"Escape from hell? How to escape? "

With Relo's understanding of hell in the Grim Reaper, it seems that you can only leave hell through the gates of hell, and as for the crack that appeared between hell and the present world for no reason in the original plot, it is obvious that it did not exist in the time when Lei Luo arrived.

But now the gates of hell have closed! And according to the information that Lei Luo got from the blame population, it seems that the gate of hell is not only connected to the present world, but also may go to the bottom of hell, and even enter the quiet spirit court where the god of death is, or the virtual circle of life in the virtual gate.

Time is urgent, the meaning of hell will arrive at this place at any time, it will be a scene that gathers all the hell intentions in hell, and it will never be as simple as just a few hell intentions!

At that time, in the face of the hellish intention that surged like a swarm of bees, Lei Luo may not be able to escape without injury.

And as long as Lei Luo is in hell, he will never be able to escape the tracking of Hell Intention, which means that Lei Luo will face the permanent pursuit of Hell Intention! And the meaning of hell cannot really die, in other words, as long as Lei Luo is in hell, he will continue to fight with the undead monster of hell intention until the holy robe of Hades is taken away.

If the situation really developed to that stage, perhaps Relo would choose to throw away the Hades Holy Vestment, but now, Relo still decided to try the idea in his heart.

"Since there is some connection between the Hades Holy Robe and the Grim Reaper World, then I might as well try to see if the Hades Holy Robe can open this hell gate!"

With a flash of divine light, Lei Luo jumped into the air, wearing the Hades holy robe and approaching the huge hell gate in the air step by step.

Coming closer, facing the huge gate of hell, Lei Luo noticed that the Hades Holy Robe on his body suddenly changed a little differently.

Feeling carefully, I found that the Hades Holy Robe was shaking slightly, as if the gate of hell in front of him and the Hades Holy Robe were silently communicating.

Not long after, the Hades holy robe on Lei Luo's body gradually calmed down, and then a trace of black aura burrowed into the gate of hell from the holy robe of Hades, and the next moment, the portal that had been closed by the gate of hell gradually cracked another thin crack.


Lei Luo was delighted, took two steps forward, raised his hand to push the gate of hell, 'creaked' a soft sound, a bright light overflowed from the door, instantly wrapped Lei Luo standing in front of the door into it.

"He actually opened the gates of hell!"

In the distance, Hong Lian and the others were shocked, and they wanted to step forward, but they did not dare to move for half a step.


came a wistful voice from the gates of hell, like an old servant who had not seen his master for years whispering to his master.

Being in the bright light, Lei Luo knew that his thoughts had been solidified, and the Hades holy robe he was wearing became more extraordinary in this light, and even gave him a feeling of blood connection.

"Master, the gates of hell are open for you at any time!"

If there was a voice, it continued to sound, reaching the bottom of Lei Luo's heart through the Hades Holy Clothing.

As soon as his mind moved, Lei Luo ordered the gate of hell to reopen the passage to the lowest level of hell in his heart, but after waiting for a long time, neither the gate of hell nor the gate of hell showed any changes, and the door still overflowed with soft white light.

"Master, I can't let you enter the lowest level of hell, because there is a realm enchantment set by the Spirit King, and if you fall into it, you will disappear into this world again."

The voice of the Gate of Hell sounded in Leiluo's heart, explaining why the lowest passage of Hell was not opened for Relo, but Hades disappeared or not, but Relo did not care, so he still ordered the Gate of Hell to open the passage in his heart.

"Obey! Master! The

voice of the Hell Gate sounded, and then countless Hell Chains poured out from the white light, and those white lights also turned blood red in an instant, and a scarlet scorching aura gushed out from the inner door, Rao was prepared for it, and it was inevitable that the sudden scorching aura surged back half a step.

When his figure stood firm, through the layers of scarlet heat, Lei Luo saw that countless ghosts were suffering different punishments in various areas at the bottom of hell.

Among them, the most attractive to Lei Luo's attention is the area closest to Lei Luo, where the ground is burning with red lotus industry fire, pitch-black thunder pillars are constantly falling in the air, and all kinds of spiritual lights in all directions will turn into various weapons to constantly attack the blamers in this area, making the blamers in it all wail loudly.

However, there is one exception, that person stands in the sea of fire, facing the pitch-black thunder pillar falling from the sky without fear, and even takes the initiative to crash into the thunder pillar falling in the air, and even at the moment of contact with the thunder pillar, the person will even withdraw the spiritual power on his body, only use the body and soul to hard connect the baptism of the thunder pillar, and often after the lightning strike, his body will be bombarded to pieces.

However, as a person to blame, as long as the mind does not collapse, the soul can still condense and will not really die, so after each crush, the person will return to his human form in a very short time, laugh maniacally, and then continue to look for a new thunder pillar in the face of the blade formed by spiritual power.


Purple Thunder..." Lei Luo whispered the name of the figure, it was the Purple Thunder who was pulled into the lowest level of Hell by the gates of Hell.

"It's really a crazy person."

Leiluo's impression of Purple Thunder deepened a lot, such a crazy person, even if Lei Luo has experienced two worlds, he has never seen a few.

The scene in hell could not frighten Relo, and those chains that rushed out of the gate of hell did not dare to approach Relo, step by step, Relo slowly walked into the gate of hell.

At this moment, dozens of hellish intentions appeared all around, rushing over like crazy, this time, they no longer cared about those white stone pillars, and their speed was countless times faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight hellish intentions had already surrounded the gate of hell in the center, and a pair of iron fists clenched and smashed towards Lei Luo, who entered the gate of hell with half his body.

However, they were a little late after all, the gates of hell had disappeared before their fists slammed into them, and in the sky of hell, the terrifying spirit pressure suddenly appeared after the gates of hell disappeared, pressing the red lotus and the others who were not far away directly to their knees.

"The Hades Holy Cloak has reappeared, and the war is about to begin again?"

The spiritual pressure in the air quickly disappeared, leaving only a sentence that made Hong Lian and the others scratch their heads.

At this time, Lei Luo had already entered the gate of hell, and in the scorching aura that kept pouring in, he advanced step by step, but found that no matter how he accelerated, it was difficult to get close to the bottom of hell.

"What's going on?"

Relo asked the gates of hell in his heart.

"Master, this is the God Domain Enchantment set up by the Spirit King, which is laid down for all living beings except the blamers, especially you..." "

The Spirit King, the creator of the Quiet Spirit Court in the Shinigami anime, has the power 'True God' beyond the Grim Reaper! It is the only officially recognized 'god' existence in the world of Shinigami.

"What does the Spirit King have to do with Hell, and why is there a God Domain Enchantment set up by the Spirit King at the lowest level of Hell?"

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