At Kisuke Urahara's grocery store, Relo is assigned to help Ryōtetsusai tidy up the store warehouse.

Don't look at the appearance of such a small wooden house, in fact, the interior has long been transformed into a special space by Kisuke Urahara, otherwise, how can you let go of Kisuke Urahara's various inventions and creations for nearly a hundred years.

If Lei Luo does not yearn for this small log cabin in front of him, it is bragging, this is like the snake uncle laboratory of the Hokage world, which is full of the most cutting-edge technology products of the Grim Reaper world!

What righteous soul pills, spirit pressure isolation remains, portable remains, invisibility cloth, black cloaks, god bodies, etc., are all stored in this small warehouse.

However, after Lei Luo entered the warehouse, his mood could only be described in two words that would be harmonious.

"Chaos like this, Mr. Tetsusai, how the hell have you taken care of the warehouse for a hundred years?!!?"

Lei Luo had a black line on his forehead, and looked at Ling Tiezhai who was leading the way in front of him with some helplessness.

"This... I don't know much about tidying up, and I used to have someone in charge of my living in the Quiet Spirit Garden. Holding

Ling Tiezhai's right hand and scratching his head, it seemed embarrassing, but in fact that action was just a habit of his.

"You've been cleaning up for nearly a hundred years, even a pig should learn to clean up."

Although Lei Luo thought so in his heart, the words did not come out.

"It's no wonder that Sasaya Yu took the righteous soul pill wrong, such a messy warehouse, I'm afraid that Kisuke Urahara personally came to get it and it was difficult to ensure that there was no error 100%."

Staying in the Urahara store for several days, every day except for cleaning up can never be finished is the same rough work as Tetsusai, and Urahara Kisuke is more like forgetting the existence of Relo, except for meal time, usually does not even look at Reiro twice.

During this period, Lei Luo was not without benefits, taking advantage of the usual time to clean up in the warehouse, Lei Luo would always accidentally put some small things into his pocket.

Especially the Turning God Body, Lei Luo inadvertently discovered this thing, and then took it for himself without a trace.

In addition to cleaning up the warehouse, Lei Luo used the prop of the god body to successfully master the solution of the ice system's strongest slashing knife, the ice wheel pill, in less than two days, and for a time, the ice and snow in the warehouse were flying, and the temperature almost dropped to absolute freezing point.

Since Lei Luo's own strength is strong, his body can completely withstand the true swastika power of the Ice Wheel Pill, so that the swastika he has learned is directly the strongest form of the Ice Wheel Pill.

Although his body is not deformed like Kohaku in the anime, the spiritual pressure on his body has skyrocketed, so much so that it alarms all the patrolling Shinigami in the entire Kuzacho.

Kisuke Urahara and Ryōtetsushai, who were resting and chatting in the shop, were naturally no exception, and when the two hurriedly broke into the wooden house warehouse, what they saw in front of them was completely a miniature of the ice and snow world, all the inventory goods were completely buried, the snow was as hard as steel, and the biting chill made the two have to transport spiritual power to wrap their bodies.

In the hard as steel snowflakes in the sky, Lei Luo himself is floating in the air, holding a white chopping knife in his hand, the blade body is like snow, the pieces are like scales like the blade is covered with the blade, and the hilt of the chopping knife is similar to the shape of a dragon's head, and there are even two white gemstones similar to white light set on both sides of the tail of the knife.

"Ice Slashing Knife?!"

Kisuke Urahara and Ryōtsai looked at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

These two people know how much the Death Slashing Knife is, in the ice slashing knife they know, Ice Wheel Pill is known as the strongest ice system slashing knife in history, and its swastika ability has never really been revealed to the world, so no one knows the form and ability limit of Ice Wheel Pill after real swastika Pill.

However, it is only the initial solution and the incomplete solution, and its increase in the master's spiritual pressure and the effect on the enemy's battle have exceeded the definition of the strength of the ordinary captain-level god of death.

This was also the fundamental reason why Jing Ling Ting asserted that the Ice Wheel Pill was the strongest slashing knife in the Ice System.

Kisuke Urahara and Ryō Tetsai have always deeply agreed with this resolution, believing that the ice wheel pill is undisputed as the strongest slashing knife in the ice system.

However, seeing the power of the ice slashing knife in Leiluo's hand, the two became suspicious of the views they once shared.

If you judge by the spiritual pressure of the knife body and the effect of energy on the temperature of the surrounding environment, the slashing knife in Lei Luo's hand is definitely not under the ice wheel pill! ! Even according to the astonishment of the two, even if the ice wheel pill held by Hibanyu Dongshiro was truly solved, it would be difficult to reach the spiritual pressure of the slashing knife in Lei Luo's hand.

The slashing knife is not only a prop to increase the master's spiritual pressure, but also under the continuous instillation of the master's spiritual pressure, the slashing knife itself will become stronger and stronger.

Just like the strongest slashing knife in the fire system-flowing blade like fire, if it is held in the hands of a patrol god of death, even if it will not insult the prestige of the flowing blade like fire, but if you want to grow into the strongest slashing knife of the fire system, then I am afraid that the hope is very slim.

The ranking of the slashing knife is closely related to the master's spiritual pressure and talent.

The same slashing knife, in the hands of two different people, can exert completely different strength, the same is the strongest slashing knife in the ice system, Hibanya Fuyushiro can be solved, but Sojiro Kusanagi has not comprehended the slash until death.

Even after awakening the power of the void in his body, Sojiro Kusanagi was still no match for Xiaobai, and was easily killed by Xiaobai, who was not completely solved.

"Could it be that the strongest name of the Ice Slashing Saber is going to change hands?"

This is the common voice of Kisuke Urahara and Ryōtetsai.

At the same time, above the empty town, the originally clear sky suddenly shook, and then the blue sky cracked a gap, and in a moment it grew into a pitch-black void, and six figures in white robes walked out of the pitch-black void one after another, and on their faces, they all had a white mask.

"Grimjo, we have locked Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual pressure, shall we go over now?"

At the moment of appearing in this world, these people simultaneously detected the captain-level spiritual pressure that was being vented wantonly in the empty town, and the place where Kurosaki Ichigo spiritual pressure was located was very close to the location of that spiritual pressure, so a broken face with his left eye and head covered by a mask asked this question.

With the Captain-level Shinigami by Kurosaki Ichigo's side, it was a small obstacle to their plan to kill Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Takashi, before I finish off Ichigo Kurosaki, that Captain Shinigami will be handed over to you."

The sixtieth blade Grimcho ordered the subordinate officer behind him, and then raised his foot and disappeared into the air, and the five broken faces standing behind him did not hesitate, and followed towards Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual pressure position.

In another place above Kuzacho, two other figures walked out of the void.

"Captain, this spiritual pressure seems to be an ice slashing knife..." A

blonde-haired, hot-bodied beauty looked at the empty seat at her feet, and looked at a teenager standing in front of her with a slight frown.

"It's very similar to the spirit pressure of the Ice Wheel Pill, but it's more terrifying than the spirit pressure of the Ice Wheel Pill, what the hell is going on?!"

The boy has white hair, a black kimono and a white gown over his back, and the words 'Juban Team' are written on his back in pitch-black font.

Hibanya Fuyushiro! One of the thirteen teams of the Shinigami Guardian Court, the captain of the Juban team, and the holder of the strongest slashing knife of the ice system-Ice Wheel Pill, suddenly came to the world at this time, and since the subordinates who had been monitoring the empty seat town reported the captain-level spirit pressure incident in the empty zacho, they rushed to the captain of the empty zacho as soon as possible....

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