At this time, Lei Luo, because he was already familiar with the true swastika of the ice wheel pill, his body shape also changed slightly.

The most obvious thing is that Leiluo's originally dark hair has turned white at this time, and many places all over his body are covered with thin ice, like protective body armor.

And as Relo moves, where he passes, there are often snowflakes falling.

"Captain, that young man in the air should be the source of the captain-level spiritual pressure we feel in the Spirit Court."

"But the slashing knife in his hand..." Although

he had already sensed the inexplicable captain-level spiritual pressure at the moment he entered this world, after really seeing the slashing knife itself, and touching the spiritual pressure of that slashing knife so closely, Matsumoto Chaoju's eyes widened.

Matsumoto Chaju subconsciously looked at his captain, but found that Hibanya Fuyushiro was trembling all over, and even forgot to get rid of it.


reached out and shook in front of Hibanya Fuyushiro's eyes, intending to awaken him who had lost his mind.

"That slashing knife is not an ice wheel pill, it's just close to the spirit pressure of the ice wheel pill!!"

Hibanya Fuyushiro came back to his senses, first lifted the swastika solution, and then looked at the ice wheel pill in his hand.

Matsumoto Ranju naturally knew what the captain was thinking, and as a vice captain, she also knew some of the rules of the central forty-sixth room, and said immediately when she heard this.

"Well, that slashing knife must not be an ice wheel pill, captain, you don't need to worry too much..."

said so, but the two knew in their hearts that this matter could only be concealed for a while, and when Lan Ran launched a battle against Kuzacho, the young man in the air only needed to show up and take out the slashing knife, and at that time, the fact that another ice wheel pill appeared could not be concealed.

With his brows furrowed, a scene that had been hidden in Hibanya Dongshiro's memory quietly emerged...

It was a scene of a duel between two Shinigami, one of whom was Hibanya Fuyushiro, and the other was an obscure Shinigami.

The two fought back and forth, but the other party's spiritual pressure was obviously inferior to Hibanya Dongshiro, so it was logical to be beaten to the ground in the end, and since then, Hifangu Dongshiro has never seen the same death god again.

There is only one reason why Hibanya Fuyushiro recalls these things, that is, the Shinigami has the same slashing knife as him, and the purpose of their duel is to determine who can really possess the ice wheel pill and become the owner of the strongest ice slashing knife recognized by the Spirit Court.

That time, he won and became the owner of the ice wheel pill, and in the future, with the ice wheel pill, he became the captain of the tenth team of the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court.

And now, from the young man in the air, he once again felt the breath of the ice wheel pill, and the other party was still a person who was proficient in the complete solution of the ice wheel pill.

"What to do? Another duel? The loser gives up the Ice Wheel Pill and bears the punishment of the Central Forty-Six Room..." Thinking of the

other Shinigami who disappeared, although he didn't say anything, Hibanya Fuyushiro was very aware of that person's situation, so now his heart would be full of contradictions.

In the next few days, Hibanya Fuyushiro did not return to the Soul Court, he casually found an excuse and stayed at Kurosaki Ichigo's house, anyway, Captain Shinigami is usually relatively idle, and if there is no special matter, they are rarely busy several times a year.

Therefore, the Ryoki Court did not interfere too much with the stay of Hibanya Fuyushiro in the present world, and because of the special status of Kuza Town, the acting god of death, Kurosaki Ichigo, was not lightly injured, so there was a Shinigami captain sitting in Kuzacho, and it was also the general captain of the 13th Gotei Team who acquiesced.

These days, Hibanya Fuyushiro often accompanies Ichigo Kurosaki to the Urahara store, and after observation, he has confirmed that the slashing knife in Relo's hand must be another ice wheel pill.

"Why, the slashing knife in someone else's hand has at most a twin, I'm good, the strongest ice slashing knife is still triplets..." Because

he knew that the twin slashing knife would occasionally appear in the Spirit Court and would be held by different people, the central forty-sixth room had long stipulated that once there was an incident in which the twin slashing knives were held differently in the Grim Reaper, the two parties must go through a duel to choose the true owner of the slashing knife.

Duels are won and lost, the winner has ownership of the slashing knife, and the loser will be executed!

"What to do? Is history going to repeat itself again? Although

Hibanya Fuyushiro did not agree with the rule of the Central Forty-Six Room, he was still the captain of the Juban Team and had no way to rebel against the Central Forty-Six Room.

"No matter what, I'm going to stop this from happening!"

Hibanya Fuyushiro came to Lei Luo and wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

"You mean to talk about Orochimaru."

In the past few days, Lei Luo has also discovered the abnormality of Hibanya Dongshiro, and after thinking about it, he has understood what he is worried about.

"But I'm not the Grim Reaper!! What do the rules of the Central Forty-Six Room have to do with me? This

is Leiluo's inner monologue, but if he says so, then his relationship with the God of Death will collapse, in order to claim the uniqueness of the strongest slashing knife in the ice system, and in order to maintain the majesty of the central forty-sixth room, the thirteenth team of the court protector will definitely put Leiluo's name and Lan Ran together.

Maybe before Lan Ran started the war, the thirteenth team of the court protector would first take Lei Luo to sacrifice the flag.

At this stage, Lei Luo does not plan to carry the thirteenth team of the God of Death, the intelligence is insufficient, the upper limit of Yamamoto's ability is unknown, the tenth generation of Sword Hachigami is also an unlimited force value, such a strong lineup, Lei Luo feels that it is better to wait for other villains in the animation to help him dispose of some strong people before taking action.

The most important thing is that Lei Luo does not know the method of making the king key, without the king key, Lei Luo has no way to reach the Spirit King Palace, can't reach the Spirit King Palace, how to talk about destroying the Spirit King, can't destroy the Spirit King, how to enter the bottom of hell?

"My slashing knife is not an ice wheel pill, it is

an ice rift" "I have already discussed with the store manager Urahara, he will help me transform the ice rift valley and make its spiritual pressure change, at least so that no one other than you can distinguish the relationship between the two slashing knives."

Kisuke Urahara also did not agree with some of the rules of the Central Forty-Six Room, so after understanding that Dai Relo really had another ice wheel pill in his hands, he agreed to Relo's request without much thought.

In the past few days, Kisuke Urahara is treating Kurosaki Ichigo's injuries on the one hand, and on the other hand, he is studying how to transform the ice wheel pill in Relo's hand.

After all, Hibanya Fuyushiro is the captain of the Shinigami, and the spiritual pressure of his slashing knife is very familiar to everyone, just like Matsumoto Chaoju, as long as you feel it up close, you can easily judge whether the slashing knife in Leiluo's hand is an ice wheel pill.

However, with the help of Kisuke Urahara, Relo has the confidence that he can change the spiritual pressure of the Naka Ice Wheel Pill from being detected by other Shinigami captains.

"This is the best, I don't want anyone to die because of the ice wheel pill, the person who can get the approval of the ice wheel pill must not be a bad person, but there is no absolute!" If you let me know that you used the Ice Wheel Pill to do something bad for the Soul Court, then don't spare your life, and I will also take back the Ice Wheel Pill in your hand!" "

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