There is no night and day in hell, so Lei Luo and the others did not rest here for long, and soon set off for the bottom of hell.

"Boss, are we really going to take him to the bottom of hell?"

Halfway through, the green-haired Green Ya whispered to the red lotus walking in the front, seemingly puzzled by his boss's decision.

The danger at the bottom of hell is self-evident.

Even if they go with Lei Luo's strength at this time, there is a certain danger, let alone them.

"It doesn't hurt us to take him to the first bottom, we've been there many times anyway."

Hong Lian turned her head to look at Lei Luo, and found that the other party was just honestly following at the end, and after no other movements, she whispered again.

"The other party's strength is good, I haven't seen his strength so far, everyone will be careful, if he has any suspicious behavior, don't hesitate, immediately beat him in a group, and then use force to let him help us break the chain."

"Yes, boss."

Several people who followed behind Red Lotus whispered, gradually approaching Lei Luo without a trace.

Relo, who was walking at the end, had already discovered these abnormal behaviors, but now he was not in the mood to pay attention to them, because he had already begun to call the system in his mind.

"System, I want a lottery!"

Relo meditated in his mind, and then a huge turntable appeared in his mind, divided into six areas, each with a prize

: S-class weapon: Toya Lake.

S-level skill: Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist.

S-class item: Fallen Heart Inflammation.

S-level exercises: Qianyuan Blood Burning Gong.

S-class item: Empty Dragon Destroyer Magic Crystal.

S-class weapon: Iron Crushing Teeth

saw the reappearance of Toya Lake, and countless black lines immediately appeared on Leiluo's forehead.

"This is all starting the adventure of the third world, how can Nima still appear in Lake Toya! Does this imply that I will go to the Gintama World if I cross again???? Thinking

of this, Lei Luo couldn't help but tremble, he didn't want his lower limit to be pulled down infinitely.

"Fortunately, except for Toye Lake, the other rewards are passable, otherwise, Lao Tzu will have to scrap your rotten system."

"The world of the heavens and realms is not just the literal 'ten thousand worlds', its world is enough to be described as vast as a sea of smoke."

"As for the S-level props, skills, bloodlines, etc. in each world, there are even more variety, enough to be inexhaustible..."

Lei Luo said to himself, but he couldn't see that the system in his body was grinding his teeth and pinching his hands, looking like he was ready to eat people.

Lake Toya: The wooden sword held by the protagonist Gintoki in the anime 'Gintama', explained by the protagonist to be given by an immortal! The power is endless! The specifics... It is more reliable to check Baidu yourself.

Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist: The housekeeping skills of the third-ranked S-class hero Silver Fangs Bungu in the anime 'One-Punch Man', his moves are as continuous and extremely soft as a stream of water, but the power is infinite, even the dragon-level weirdo is hard to escape the end of being crushed.

Falling Heart Inflammation: The alien fire held by the protagonist in the best-selling novel 'Breaking the Sky' is known as a cheating cultivator, with this alien fire, the body will exercise energy autonomously all the time, and the purity of the energy essence is far from comparable to ordinary characters, and this alien fire also has the effect of transforming energy, which is very suitable for the host's current situation.

Qianyuan Blood Burning Gong: The exercises obtained by the protagonist in the popular novel and anime 'Once Upon a Spirit Sword Mountain' consume the cultivator's life yuan to speed up the practice, and even allow those who cannot practice to step into the realm of cultivation, which is regarded as an evil sect by decent people, and almost kills one by one for those who practice and spread Qianyuan Blood Burning Gong!

Empty Dragon Killing Magic Crystal: The dragon killing magic in the anime 'Fairy Tail' has super healing ability, as long as it does not die, it can be treated with Empty Dragon Killing Magic, and the effect is surprisingly good.

Iron Crushed Teeth: The weapon held by Inuyasha, the protagonist of the anime 'Inuyasha', is a super powerful youn knife, made of the fangs of the Great Youkai Inu, which has the function of absorbing the power of the monster into its own ability, the stronger the youkai killed, the higher the growth of the Iron Crushed Tooth, and the theoretical growth value is almost infinite.

After a brief glance at the introduction of the item, Lei Luo thought that he would never draw Toya Lake, and then the turntable began to turn.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-class prop: Falling Heart Inflammation!"

The final lottery result did not disappoint Renault, and for Relo now, Fallen Heart Inflammation is the most suitable reward for him.

As a hot flame appeared in his body, Lei Luo felt that the corpse qi in his body was constantly being burned and transformed by the Fallen Heart Flame, condensing into another energy form and filling his body again.

This situation lasted for about two or three hours, until Lei Luo felt that the energy in his body was full, and the feeling of heat slowly disappeared.

"Guangdu. Infrared perception "

As soon as the mind moved, the surrounding situation was all included in Leiluo's heart, and the energy in the body was also rapidly reduced by one point at the same time as the ability was activated.

However, at the same time as the energy decreased, the feeling of heat brought by the falling heart inflammation also emerged, and the energy consumed was refilled in a moment.

"Very good, there is a fall of heart inflammation to transform energy, and there is no need to worry about fighting against people in the future, and it will be powerless and will not last."

In a good mood, Lei Luo felt a lot more comfortable looking at the blamers around him who surrounded him in the center.

"Guys, I said how long until we can arrive?"

Lei Luo opened his mouth to ask the Red Lotus who was walking in the forefront, now that the energy problem has been solved, the next thing left is to find a way to resurrect the future.

"That's it."

The red lotus head said without replying, and the group accelerated their speed and came to the front of a pitch-black stone pillar in two or three steps.

"This stone pillar is the door to the lowest level of hell, but under normal circumstances, even if we want to enter it, it is impossible."

As she spoke, Red Lotus stretched out her hand to touch the stone pillar, and before she could get close to the stone pillar, the outstretched hand was bounced out by a white light.

"An enchantment has been laid here, and we can't break through this enchantment with our strength."

The red lotus activated its ability, and a flame condensed in the palm of his hand, smashing towards the stone pillar with a fiery aura, but it was easily extinguished in front of the stone pillar by white light.

"I'll try!"

Lei Luo stepped forward two steps, reached out and touched the front, and the same situation as the red lotus played out on Lei Luo at the same time.

However, Lei Luo did not give up, but reached forward again, this time, Lei Luo adjusted the collective internal energy, and his palm approached the stone pillar again under the wrapping of golden light, and then the golden light and white light froze.

"The energy is very pure, and with the entire hell as a backstage supply station, I'm afraid that with my current strength, I can't break through this layer of enchantment."

After a long time, Lei Luo silently stopped his hand and said with some reluctance.

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