"You are my son!"

Lei Luo burst down and held Im, who had little time, in his arms.

"Fuck off, I don't have you as a father!"

In the face of Leiluo's trembling questioning, Im desperately wanted to break free from his arms, but now he was extremely difficult to breathe.

Why does Yim have the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye, why Yim has the Three Immortal Immortal Mode, why Yim can launch a co-killing ashes that even Lei Luo can't use, and why...

Countless questions resurfaced in front of Lei Luo's eyes, and there was no need for any explanation at this time, because the affection from the bloodline was enough to explain everything.

Imta, is Relo's biological son!

"Why did you become the way you are, and why did you come into this world?"

Lei Luo kept whispering in his mouth, his brain had long been blank, and all this was simply unacceptable as a father.

"I actually killed my own child with my own hands, I actually killed my own child!"

At the moment when Im's hideous smile completely froze, Lei Luo's whole person was like losing his soul, kneeling on the ground in a daze, motionless.

Sanji, who was standing next to Relo, sighed helplessly, although he didn't understand what was happening, he knew that Relo was experiencing an unprecedented experience of heart demons at this time.

Suddenly, a thin white smoke floated out of Im's body, and Lei Luo, who was confused, suddenly reached out and held it in the palm of his hand.

"System, explain, what the hell is going on!"

Relo's furious roar swirled in his mind, and the white smoke he held was not Im's soul, but a system-like special existence.

"The future is the chosen one like you, but his system seems to be transformed by various extreme negative emotions."

As soon as the system's words fell, everything in front of Lei Luo's eyes gradually became illusory.

Hokage World, a year after Relo left.

"Your father is Relo? Hahahaha, with your naturally weak appearance, how can you be embarrassed to fantasize about a great man being a father? "

Konoha Academy, the only trainee who did not pass the assessment with a mocking smile from several subordinates was the future.

I also know what the reason is, the future suddenly suffered from a serious illness in his childhood, and when he recovered, not only was his physique weaker than ordinary people, but he couldn't even condense a trace of Chakra inside his body, and once became the laughing stock of his peers and the target of bullying.

But even so, the future still did not give up lightly, he secretly vowed that he must become a superior ninja, just like Matkai!

However, the cruel reality soon woke up the future, his physical fitness, not to mention daily training, even walking began to become extremely difficult, only more than ten years old, he had gorgeous hair early, and his whole body exuded a thick dead aura.

Kaguya-hime, Red and others searched for all the treasures of the world, wanting to save their lives in the future, but in the end, the bamboo basket was empty, and at the age of eighteen in the future, the white-haired person sent the black-haired person.

One day, the grave of the future collapsed and an avatar of hatred crawled out of it.

"Host, that's it, only endless hatred can give you indestructible power!"

That's right, the future has become the chosen one by heaven, and with a negative system, he has completed the revenge of all those who bullied him, and his strength is not at all weakened by the myth left by Relo.

"System, why have I done so much, but I still can't completely dissipate the fire of hatred in my heart!"

"Because the person who caused the tragedy is your real father, and you must complete your revenge on him!"

"Where is he now?"

"Another world, as long as you step into the space in front of you, I will send you to your father's world!"


Coming to the world of pirates, the future is attached to the body of a teenager who died accidentally under the waves, that boy named Lokes.

After learning the timeline where Relo is located from the mouth of the system, the future conquered the sea in the name of Lox, leaving a prophecy, a prophecy that is convenient for him to find Relo's prophecy in the future, fake his death in front of the world, and continue to live as Im.

Im, a mother, he is a child with only a mother, and the meaning of surviving to this day is to complete his own revenge!


Under the decoding of the system, Lei Luo, who learned the ins and outs of everything, sneered.

He would never have thought that the source of the tragedy in front of him would actually be caused by himself.

On the other side, seeing Relo laughing and crying for a while, Sanji had to sigh helplessly, and what he could do was to hand the cigarette in his arms to Relo.


After silently smoking a cigarette, the corpse qi in Lei Luo's body reappeared, and the vortex above the firmament also rotated, and one after another the souls of the dead peacemakers reshaped and flew out of it, retreating into their own shells.

"Sanji, where's the boss? What about Im? After

being surrounded by the reborn Anilu, he hurried to Yamaji and asked, afraid that his conjecture would become a reality.

Similarly, everyone who returned from the resurrection locked their eyes on Sanji's body, and only Master Yi left quietly, without saying a final goodbye to his comrades.

"Two sisters, brother-in-law asked me to bring you both a word, see you in a year."

After saying that, Sanji just smiled, turned and walked towards the Straw Hats, only to stop for a moment halfway and look at the vast sea.

I am a sinner, the road of atonement must be completed, Sanji, help me tell everyone, there is a meeting between mountains and rivers, see you in a year!

Relo's words before leaving sounded again in Sanji's mind.

At this moment, somewhere on the sea, a Huafa man smiled and explained everything he saw to the young man who had no life in his arms.


"Yi, come and sit, let me tell you two about this mysterious sea!"

At that moment, the Huafa man talked from the sea to the land, and talked about all the eras of the earth, as well as all the things in the universe, which were unheard of.

However, what neither De Relo nor Master Yi noticed was that the heart of the young corpse seemed to beat gently.

Three months later, the Holy Land of Mary Joa has returned to its former prosperity, but now it is owned by a group of peacemakers who have ushered in a new era, and the empty throne, which symbolizes love and peace, is untouched.

Just on the wall above the throne, there hung a smiling evil man, dotted with a few big characters next to it, which was the supreme evaluation of him by all the people.

The guardian of the world - Relo!

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