"We've taken you to the entrance to the bottom of hell, is it time for you to fulfill your promise and help us break the chains on our bodies?"

Red Lotus, who had been waiting behind Lei Luo, spoke, and when he saw that Lei Luo could not hold the white light of the enchantment, Red Lotus once felt that he had encountered a great big man.

But in the end, Lei Luo did not win over the enchantment, which also made Red Lotus sigh and at the same time, his evaluation of Lei Luo was reduced by a few points.

For them, although they are afraid of Leiluo's strength, they will not be tied up.

As long as they find the right opportunity, of course, they will eat back on their master.

And right now, it seems that this is the opportunity....

"Our agreement seems to be that I 'enter' the bottom of hell! Now I haven't gone in, so the agreement between us is not complete!

"If you still want me to help break the chains, find a way to destroy the enchantment for me, and when the time comes, I will also help you break those chains without you saying."

Looking at the pitch-black stone pillar in front of him, Lei Luo said without looking back.

"Are you trying to break the contract? Do you feel that we have asked for you, so we dare not do anything to you?

Red Lotus's tone became colder, and behind him, I Luya and the others also stepped forward a few steps, and everyone surrounded Lei Luo in the middle.

"It's not that the contract is broken, but our agreed conditions have not been met, so I will definitely not help you break the chain at this stage."

Lei Luo turned his head and faced the group of blamers with a fearless face.

"Boss, what nonsense to do with him, directly subdue him, and then let him help us break the chain."

"Force him to strike, as long as he moves, we can use his attacks to break the chains on his body!" You don't have to want to it yourself!

"That is, let's deal with him together, as long as he fights back, with our ability, as long as we pay attention, let his attacks hit the chains as much as possible, it should be able to break these damn chains."

The people behind the red lotus were eager to try, and only the red lotus stared closely into Lei Luo's eyes.

"Friend, I didn't want to be so troublesome, but since you are unwilling to cooperate, then don't blame us."


The culprit behind Red Lotus heard the boss's order, and immediately turned into a streamer and rushed towards Lei Luo.


The first to reach Lei Luo's side was none other than Ultramarine who had previously brought Lei Luo to Red Lotus.

The two tentacles on his arm danced wildly, destroying the stone pillar ground around Relo and under his feet, and in the splash of stones, my Green Ya's attack followed, and a pair of millstone-sized fists slammed into Relo's face.

"Insect tricks!"

In the face of the oncoming fist, the corners of Leiluo's mouth turned up slightly, and the energy in his body surged wildly, forming a shield on the surface of his body, and then only listening to Lei Luo's light drink, the figure had disappeared in place.

"Day Tiger!"

Leiluo's figure appeared behind my Green Ya, clenched his fists with both hands, and quickly carried out a front fist attack at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, compressing the air between the two of them to the limit, and finally turned into a fierce tiger and pounced on my Green Ya.

"Boom !!"

Even though I Green Ya was the one with the best defense and strength among my companions, I was still difficult to resist and was smashed into pieces at once.

No longer worried about the lack of energy in his body, Relo's every attack can use his full strength, and in the face of these people whose abilities are only comparable to the vice captain of the Grim Reaper, Lei Luo can solve it with only physical skills!

Seeing their companions die, these blamers have no abnormality at all, as long as the chains on their bodies are not broken, then they are immortal bodies, and they can be resurrected by only surviving torture at the bottom of hell.

"Friend, don't work in vain, even if you can kill us this time, but after the torture of the lowest level of hell, our ability will become stronger, and death and resurrection again and again will only make us stronger!"

A fat man came behind Lei Luo at an unknown time, and at the same time as his arms were extended, blood basins appeared everywhere on his body, and there was no doubt that as long as Lei Luo was held by him, he would definitely be eaten up in the first time.

"Light Shield: Resist Aura!"

Dazzling golden light flashed from Leiluo's body, turning into a halo and rushing around, and the fat man behind Leiluo snorted, and was immediately ejected and flew out.

Before he landed, Relo was already standing in front of him.

"It's okay to brush your teeth more, so many mouths, do you want to stink to death?!"

With a punch, the fat man with his mouth all over his body hung up in response, and his soul turned into a streamer and drilled into the pitch-black stone pillar on the side.



At the same time that Lei Luo solved the fat man, two tentacles drilled out from the ground and went straight to Lei Luo's lower body, extremely cruel, and actually wanted to abolish Lei Luo's lower plate!

"It looks like a lewd look, and it is so obscene to attack!"

With a movement of his mind, Lei Luo turned into golden light again, dodging the attack under his feet, and at the same time, a golden light shot out from his fingertips, targeting a ground beside Lei Luo.

"Guangdu. Laser rays

" "Ah!"

A cry of pain sounded, and then the ground quickly shattered, and the tentacle monster with a large hole in its chest jumped out of the ground.

At this time, ultramarine, hands, feet, and all parts of his body were covered with tentacles, and a tentacle was also stretched out from their mouths, and the image was a tentacle monster.

"It's so disgusting! Can you stop coming out scary! Lei

Luo turned into golden light, and before Ultramarine could react, he had already grabbed the chain on the tentacle monster, and the golden light emerged, and the chain that bound the tentacle monster suddenly shattered, turning into black light and disappearing in front of the three.

"I'm free! I'm finally no longer to blame!! Seeing

the chains tied to his body shattered, the tentacle monster was extremely excited, and turned to look at the red lotus, and his excitement was overflowing.

"I'm finally no longer to blame! I can finally come back to this world!!

"yes! You're no longer to blame, but you can't go back to this world!

Leiluo's voice sounded in front of the tentacle monster, and at the moment when the red lotus wanted to rush over, a punch was blasted out, and the tentacle monster's body instantly became torn apart.

Without the shackles of hell chains, Ultramarine's death becomes a real death, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

"Why did you kill him?"

Red Lotus shouted with some excitement, Ultramarine is his henchman, and among his subordinates, the strongest and most loyal to his subordinates, such a good subordinate dies, how can Red Lotus not be angry!

"It's nothing, it's just that I can't get used to his appearance..." At

the mention of tentacle monsters, Relo couldn't help but think of those hot cartoons that used to be, and the perverted feelings were overflowing! !

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