From the edge of the city to the center of the city, Lei Luo wandered around aimlessly, although he occasionally saw patrolling death passing through the air, but Lei Luo did not make a move on those patrolling death gods in order not to alarm someone.

Just as Relo turned to a secluded alley, a man wearing a green and white fisherman's hat, a dark green coat and light green pants, clogs on his feet, and a little scumbag on his chin walked out of a shop.

Behind him, followed by a tall old man with reflective glasses, white short sleeves and a bib, and a figure-eight beard.

The two walked towards Lei Luo one after the other, and their eyes seemed to glance at Lei Luo's side.

Lei Luo smiled in his heart, this was the person he was looking for.

Kisuke Urahara and Ryōtsai Sho, two cowmen who 'defected' from the Shizurei Court where the Shinigami was.

Among them, Kisuke Urahara was originally the captain of the twelfth team of the 13th team of the Guardian Garden, and the founder of the Jingrei Court Technology Development Bureau, and many items in the Shizurei Garden were created and crafted by him, such as the Yiji Remains, Ranbo Maru, etc.

And the Ling Tiezhai behind him is the former general marshal of the ghost path, the great ghost road leader, with super strength, and can release super high-level ghost paths, such as ghost road 99 and some time static forbidden techniques.

These two people all have the strength to surpass the ordinary captains of the thirteenth team of the God of Death, even if they are the captains of the top team in the spiritual power ranking, these two will inevitably have the power of a battle.

Under the silent gaze, the three walked opposite each other, but when they were about to pass by, they stopped tacitly.

"Friend, don't you want to explain why you killed the patrol Shinigami?"

Kisuke Urahara looked sideways at Relo, and from the look that appeared under the brim of his hat, he could tell that if Relo could not give him a satisfactory answer, I was afraid that a battle would break out between the three immediately.

"They want to do something to me, I'm just protecting myself."

Relo stared into Urahara Kisuke's eyes without fear, and a little golden light slowly overflowed from his body.

"They regard me as an exterminator, and you know, the exterminator and the Grim Reaper are mortal opponents, and if the Grim Reaper discovers the Exterminator, it must be destroyed."

"But you should see my ability, I am not an Exterminator ..."

Urahara Kisuke looked Relo up and down, his eyebrows covered by the brim of his hat twisted slightly, from the spiritual power fluctuations on Leiluo's body, he could be sure that he was not an Annihilator Master, and he did not detect the spiritual power fluctuations of the Great Void from Relo, so it showed that Relo was not a Vastodd-level Great Void mixed into the present world.

With Urahara's erudition, he couldn't guess Relo's ability at all, and this phenomenon made Urahara Kisuke, who was close to a demon, have a strong interest in wanting to study Relo's ability.

And what Lei Luo said is indeed a fact, the God of Death and the Exterminator are mortal opponents, the God of Death kills the Annihilator, and the Exterminator counter-kills the God can be regarded as a normal situation.

For a while, Kisuke Urahara had no way to refute Relo's answer.

After a brief silence, Kisuke Urahara returned to his lazy appearance, put the crutch in his hand on his forearm and continued to walk forward.

"No matter what, you still killed the three patrolling Shinigami, if this matter is known by Old Man Yamamoto, I'm afraid that even if you are not a Annihilation Master, you will not be able to escape the fate of being arrested by the Shinigami, that old man, he still cherishes his subordinates..." Without

waiting for Kisuke Urahara to go away, Relo had already caught up, how could the person who was hard to find let him slip away easily.

"It seems that Sir knows death very well, so what do you say I should do?"

Although this 'defector' God of Death is no longer a member of the God of Death's team, he still wants to protect the Quiet Spirit Court and protect the Spirit King, so Lei Luo now wants to get information from his mouth, and he can't show that he is not the same as the God of Death for the time being.

"This is simple, as long as you buy a few things in my store, when the time comes, I will help you dredge up where the Grim Reaper team is, and make sure that they don't come to catch you!"

Tetsusai, who was behind Kisuke Urahara, had a 'I know' expression.

And this happened obviously more than Relo expected, although his strength is good, but he does not have a yen on his body....


Relo was just about to speak, but Kisuke Urahara had already turned his head to look over.

"Don't worry, the stuff in my store is cheap! And it is very practical, absolutely let you buy at ease, comfortable to use! "

Kisuke Urahara has a look that you can't buy a loss, you can't buy a fool's face, if someone who has not seen the Shinigami sees the appearance of Mr. Urrahara, I am afraid that he will be deceived by his appearance at that time, and buy those 'not practical' Urahara store exclusive goods.

"That, Mr. Manager, it's not that I don't want to buy it, it's really that I don't have any money on me..." Relo

rummaged through the pockets of his clothes, showing that he was 'penniless' with practical actions.

Kisuke Urahara had an expression of love and helplessness, and even under this expression, Relo could see a hint of schadenfreude.

"Oh, then there is no way, you still wait for a large number of Shinigami to arrest you, maybe Old Man Yamamoto will be happy, and he will send seventeen or eight Grim Reaper captains."

"You know, the three patrol Grim Reaper you killed before are not even ants in front of Captain Reaper, gee... Boy, I'm afraid your death is not far away! Hearing

Urahara Kisuke's words, Relo's forehead immediately hung a black line, seventeen or eight Captain Death, if it is said that there are seventeen or eight people in the Thirteen Team of Death who know how to understand this, this is correct, but there are only thirteen in the Team of Death, how can there be seventeen or eight Captain Death!

However, Relo can't show his understanding of the Shinigami team, so he can only pretend not to know.

"So what to do? I don't want to die yet!

Relo took Kisuke Urahara's words and said, but the expression on his face did not show much panic.

"Otherwise, I'll work for you in your shop for free, as long as you help me intercede in front of Death, so they don't come and arrest me."


Kisuke Urahara raised his eyes to look at Relo, and the moment their eyes met, they seemed to understand what the other party was thinking, and immediately laughed tacitly.

"My name is Leiluo, and I will be taken care of by the store manager in the future."

"It's good to say, it's my own family in the future."

"But okay, you are a free labor in my store, I only care about food and housing, and you have to find a way to solve other needs."

The two sides hit it off and all achieved the result they wanted, if Relo hopes to use Kisuke Urahara to understand the current timeline of the Shinigami world and approach Kamitama as soon as possible.

Then Kisuke Urahara kept Relo by his side in order to monitor and observe Relo, an unknown person with unknown abilities who suddenly appeared in the empty town during the current sensitive period, for Kisuke Urahara, who has been paying attention to the movement of the Quiet Spirit Court and the Void Circle, has to be carefully examined, if the other party has any deviant behavior, Kisuke Urahara can also stifle it before the situation worsens.

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