In the wooden house warehouse of the Urahara store, in front of Relo was the remodeled ice wheel pill, which had all changed a lot in terms of appearance and spiritual pressure.

"Now, even Hinatani Fuyushiro may have a hard time detecting that this weapon is an ice wheel pill."

Relo had to admire Urahara Kisuke's ability to completely change the appearance and spiritual pressure of a slashing knife in such a short time.

"Not good! Not good! There are many big voids in Kuzacho! As

soon as he walked out of the warehouse, a loud shout immediately reached Leiluo's ears, and Yuyu, who had rushed back from outside, ran into his room and took out a machine gun wrapped in bandages.

Just when he was about to run out the door, he suddenly saw Lei Luo coming from the backyard, and without saying a word, Yu Yu grabbed Lei Luo, and couldn't help but directly pull Lei Luo to run outside the store.

"Still stunned for what, the entire empty town is going to explode, patrol death, bottles, white-haired dwarf winter melons, and even the injured family are fighting!"

"Let's hurry up too, otherwise the empty town will be over!"

As soon as he went out, Lei Luo felt dozens of spiritual pressures, the closest of which were only a few hundred meters away from him.

There was a huge void, and under the white mask was an incomparably huge pitch-black body, and near the chest, there was an equally huge void.


Around it, there were nearly a dozen patrolling Shinigami who were constantly roaming and attacking this Killian-level void.

Although it is the lowest existence in the Great Void, its spiritual pressure is not something that ordinary patrol Death Gods can easily kill, facing the attacks of more than a dozen patrol Death Gods, this Killian-level Great Void has no response, and the spiritual pressure of both sides is not at all in the same magnitude.

"Everyone hold on, wait for Captain Hibanya to solve the battle on his side and come back to help us!"

A patrolling Shinigami shouted, and then a ghost-like light shot out from his hand, hitting the mask of the Great Void's head, and the ghost path attack overflowed in the explosion.

However, the momentum of this attack looked huge, but the effect was not significant, leaving only a dark spot on this big void mask.


Perhaps it was pain, or maybe tired of the harassment of these patrolling gods, this Killian-level big void turned its head and looked over, the position of the mouth on the mask was cracked, and the black void slowly condensed.

"The virtual flash of the Killian level void, ordinary patrol death gods can't withstand it at all!"

Seeing this, Yu Wuyu did not dare to hesitate, threw down Lei Luo, jumped into the air, and the machine gun in his hand spewed out countless Lingzi light bullets, constantly hitting the mask of the Great Void.

"Click..." A

slight crack appeared on the mask of the Great Void, and when the Lingzi light bullet hit the black Void Flash, it detonated the black Void Flash that had condensed many Lingzi.


In the explosion of Lingzi, this big void head was instantly blown up.

Those patrol gods who thought they were certain to die let out a long breath, thanked Yu from a distance, did not stop, and rushed to the next place where the Great Void was.

Falling from the air, Sasaya Yu glanced at Relo.

"I heard that you have captain-level spiritual pressure? Now that there are not enough people in Kuzacho, it is time for you to show your captain-level strength. "

Saiya Yu carried the Reiko machine gun, signaled Lei Luo to behave well, and then walked away without looking back.

In another place, Hibanya Dongshiro once again solved the opponent's big void, but before he could rest, another Killian-level big void had come to reality from the void circle.

"Damn it! Isn't it hard for Kilian to get out of the void circle? Why are there so many here! "

There was no time for Hibanya Fuyushiro to think, the newly appeared Great Void opened its mouth again, and the unique light of the black Void began to flicker...

In order to solve the big void in front of him as soon as possible, Hibanya Fuyushiro opened the swastika early, so the efficiency of killing monsters was much faster, but there were too many monsters, and his swastika had a time limit, resulting in a momentary inability to stop the big void from raging in the empty zacho.

In the current Kuzacho, this is the case almost everywhere in the city, and all the patrolling Shinigami, plus Hibanya Fuyushiro, Urahara Kisuke and others can not stop the large number of large voids that destroy the empty zacho.

Because of Lan Ran's defection, a great purge is underway inside the Soul Court, and many Shinigami have been restricted from moving because they have had contact with Lan Ran, if not, how can so many Killian leave the void circle and enter the present world escape the surveillance of the Soul Court!

"Damn blue dye!!"

Hinamori's matter has already made Rifangu hate Lan Ran, plus this matter, Hibangu can't wait to catch Lan Ran, and then immediately crush his corpse into ten thousand pieces!!

"I hope the Orochi Pavilion will soon notice the situation in Kuzacho!!"

Hibanya Dongshiro prayed in his heart, because there were so many reasons for Kilien, they couldn't open the gate now, let alone move the rescuers.


At this moment, a laser suddenly shot from a distance, effortlessly piercing the mask of this Kilien.


Looking at the figure gradually condensed by the laser in front of him, Hibanya Dongshiro couldn't help frowning.

Killing a Kilian so simply, and even he didn't notice how Lei Luo struck, coupled with the previous incident of the ice wheel pill, Hibanya Fuyushiro suddenly had a special feeling in his heart - jealousy!

This feeling made Hibanya Fuyushiro very unhappy, he had the same slashing knife with him, and the swastika was solved earlier than he adapted, and the shot just now also showed that Lei Luo seemed to have other abilities that they didn't understand!

"Who the hell is this human?! And what is his purpose in approaching Kisuke Urahara?! After

these few days of contact, Hibanya Fuyushiro has learned about Kisuke Urahara in all aspects, and at the same time has developed a lot of interest in the human reason that he took in Relo, whose origin is unknown.

"Wow! Who is that human? Unexpectedly killed Kilian at once!

"Even if it's Captain Death, it's estimated that that's it!"

"Didn't you see the face of Captain Hibanya? Something must have happened between them! Compared

to Hibanya Fuyushiro's many hearts, those patrolling gods of death who were only low-level gods of death surrounded Lei Luo in the center, and in their eyes, a light called worship kept flickering.

"Captain Hibanya, there are still many big voids wandering in the empty town, please let those patrolling Shinigami work quickly!"

Lei Luo said and left in a flash, leaving everyone with an extremely dashing back.

Another battlefield.

Lei Luo suddenly appeared, holding the transformed ice wheel pill in his hand, the ice wheel pill at this time, the blade body is slender, shining with the unique cold light of ice crystals, the handle is blue and white, with a round gauntlet, holding the knife in one hand, heroic and sassy.

With a slash, a large number of ice blades appeared, shattering a Killian who was fighting with the patrolling Grim Reaper into a pure spirit son...

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