"Shall we reach him now?"

One of the people on the stone pillar in the distance spoke, and then turned his head to look at his partner beside him, his eyes were mostly inquiring.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait until we figure out what he came to hell for."


"Got it."

A tall and thin figure with tentacles in his hands and a bandage on his head that had covered his eyes walked out, and after agreeing, the figure quickly swept towards where Relo was.

"Let's wait here for news from Ultramarine."

The man sat down as he spoke, and several people around him saw this, and also sat on the ground with a smile.

"Boss Zhu Lian, what are you going to do when we return to this world?"

A fat man with green hair on his head asked boredly, but before Zhu Lian could answer, he continued to speak without thinking about himself.

"I want to follow the boss all the time, and it's best to kill a few Shinigami who patrol the present world..." Zhu

Lian looked back at my Green Ya and did not answer, but the smile on the corner of his mouth already showed that he was satisfied with the decision made by my Green Ya.

On the other side, Ultramarine was standing on a stone pillar at this time, watching Leiluo's every move not far away.

"Do any of you know how to reach the bottom of hell without dying?"

Lei Luo turned his head to ask the blamers around him, and these revenants with chains on their bodies were all stunned, as if they didn't understand what Lei Luo was saying.

"The bottom of hell can only go there after the blamer dies, and it is impossible to even break in at ordinary times."

"Big guy, what are you asking this for? There is nothing to see at the bottom of hell, there is only a yellow-orange-orange river, and every time we are killed by the meaning of hell, the soul will fall into the river without consciousness, and then after ten days and a half months of painful torture to climb out of the river again, and then suddenly appear here from the bottom of hell without consciousness.

"Yes, even we ourselves don't know how to go to the bottom of hell, let alone the living want to go to the bottom of hell."

"Big guy, the bottom of hell is not a place where the living can go at all, you don't know, the blame person who enters has to return a few layers of skin even if he does not die."

"yes, yes!! There, you will see your muscles grow little by little, the numb feeling of flesh and blood rebirth, as if tens of thousands of ants are eating your flesh and bones! And the yellow spring water will keep you awake at all times, and I don't know whether it is the psychological effect or the special effect of the yellow spring water, immersed in the yellow spring water, your whole body feels extremely sensitive, as if the feeling on the body has been amplified millions of times.

"Not only that, the last time I fell to the bottom of hell, I found that it was not the yellow spring, but a raging flame, I couldn't stand at all, I could only be burned in the flames, and in just ten days, I felt like I had spent a hundred years there!"

"And the huge millstones that make you have to run all the time, and if you stop, you will be crushed, and you can only leave where you are crushed if you are crushed eighteen times!!" But that pain of crushing bones, you only need to taste it once and you won't be willing to try it a second time!!

"I've also experienced the Knife Mountain

..." "The oil pot..." A

group of blamers remembered the bottom of hell, and at first they talked endlessly, but the further back they went, the fewer people spoke, and the fewer words they spoke, until finally everyone shivered on the ground.

Looking at the blamers lying on the ground, Relo inevitably had some sympathy for their experience, but knowing the background of the Grim Reaper, he knew that these blamers were all evil people in this world, so although Relo sympathized with them, he did not feel that they were pitiful, and the most important thing was that the information provided by these blamers lying on the ground was completely unhelpful to Relo.

"It seems that asking these people who have been resurrected through the lowest level of hell but have not even obtained their abilities is a waste of time!"

With a move in his heart, Lei Luo sounded the blamers who escaped from hell in the original work.

Those who have skills and have a fight to face the vice captain of death, perhaps only they have a way to let Lei Luo find a passage to the lowest level of hell alive.

Thinking of this, Relo looked up, he didn't believe that those blamers were not nearby, after all, there were three hell intentions who had just died here, as a blamer who wanted to escape from hell, how could they not be interested in this situation.

After some searching, Lei Luo saw the tall and thin figure standing on the stone pillar not far away, smiled slightly, and the next moment, the golden light tied the line, and Lei Luo's figure had appeared next to Ultramarine.

"Friend, take me to meet your boss, I have something to ask him."

Relo slowed down his tone as much as possible, on the one hand, he didn't want the other party to understand his desperate mood to find the lowest passage to hell, so that he would not be passive in the subsequent conversation.

On the other hand, the strength in Leiluo's body is a little less, so he doesn't want to deplete his strength too much at this time.

"I have to find an opportunity to draw as soon as possible, it is best to obtain an item or skill that supplies energy in the body infinitely, otherwise it is too troublesome to be unable to recover the energy in the body in the world of the Grim Reaper."

Lei Luo pondered secretly in his heart, and now he had won a god-level lottery point.

Ultramarine looked Lei Luo up and down, he also heard Lei Luo ask those blame questions just now, as Red Lotus's henchman, his IQ is also good.

"We do know to enter the lowest passage of hell, but we don't know if the living can enter."

Ultramarine said bluntly, judging from Leiluo's movement speed just now, if they wanted to use force to force Relo to help them break the chains on their bodies, there would be no less trouble.

And now it just so happens that the other party seems to have something to ask them for help, taking this opportunity, if you can get the two sides to reach a cooperation, to tell Relo to go to the lowest passage of hell as a bargaining chip, in exchange for Relo to help them break the chains on their bodies, the best of both worlds, it is also a good way to solve the problem.

Relo naturally knew what the other party thought, but helping them was nothing to Relo, as long as the energy in his body could be replenished.

"God-level lottery points, this time must be powerful!"

Lei Luo muttered silently in his heart, then motioned for Ultramarine to lead the way, and soon came to the place where the red lotus was.

The two sides talked briefly for a while, and soon reached a consensus.

As long as Relo reaches the bottom of Hell, he will help Red Lotus and his men break the chains on his body.

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