Time passed without a trace, and Lei Luo took Master Yi to various places in the pirate world, looking for a way to resurrect the future.

Since discovering that there is still a heartbeat in the future, Lei Luo is ecstatic, and he continues to use the ability to accumulate corpse qi to revive the future like crazy, but finds that no matter how much he tries and tries, it is useless after all.

And in the future, although the heart has not stopped beating, it has never woken up, like the living dead!

"Master, after all these years, there may not be a way to resurrect the Young Master in this world..."

said Master Yi, who was following behind Lei Luo, a little decadently.

From the duel known as the 'War of the Century' to the present, they have been searching in the pirate world for thirty years, during which they have tried various methods, but no matter how clever the medical skills, how superb the scientific and technological strength, and even the yellow spring fruit to eat the future has never let the future wake up.

"Yi, don't persuade me, do you want me to watch my son die in front of me?"

"Even if he is not in any way, what still flows in his body is my blood!"

Leiluo's back was twilight, like a dying old man.

After several years of searching, although his strength is sky-high, his mood and will have long become a little low with the loss of the future.


Master Yi still wanted to say something, but found that there was no words at all to persuade Lei Luo to change his mind.

If he had a child and was in a dying situation, he would have done whatever it took to find a way to save his child, just like Relo.

Silently following behind Leiluo, Master Yi didn't say much, all he could do was follow his master and accompany his master all the time....

New World, nameless island.

Lei Luo looked up at the distant mountain peak, and his heart was extremely excited.

Two months ago, Relo, who had no hope of finding a way to resurrect the future, suddenly received a mission issued by the system, and the mission reward was a random world pass that Relo was very eager to get.

"Since the pirate world has no way to revive the future, then I will go to other worlds to find it!" One world can't! Then I will go all over the world! I must find a way to bring my son back to life!! In

the following time, Relo mobilized all the forces of the pirate world to find the location designated by the mission, and finally found the target two months later.

Standing at the mouth of the thousand-year-old dragon's lair, Lei Luo couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

"The future, waiting for the Father!"

Gently jumping, Lei Luo turned into golden light and entered the nest of the thousand-year-old dragon, this lair is obviously abandoned, although there is no sunlight in the cave, but it is not damp, some beast bones swallowed by the thousand-year dragon after eating blood and flesh are scattered around the cave, the smallest of these bones are hundreds of meters high, but in this cave, it is still not spectacular enough.

"It is worthy of being the most mysterious creature in the pirate world, but the lair that once lived in is so atmospheric, even the remains of giant sea kings are difficult to occupy even one hundred thousandth of a position in the cave."

"Golden Light Technique!"

A bright light rose above Leiluo's head, and by the bright light, he looked around, and soon saw a huge bulge at the top of the cave.

Without much effort, Lei Luo jumped up, this is obviously the place where the thousand-year-old dragon lord lives, and if the treasure that the system mission asks him to find is in this lair, it will definitely be placed here.

Next, Lin Luo didn't have much effort to find the props required for the task in a corner, a black stone engraved with the complete historical text.

Unlike the three scattered stones in the original One Piece, the historical text on this stone is very complete, as long as you can read the words engraved on it, you can know what happened in the 100 years that One Piece was lost.

However, Relo was not interested in these, and immediately used the random world pass after receiving the reward for the mission.

A little fluorescence drifted away, and soon condensed into a door of light in front of Lei Luo.

After that light gate is the time passage to the random world.

Finally looking at the pirate world, Lei Luo did not get too entangled, and stepped directly into the light gate as soon as he gritted his teeth.

Outside the thousand-year-old dragon's lair, Master Yi rushed into the cave with a sense of feeling, looked up, but there was no longer Lei Luo's figure.

"Master, I will definitely protect the young master's body."

After saying a few words into the air, Master Yi sat cross-legged in the cave, where he would wait until Lei Luo returned to the pirate world.


Lei Luo had no way of knowing Master Yi's decision in the Pirate World, and even if he did, he would not stop Master Yi's actions.

He now only wants to enter the new world quickly, but he is afraid that there is no way to resurrect the future in the new world.

With mixed feelings, Lei Luo continued to move forward in the passage of time.

As countless images flashed before his eyes, finally, Lei Luo walked out of a door of light.

Just like the previous situation, the corpse qi in Lei Luo's body would dissipate rapidly with a slight urge, as if it would lose light in a moment.

For this situation, Relo did not panic, after all, he had already experienced it once.

"What world is this?"

After looking around, where his eyes passed, four square white stone pillars stood in front of him, and Lei Luo happened to be standing at the top of a stone pillar at this time.

Condescendingly, people dressed in modern clothes are constantly shuttling between the stone pillars, as if there is a great terror behind them.

For the unknown situation of the new world, Lei Luo was very cautious, and the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye was activated, looking towards the stone pillar behind those people.

"That is..." Under

the gaze of the Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Eye, far away from the running crowd, three or four huge monsters that stood up to 50 meters were constantly walking towards this side.

These monsters are connected by bone joints with their upper and lower bodies, and their movements do not seem to be fast, which may also be because they dare not destroy the surrounding stone pillars, and these monsters have not caught up with even one of the escapees until a long time.

"Hell Meaning!"

Lei Luo's heart was shocked, and he already remembered the name of the monster in front of him.

"World of Death! It turns out that I came here this time. After

thinking about it carefully in my heart, it seems that there is no example of the resurrection of the dead in the world of the Grim Reaper, and the only item that has hope to resurrect people is probably that thing.

"If you want to get that thing, you have to get out of here first!"

"Hell, the place where there is very little ink in the original Grim Reaper, I don't know much about this..." Looking

at the meaning of hell that was constantly approaching him in the distance, Lei Luo began to ponder in his heart how to use the few remaining powers to kill them.

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