stop.

"For ... Why..." In

an instant, Lei Luo, who had collapsed to the limit of his qi and blood, slowly turned his head, the horror in his eyes was far less than puzzlement, he didn't understand why the person who sneaked up on him would actually be Sanji.

"Hahahaha, Leiluo, now is the real end!"

Without waiting for Sanji to make any answer, Im's loud laughter reached Relo's ears.

At this moment, Sanji, his eyes were blank, and his skin was covered with a strange light green light, standing there motionless like a robot, only dark green liquid flowing down his naked arm and constantly injecting into Leiluo's body.

"You won't be able to escape from me with Yamaji alone, will you? If I hadn't let him go, even if you came to the rescue yourself, it would never have been possible!"

Im slowly got up from the ground, his trembling muscles, obviously not fully recovered from his injuries, and was still on the verge of extreme danger.

However, now Lei Luo is obviously more seriously injured, and as the only person present with normal mobility, he personally pierced his chest.

"This damn white star, just got out of my shackles, otherwise if it goes down, it won't be as troublesome as it is now."

Im looked at the large hole in the air that was still being repaired, and said with some resentment.

At the beginning, he prepared for his defeat, but what he didn't expect was that Bai Xing's consciousness was restored because of his weakness, and he chose to sacrifice himself to save Cangsheng.

Looking at Im, who was approaching him step by step, Relo closed his eyes, it was the pace of death.

Ten meters, nine meters... Three meters, two meters, one meter!

At the moment when Im's bloody fingers were about to touch Relo's eyes, Sanji's big hand that penetrated Relo's chest suddenly pulled out and smashed a backhand punch into his face.


The brutal force struck, and Im's fragile body instantly flew out upside down like a kite with a broken line, and the mysterious haze on his face faded.

At this moment, Sanji's eyes gradually returned to normal, and Leiluo's figure also turned into thousands of points of light and disappeared in place.

It turned out that the abnormality in Sanji's body was detected by Lei Luo as early as three years ago, and everything that happened just now was just a scene, a drama that revealed Im's true identity!

In the empty whirlpool, the intact Lei Luo descended like a god, sneering and looking down at Yimu, who was constantly struggling on the ground.

Those who have been given the opportunity and do not repent have no need to live in the world.

"Accept your final punishment, Im!"

When the iron sword started, golden light was injected into it, subtle sharp sword qi wandered and space, and Dao cracks faintly emerged, highlighting the terrifying nature of this sword.

"God is angry and heavenly punishment!"

Lei Luo threw a mouthful of essence blood on the sword body, and the huge vortex in the air began to shake continuously, and a golden light emerged from it, converging into a golden broadsword, carrying the momentum of smashing the yellow dragon, ignoring the constraints of time and space, and attacking Im.

At that moment, the wind howled, the sky shook, and the waves set off by the sea frantically lapped the coast, and the gods were angry, and naturally they must turn into the most solid embodiment.


The golden broadsword fell, and everything was cut in half under the unparalleled sword qi, whether it was space or earth, it was difficult to stop the power of this sword!

"How... How so!

The exclamation sounded, and Relo's heart pounded, he couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes.

Im, who had been fighting with him for several years, the behind-the-scenes boss of the world government, and the emperor of the Draco, actually had a face similar to him.

That face, even if he has not seen it for more than ten years, Lei Luo will definitely not have any strangeness, because that is the person he has in his heart, the person he wants to see the most before he dies, his own son in the future!

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