"What does the Spirit King have to do with Hell, and why is there a God Domain Enchantment set up by the Spirit King at the lowest level of Hell?"

Lei Luo was confused, the Spirit King he had the impression, although it did not appear in the Shinigami animation, but in the Grim Reaper comics, the thousand-year blood war chapter had a chapter of the Spirit King, and the entire length of the thousand-year blood war chapter also revolved around the Spirit King, the 'true god'.

It's just that in the comics, the Spirit King is a puppet-like existence, without limbs, placed in the Spirit King Palace like the living dead, guarded by the four most powerful Shinigami.

However, in Leiluo's opinion, the four strongest gods of death may not only be guardian spirit kings, but also have a hint of the meaning of guarding and guarding.

These will not be delved into for the time being, anyway, Lei Luo is in the world of death, and sooner or later there will be a chance to figure out these questions.

At this stage, what interests Lei Luo the most and wants to know is about why the 'God Domain Enchantment' laid down by the Spirit King appeared in hell.

For Relo's question, the Gate of Hell knew more or less, so after Relo asked the question, the voice of the Gate of Hell sounded again.

"Master, in fact, the Spirit King, like you, evolved from the void, and the Spirit King, like you, is a great void existence beyond Vastod (superior)..." From

the telling of hell, Relo found that his worldview of the Shinigami anime seemed to be collapsing little by little.

Void is an evil spirit formed after human beings turn into undead spirits after death, and because of their obsession with something in the world, the mind gradually disappears, and finally the chain on the chest disappears and turns into an evil spirit body formed after turning into a black hole.

This kind of spirit body is produced from the initial change of mind and mind, to the final physical change and the appearance of a mask and the transformation into nothingness.

And once the mask is produced, then its behavior is not completely controlled by the original owner's consciousness, and the attack consciousness will be amplified.

And in order to fill the vacancy in his heart, he will prey on the person he loves the most, and when he completes this stage, he will become a real void without feelings.

The ability to become a true virtual time is completely determined by the inner character (or subconscious) of the original owner, but if it can pass the initial birth period, the strength growth of the later virtual is determined by the amount of other virtual beings it eats.

This way of improving strength determines that the survival of the void is to constantly kill each other, and it will not stop until it has evolved completely.

In anime, the level of the virtual, from the lowest level of virtual to the big virtual, is divided into two levels.

However, because of the different forms of ability, the big void can be divided into, Gillian (the most common level; Lower level), Yachucas Adjuchas (intermediate), Vastor Vastrode (upper level).

These three big virtual forms have been reflected in the anime, among which the broken face is also a Vastod-level big void, but its ability and form have undergone some evolution and improvement because of the collapse of jade.

Above the Vastod-level big void, whether there is a higher level of virtuality, this question may have been a mystery for those who love Shinigami anime.

But from the mouth of the Gates of Hell, Relo finally found the answer to this matter.

The answer to this matter is, naturally, yes! And this kind of virtual also appears in the anime!

According to the Gates of Hell, there are three levels above the Vastod level, Scrito Scriabinto (Advanced), King Void-Dominions, and Saint Void-Eufanim.

However, since the concept of the virtual circle, the entire virtual circle has only evolved a king void, and tens of thousands of years ago, this king void has disappeared.

Under the king void, there are two great voids of the Skrito level, one of which is the Spirit King who created the Quiet Spirit Court, and the other is the Hades King who rules Hell.

These two Scrito-level Great Voids, originally under the rule of Wang Void, they could still live in peace, because even if they devoured each other, they would not evolve to the realm of Wang Void.

But after the king disappeared for no reason, the friction between these two great voids arose, as the void that evolved by devouring, even if their reason has awakened, but the instinctive desire to devour is difficult to suppress.

And in the face of such a temptation to dominate the entire void circle, even the Scrito-level Great Void is difficult to resist.

With the tacit consent of both sides, the various voids that followed them began to clash, so that it finally turned into a war between the two camps.

The God of Death and the Blamer, originally in the era of Wang Qi's reign over the Void Circle, had a unified name and recognized themselves as the same existence, but after the outbreak of the War between the Spirit King and Hades, both sides redefined their identities for themselves.

Originally, the war between the two sides was only between the Void Circle and the Great Void, but the treacherous and cunning Spirit King followed the advice of his subordinates and allowed the humanoid Void to enter the human world, and pretended to rescue those human souls who were confused because of ordinary Void harassment.

Subsequently, he gave the use of spiritual power to those human souls that were not virtualized, trained them to become 'gods of death', and used their spiritual power to establish a quiet spiritual garden, so that these human souls could live in it to prevent them from being affected by the virtual circle and blurring.

Perhaps the human form is the most suitable for exerting spiritual power, and the cultivation of these human undead in the Quiet Spirit Court is very rapid, even far beyond the expectations of those who propose to train human undead as combat power.

This discovery also led to a large number of Vastod-level great voids wanting to turn into human form, which is the first opportunity to appear in the broken face, let's not talk about it here.

Hades, although he quickly discovered the plan of the Spirit King, it was too late to follow suit.

In the end, the human undead organization called the 'Shinigami Thirteen Team' intervened in the war between the Spirit King and Hades, and because the 'Grim Reaper' had a lot of Vastod-level combat power, it directly led to the defeat of Hades' side.

Although Hades himself eventually tried his best to kill the Spirit King, but ultimately failed, but at the cost of his own disappearance, Hades still beat the Spirit King himself to pieces and fell into an eternal slumber.

After that, the defeated Hades faction ended up being sealed in hell for eternity, and in order to punish these voids who followed Hades, the bottom of hell was also built into a place of torturing people.

And those human souls whose beliefs are different from or not accepted by the god of death, after they enter the Quiet Spirit Court, they will be erased by the god of death, and locked up in hell through special methods, and will be tortured for eternity until the soul turns into the purest spiritual power....

In fact, the transformation of the lowest level of hell is not only to torture people, its real purpose is to restore the spiritual power of the seriously injured Spirit King after the great war!

Those souls who were tortured to death at the lowest level of hell, the purest spiritual power they turned into would enter the Spirit King's body because of the God Domain Enchantment, so that the Spirit King would gradually recover the full strength of the Scrito-level Great Void.

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