The void fluctuated, and the Gate of Hell carved with the evil ghost Asura appeared above a city, attracting the attention of several Shinigami who were patrolling here.

At the same time, Lei Luo stepped out and came to the present world of the Grim Reaper.

Due to the God Domain Seal set by the Spirit King at the lowest level of hell, Lei Luo could only retreat to the second place and enter the present world of the God of Death first to find the key props to go to the Spirit King Palace to kill the Spirit King.

Kuzacho, the city where the protagonist of the Shinigami anime lives, is also the place where the story line of Shinigami begins, and it is also a key prop to the Spirit King Palace, a necessary place for the birth of the king key.

When the gate of hell retreated and disappeared, Lei Luo slowly landed from the air, and before he could stand firmly, the voice of the system had sounded in Lei Luo's heart.

"Ding, detect the figure of the Shinigami patrol, activate the mission, and kill the god first!"

First Kill God: Kill the Shinigami patrolling Kuzacho, complete the mission, and get god-level draw points*1

Hearing the sound of the system, Lei Luo did not hesitate, the Hades holy robe on his body quickly disappeared, and then his body turned into a golden light, sweeping towards the city at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

"Boom !!"

While Relo flies through the city, near the edge of the city, three patrolling Shinigami are fighting a void with a hole in its chest.

This void has not entered the ranks of the great void, but its size is not comparable to ordinary void, and its strength is not left behind in the face of the siege of the three gods of death.

"Damn it! Isn't there a weaker void in Kuzacho?

A Grim Reaper yelled at his companions in the middle of the battle.

Since he was transferred to patrol Kuzacho, none of the voids he encountered could be killed alone.

"Take your fate, Kuzacho is not an ordinary place, and being able to be transferred to patrol here is the captain's tempering of you and a recognition of your strength."

Another God of Death waved the slashing knife in his hand, and a blade formed by spiritual pressure shot out, forcing the void that was about to rush in front of him to retreat, and then jumped to the side of his companion, holding the knife in both hands, looking at the void in front of him guardedly.

"I'd rather be relaxed and dashing in another city than be valued by the captain, who often risks death when I am transferred here."

The Shinigami who spoke before continued to complain, but he did not hesitate to strike, only to see him put away the slashing knife, his hands slashed in front of his chest, and with his movements, many bright spots began to converge on his chest, and finally turned into a white shockwave between his right fingers and shot towards the void that was constantly roaring in the distance.

"Break the road の一rush

" "Boom!"

The white shockwave was in the middle of the virtual white mask, and in the virtual roar, the white mask cracked a gap in response.

Dao Breaking, the offensive skill of the Ghost Dao system, the higher the level, the greater the attack power and difficulty.

A broken path of this level like breaking the road の一rush, as long as it is a god of death, he will definitely master this broken way.

Although the level of this Dao Breaker is not high, it is very useful against ordinary voids, and because its level is very low and it does not consume much of its own spiritual power, it is often used by low-level death gods as the main means of long-range attack on virtual beings, and the effect is very significant.


After the white shockwave, a member of the Grim Reaper who had not made a move before quickly approached the back of the void, and the slashing knife in his hand fell from above, splitting the painfully roaring void in half from top to bottom.

In front of the fading void, the three patrolling gods put away their slashing knives and looked into the distance at the same time.

"What happened to that spiritual pressure just now?"

"I don't know, but I can't feel that spiritual pressure now."

"Go check it out!"

The three gods of death were about to leave after a simple exchange, but suddenly saw a burst of golden light shooting from a distance, and before the three could react, the golden light dissipated, and a human-looking youth stood in front of the three with a harmonious smile on his face.


Seeing that the other party was a human youth, the three patrolling gods were first stunned, and then pointed at Lei Luo with a knife.

They are not newbies, and among humans, the only one who can use spiritual power to attack and is hostile to the Grim Reaper seems to be the Exterminator.

However, after the bloody battle thousands of years ago, the extermination division has always been very low-key in reality, and this kind of upright sudden appearance in front of the god of death seems to be the first time in history.

In this case, if it weren't for the brain of this 'Exterminator Master', he must be holding his own strength and wanting to provoke a war between the Grim Reaper and the Exterminator again!!

Lei Luo didn't know what these gods of death in front of him were thinking at this moment, he just came over to complete the task assigned by the system.

When the Grim Reaper was waiting for him, Lei Luo raised his right hand, his fingertips shining with golden light, and the next moment, the golden light shot out, piercing a patrol Grim Reaper who was close to him on the spot.

At the same time as he fell, the body of the god of death made a dodge move due to inertia.

Seeing this, the faces of the other two patrol gods changed drastically.

"This attack speed..." While

thinking, one of the patrolling gods began to release the spiritual pressure with all his strength, and the slashing knife held in his hand seemed to be sensed, and his form slowly changed.

"Oh, it's a god of death who knows how to understand."

For the change of the slashing knife in the hands of this patrolling god of death, although Lei Luo is not sure, his guess is also inseparable.

Even this god of death did not expect that when he was facing the danger of his life, he suddenly comprehended the original solution of the slashing knife!

Before he had time to familiarize himself with the ability to solve the slashing knife, the Grim Reaper had already launched an attack on Relo.

I saw a trace of cold air coming out of the patrolling death god's knife, which lowered the temperature of the surrounding air by a few points, and with a swing, an ice pick shot out from the blade and shot towards Lei Luo.

"Ice Slashing Knife?"

Facing the incoming ice pick, Relo didn't even want to dodge, allowing the ice pick to penetrate his body.

"How is it possible!!"

The patrol god of death who had awakened the beginning of the solution looked at the hollow in Leiluo's chest, and his eyes were full of puzzlement.

If the ice pick was easily dodged by Lei Luo, then he would not be surprised at all, but now, his attack directly penetrated the opponent's body, and the other party was still unharmed, this situation was far beyond his knowledge.

In the eyes of this god of death, the hole in Relo's chest healed, and his fingertips shone with golden light again...

There are more than three Shinigami patrolling the city of Kuzacho, so Relo's task was not completed after Relo solved the previous three patrol Shinigami, but Relo does not need a lottery now, so he temporarily gave up looking for patrol Shinigami throughout the city.

"The priority now is to find out what period it is..." Having

previously killed the three patrolling Shinigami, Lei Luo forgot to inquire about the current situation in the Shinigami World in a hurry, which has to be said to be a small mistake...

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