When Grimchow turned his head to look behind him, he found that all five of his men had fallen to the ground injured.

If this is the case, then Grim Joe will not be frightened, but when he sees the state of his subordinate officers, the shock in Grim Joe's heart cannot be described in words.

"You used the Returning Blade, but you were still defeated in such a short time!"

Opposite these broken subordinate officers, Hibanya Fuyushiro, who had already been dissolved, was turning his head to look at Grimmjo, and behind him, Matsumoto Ranju was holding an arm....

It turned out that when Grimcho was chasing and killing Ichigo Kurosaki and fighting Kisuke Urahara, five face-shattering subordinates had already returned to the blade, releasing all the spiritual pressure of their own Vastod-level Great Void.

In the face of the captain-level death god, these broken face subordinate officers dare not raise it, so they are all out as soon as they start!

In the Returning Blade state, their spiritual pressure was nearly ten times higher than when they appeared, and with five against one, they almost pressed Hibangu Dongshiro to rub on the ground.

As the captain of the Shinigami, Hibanya Fuyushiro is naturally sensitive to spiritual pressure, and at the first time of the five broken faces, he also clearly understood that he could not defeat the other party in the initial solution state, so he wanted to use the swastika early on.

But his swastika is different from other Grim Reaper captains, other Grim Reaper captains are instantaneous swastika apolysis, only he, because his body cannot withstand the complete swastika of the ice wheel pill, so every time he casts an incomplete swastika solution, he has to have a little time for the body to coordinate with the slashing knife.

But now the situation is that he has to fight one against five, so his swastika is always unable to be completed smoothly, which directly leads to him being able to face the constant attacks of the five face-breaking subordinates in the state of initial solution.

Seeing this situation, the vice captain of the Juban team who came to the present world with Hibanya Fuyushiro, Matsumoto Chaju immediately joined the battle circle, although her combat effectiveness is not strong, but the gray cat after the beginning is very suitable for team battles, especially with the special effect of Hibanya Fuyushiro's ice wheel pill.

Layers of sand tornadoes, combined with the various range attacks of Hibangu Dongshiro, actually suppressed the attack momentum of the five face-breaking subordinate officers, and the situation of the battle between the two sides also showed a rare balance.

However, after seeing that Kurosaki Ichigo was injured, Matsumoto Ichiku and Hibanya Fuyushiro were all anxious, and they didn't know much about Urahara Kisuke, so they were very worried that Kurosaki Ichigo would die at the hands of the super shattered face.

Especially Matsumoto Chaoju, his own strength is difficult to confront the five face-breaking subordinate officers head-on, at this time the mentality is unstable, and the attack has made a mistake, and he was directly shot down from the air by a face-breaking subordinate officer.

Losing Matsumoto's restraint, Hibanya Fuyushiro once again fell into a situation of one against five, but in the last moment when Matsumoto Chaoju was beaten away, he still commanded the gray cat to create a gap for Hibanya Fuyushiro and let him successfully use the swastika solution.

As the four ice flowers appeared behind him, Hibanya Dongshiro's right hand holding the knife was instantly covered by ice, and behind it, a pair of ice wings formed, and at the end of the ice wing, there was also a dragon tail condensed by icicles.

After the liberation, the spirit pressure of the Rifan Valley Dongshi Lang skyrocketed, and at the same time, in the face of the five broken subordinate officers who returned to the blade, they did not fall behind at all, and even quickly turned the tide of the battle, directly from being suppressed to one person pressing the opposite five people chasing and fighting.

By the time Matsumoto Ranju came to support again, Hibanya Fuyushiro had already suppressed the five broken subordinates on the opposite side for a while.

However, the broken face is a Vastod-level big void after all, even if it is not a member of the Broken Face Ten Blades with perverted ability, the ability is not idle.

Especially after its return to the blade, the body size and spiritual pressure all have a qualitative leap.

The returning blade effect is similar to the swastika of the god of death, the difference is that the god of death suppresses its own spiritual pressure so as not to affect the present world, while the broken face suppresses its own spiritual pressure, so that it can maintain its near-human appearance for a long time.

However, after all, they fought against the genius captain of the Shinigami Thirteenth Team, and when the ice behind Hibanya Fuyushiro melted to the last piece, the five of them had been knocked to the ground by Hibanya Fuyushiro, and their bodies were covered with ice slag, and the tallest of them, the tallest broken Nachim, had even cut off his arm.


Matsumoto returned to Hibanya Fuyushiro's side, and looked with him at Grimmjow in the distance, whose eyes were fierce, like a beast that chose to eat people.

No wonder Grimmjow is like this, his five subordinate officers are all his partners in the void.

Before Lan Ran did not carry out the surface breaking experiment in the virtual circle, their six Vastod-level virtual voids were already a small group that supported each other in the virtual circle.

Therefore, after Lan Ran successfully broke their faces, they did not disperse, and still existed in the form of a group in the Broken Face Army.

It can be said that these five face-breaking subordinates and Grimcho can be said to be both prosperous and detrimental.

Seeing the five broken subordinate officers wounded in their hands, Grimmjow was angry in his heart and reached out to take out the weapon on his waist.

"Squeak, Leopard King!"

In a low groan, a super spiritual pressure erupted around Grimqiao's body, which was not a little stronger than the five face-breaking subordinate officials, forcing Rifangu Dongshiro to stay away a little.

After the spiritual pressure passed, the broken mask of Grimjo's cheeks moved to the forehead, the turquoise eye shadow extended to the temples, the ears also turned into blue-green leopard ears, and the short blue hair also changed from short to long, hanging down to the waist.

A treasure-colored shirt was replaced by bone armor, and inverted bone spurs also grew on the forearm, and a pair of human palms were covered by bone armor, like the claws of a leopard, sharp and abnormal.

"Leopard King's Claw!"

The spiritual pressure was liberated, Grimmjow did not hesitate, his claws slashed across his chest, and two huge blue light marks appeared, full of attack and oppression.

"Ice Void!"

In the sky, Hibangu Dongshiro saw the blue claw mark attacking, and before he had time to think about it, the skill after the swastika was activated, an ice avatar that resembled him appeared in front of him, colliding with the blue claw mark.

"Click..." The

ice avatar dissipated at the same time as the blue claw marks, and Hibanya Fuyushiro also retreated to Urahara Kisuke with Matsumoto.

Grimcho did not pursue, and flashed to the side of the five Broken Face Subordinates, and after checking their injuries, his inner worries eased a lot.

Most of the broken faces have the ability to regenerate at super speed, and as long as they are not fatal, they can recover in a very short time.

Although the spiritual pressure of his five subordinate officers was much weaker, they were not harmed by life-threatening injuries after all, so there was no threat to their lives.

With a wave of his claws in the air, the black cavity reappeared, and Grim Joe stared at Hibanya Dongshiro on the ground, and his eyes were shining with a choice of people.

The five subordinates behind him stood up shakily and helped each other into the black cavity, although Hibanya Fuyushiro wanted to prevent them from fleeing, but after considering that his own swastika would not last long, he silently stood in place without moving, while the acting god of death, Kurosaki Ichigo, was pulled by Urahara Kisuke beside him, preventing him from rushing towards Grimmjow in the air.

With Kurosaki Ichigo's current spiritual pressure, it is not the sixtieth blade at all, Grim Joe's opponent, only after he masters the void can he truly defeat Grim Joe in the state of returning to the blade.

When all the subordinate officers entered the black cavity, Grim Joe stepped back into the black cavity, and after taking one last look at Kurosaki Ichigo and Hibanya Fuyushiro, the black cavity closed, and Grim Joe's terrifying spiritual pressure also disappeared into the present world.

At the same time, Lei Luo belatedly arrived at the battlefield with a completely dissolved version of the Ice Wheel Pill.

The moment he saw the slashing knife in Leiluo's hand, Hibangu Dongshiro's heart trembled, and the ice wheel pill in his hand couldn't help shaking, as if he was resisting something...

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