The next morning, Lei Luo woke up early and lazily looked around, the morning of the Soul Court was the same as in the present world, and the sun also rose from the east.

After a simple wash, satisfying the Temple of the Five Organs, Lei Luo went out and walked out.

Just outside the Juban team's building, a young Shinigami hurried over from a distance, and when he came to Lei Luo's side, he immediately took out something from his arms.

"Lei Luo, this is the Acting God of Death Pass that Captain Ukitake asked me to hand over to you, with this, you are the Acting God of Death, and you can come and go as you like in the Spirit Court and the present world."

The young Shinigami briefly introduced the role of the token to Relo, and then did not stop too much, turned and walked in the direction he came.

The thirteen teams of the Guardian Court have the habit of exercising in the morning, and if the captain does not make special arrangements for these gods of death, then they will not leave the team building for a single morning.

When the young Grim Reaper walked away, Lei Luo held the proxy Grim Reaper Pass in his hand and looked at it for a long time, in the original work, the Agent Grim Reaper Pass is not just a status symbol of the Agent Grim Reaper.

It also has another function - to monitor the spiritual pressure of the holder, no matter where the person wearing the proxy death pass is, as long as a trace of spiritual pressure is released, Ukitake Shirou can find the place where the person is with the proxy death pass.

Holding the proxy death pass, Lei Luo's heart moved, and the light escaped. Infrared perception was activated instantly, and in an instant, Lei Luo had completely grasped the situation within ten kilometers of the surrounding area.

"Sure enough!"

Lei Luo opened his eyes, and near where he stood, many young Shinigami dressed in death overlord costumes were ambushed around, looking at the expressions and movements of those people, it was obvious that they were hiding in the shadows to monitor Lei Luo.

It can be seen that Old Man Yamamoto is not completely at ease with Leiluo, and letting him become the acting god of death may have the meaning of wooing, but more often, he wants to use the proxy death pass to monitor Leiluo.

For this situation, Lei Luo had already expected that the use of infrared sensing just now was just to confirm the thoughts in his heart.

As Relo walked around the Spirit Court, the Shinigami who was hiding in the shadows never appeared, but Relo could always sense their presence.

Until he came to the location of the boundary gate and greeted Urahara Kisuke and the others, Relo did not explain to everyone that someone was watching him, and followed everyone into the boundary gate without saying a word.

Returning to the present world, before Lei Luo could see the surroundings, a figure already pounced.

"Relo, you're finally back!"

Yu Wuyu had been waiting outside the boundary gate for a long time, so the moment he saw Lei Luo appear, he couldn't suppress his mood, and he didn't care about others at all, and threw himself directly into Lei Luo's arms.


Kisuke Urahara was embarrassed for a while, although he knew Sasaya's attitude towards Relo, but Relo did not indicate that he wanted Sasaya Yu to be his girlfriend after all, and judging from the performance of the previous day, Relo seemed to prefer Matsumoto Ranju.

At this time, in order to hide his embarrassment, Kisuke Urahara could only pretend to cough to remind Sasaya Yu to pay attention to his behavior.

Unexpectedly, the other party not only did not notice, but looked at himself with a curious face!

"Manager, what's wrong with you? Didn't sleep well last night and had a cold?

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be, you are the latest skeleton of the latest model, don't say that you have a cold and fever, even the super virus can't affect this body, right?!"

Sasaya Yu let go of Relo and came to Urahara Kisuke's side, constantly looking Urahara Kisuke up and down, inside and out, and almost ripped off Urahara Kisuke's clothes.


Urahara Kisuke's face stiffened, and he couldn't wait to get into the gate and never come out again.

After a small episode, everyone left the gate and returned to the Urahara store, and after the rain in the house, everyone's mood was much better.

Kisuke Urahara is so thick-skinned, and he has long returned to normal for the previous farce.

Sitting in the Urahara store at this time, everyone look at me, I look at you, especially Urahara Kisuke and the other Shinigami captains who came from the Silent Spirit Garden.

Yesterday in the Orochi Garden, except for Relo, who had been arranged to rest by Old Man Yamamoto early, Kisuke Urahara and Ryō Tetetsuzai were actually called to the council chamber of the team building again after late at night.

In the second council chamber, Old Man Yamamoto called all the captains of the Shinigami who were in the Silent Spirit Court together, with Hibanya Fuyushiro as the main speaker, explaining the situation in the present world one by one, and focusing on analyzing Inoue Orihime, who broke his face and was taken away.

In the end, all the Shinigami captains were reminded and explained by Kisuke Urahara, and quickly made the decision to transfer the empty town of Kuza Town to the Sori Court using the enchantment, and all the Shinigami captains secretly gathered to go to the present world and create a fake empty zacho in this world in order to deal with the next action that Lan Ran will make.

"Lei Luo, let me introduce these Death captains to you first."

Kisuke Urahara simply explained the plan specified last night, and then pushed several Captain Shinigami, who were wearing the uniforms of the captain of the team, to the front.

"This is the thirteenth team of the court guard, the captain of the second team, the broken bee, and the second team is a secret mobile force, and they can be found in large and small operations in the corpse soul world."

"This is the captain of the fourth team, Orochibana, and the fourth team is a medical unit, and his medical skills are unparalleled

in the world..." "This is the captain of the sixth team, Immortal Mu Baiya, the patriarch of the Great Noble Immortal Wood Family of the Corpse Soul Realm, with a proud status

..." "There is also the vice captain of the team they are in..."

Kisuke Urahara introduced all the Shinigami captains and their vice captains who secretly came to the present world from the gate of the realm, except for Reno, Sasaya Yu and another teenager who worked at the Urahara store, the others still met these Shinigami captains, so the two sides were just a simple politeness.

After the two sides got to know each other briefly, Kisuke Urahara straightened his face and announced what he had decided in the team building late last night.

"According to the investigation of the corpse soul realm investigation force these days, Lan Ran's purpose in capturing Hongyu has become clear, that guy actually wants to use Hongyu to create a king key in Empty Seat Town, and use the created king key to enter the Spirit King Palace."

"Everyone here may not know much about the Spirit King Palace, but Immortal Mu Baiya, the two of you should know what the Spirit King represents, right?"

"If Lan Ran creates the king key and uses the king key to enter the Spirit King Palace, at that time, not only the corpse soul realm will be in danger of disappearing, but even the void circle and the present world will be affected, and perhaps the end will be that the entire death god realm will disappear!!"

"According to the instructions of Captain Yamamoto, we must stop Lan Ran's actions, first of all, we must use the enchantment to hide the real Kuzacho, and then use the fake Kuzacho created as a battlefield to eliminate the Void Circle Broken Face Legion led by Lan Ran in one fell swoop!"

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