In the hell covered with stone pillars, Red Lotus stood motionless in front of Lei Luo, and on him, a layer of rising flames was burning.

The scorching aura melted nearly half of the white stone pillars close to his side, this is the ability that Red Lotus has gained in the continuous resurrection of the lowest level of hell, Red Lotus Hellfire!

With the power of the Red Lotus Hellfire, Red Lotus alone can fight the three of Evergreen, but there is no way to do it as easily as Leiluo, let alone kill the strongest Ultragreen among the three.

"This person in front of me can kill them so easily, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to help him with my ability."

"In that case, it is better to continue to cooperate with him."

"Alas, it's just a pity that Ultramarine..." Red

Lotus kept thinking in her heart, and although the red flame on his body continued to rise, he never made a move on Leiluo.

After a while, the red lotus came back to her senses, and the focus of her gaze shifted from Lei Luo's body to Lei Luo's hands, and the fire in her eyes was instantly replaced by a kind of joy called fanatical joy, and the pair of palms shrouded in golden light quickly completely attracted most of his attention.

"Sure enough, you can really break the chains of hell!"

Muttering, Red Lotus took two steps closer to Relo, and it was clear that Reilo was the person he was dreaming of finding.

"These chains can be broken as long as they are at the level of Captain Death, your strength should not be inferior to Captain Death, if it is not subject to the rules in hell, I am afraid that you can break it yourself."

Relo had already probed the strength of the Hell Chain when he had broken the chain before, and he would only say this now.

"What's the use of saying this, as long as we are still to blame, there is not the slightest chance to break these chains."

Red Lotus was completely unimpressed by what Lei Luo said, and looked at Lei Luo coldly and said.

"Is our agreement still valid? As long as I help you get to the bottom of hell, you will help me break the chains on my body. Hearing

this, Lei Luo nodded gently.

"Naturally effective, as long as this enchantment in front of you is broken, I will help you break the chains on your body and return you to freedom."

"Good! Deal! "

Red Lotus withdrew the flames that had been lit and sat silently on the side, waiting for me to resurrect Midoriya and Taijin.

Seeing that the other party had no will to fight, Lei Luo also removed the simplified version of the God and Buddha Mode and stood aside.

Time passed in a hurry, and when Lei Luo was already waiting a little impatiently, a black shadow burst out from the pitch-black stone pillar, and when the black shadow stopped, I saw that a green-haired green girl had been resurrected and returned.

I, who was already tall and strong, had grown stronger than before after this resurrection, but his eyes were extremely tired, and when he first appeared, he couldn't even concentrate the look in his eyes.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that I Green Ya gradually came back to my senses, my eyes gradually lit up, and the moment I saw Leiluo, I Luya clenched my hands into fists and subconsciously prepared to attack Leiluo.


The voice of the red lotus sounded at the right time, stopping my green road's action.

"But boss..."

I still wanted to say something, but after seeing Red Lotus's eyes, I still reluctantly retracted my fists.

"It's not over!"

As I walked past Leiluo, my green voice quietly entered Leiluo's ears.

Relo didn't bother to pay attention to him, although his strength had indeed improved after being tortured at the lowest level of hell, but in Leiluo's opinion, he was still too tender.

Subsequently, half an hour after my Green Ya was resurrected, the mouthed Taijin also returned from the bottom of hell.

However, unlike my Green Estate, Taijin lost his mind for a longer time after his resurrection, nearly an hour or so.

And the moment he returned to his senses, the first time he saw Lei Luo was not an attack, but he was so frightened that he was directly stunned in place, if he hadn't accidentally seen Red Lotus and I Luya sitting on the side, I'm afraid Taijin would have knelt in front of Lei Luo on the spot.

"Not yet!"

Red Lotus's voice sounded, Taijin's strength was the worst among them, if it weren't for the fact that it was not easy for the hellish people to obtain the ability, I am afraid that Red Lotus would have kicked Taijin out of the team earlier.

"The people have already gathered, what are your plans next, how can you find the clues to destroy this layer of enchantment?"

When Taijin stood behind the red lotus, Lei Luo asked at the right time.

"There are more than a few of us who are strong in hell, and some of them are much stronger than me, and they have lived longer in hell, maybe they will have clues about this layer of enchantment."

"I'll go find them now, you can follow me, or you can just wander around here, anyway, the meaning of hell can't help you."

After Hong Lian's words, she turned around and took the lead to leave, but Tai Jin behind him spoke.

"What about ultramarine? Shall we not wait for him?

For Taijin's question, Hong Lian did not answer, and walked into the distance with her own care.

"Don't wait for him, he is completely free..." I

, who followed behind Red Lotus, answered Tai Jin's question instead of Red Lotus, and my tone could not be heard whether he was happy or sad.

Without exception, all of these powerful blamers are sinners who have gained their abilities through constant torture at the bottom of hell, and the stronger their strength, the more times they enter the bottom of hell.

That kind of torture, that kind of pain, has long been deeply imprinted in their hearts, so they want to cut off the chains of hell on their bodies, one reason is to escape the big prison cage of hell, and the other reason is that none of them want to return to the bottom of hell again to experience that complete pain.

Perhaps for them, real death is not another kind of freedom! It's just that this freedom is a little different from what they want most.

Relo didn't understand these blameful thoughts, and didn't bother to understand their thoughts, he came to this world for a clear purpose, find a way to resurrect the future, and then find a way to return to the pirate world to resurrect the future.

Although the latter matter is not yet known, the method of resurrecting the future is just around the corner.

Not far from another pitch-black stone pillar in hell, several blamers gathered around a young man.

"Black Knife, your induction is correct, right? The spiritual pressure called Ultramarine under Red Lotus really disappeared?

A man with chains also on his body asked.

"There will be no mistake, just now I felt an extremely strong spiritual pressure, the same feeling as when the intention of hell was killed, it should be that person who shot and killed Red Lotus's subordinates."

"It's very strange, Red Lotus's subordinates, it seems that only the spiritual pressure of the tentacle monster has completely disappeared, and the spiritual pressure of the others has not completely disappeared, I am afraid that it has only entered the bottom layer and resurrected."

A man dressed in white with white hair replied as he slowly opened his closed eyes.

"In this way, there really is a non-blamed existence in hell..."

"It should not be wrong, but based on the current situation, I am afraid that person has reached some consensus with the red lotus."

"Hehe, that scumbag of the Red Lotus, I'm afraid I can't deal with that person, the person who can kill the meaning of hell, I'm really looking forward to it..."

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