Relo knows something about the Spirit King and the fake Kuzacho, so he was not surprised to hear Kisuke Urahara's explanation, but Kurosaki Ichigo and others are different, especially Kurosaki Ichigo, who has not been an acting god of death for a long time, so he doesn't know what the Spirit King Palace and the Spirit King mean.

However, he understands what it means to make Kuzacho the battlefield of Captain Shinigami and the Face Breaker!

If the Shinigami and Broken Face really start a war above the empty zacho, at that time, the spiritual pressure of both sides will be fully unfolded, and there will definitely be no more humans in the empty zacho who can survive.

"When are we going to act?"

Kurosaki Ichigo is the most anxious, time does not wait for anyone, hurry up and get things done in Kuzacho, he still has to rush to the void circle to save Inoue Orihime!


In the air, a burst of spiritual pressure fragments rolled down, startling away the patrolling gods of death who were watching the excitement around, and two figures slowly emerged, it was Lei Luo and Immortal Mu Baiya.

"Captain Immortal, I wonder how you can prepare to train me?"

Lei Luo said disdainfully, for this Captain Death, who appeared very strong in the original book and had the ability to attack with a thousand changes and ten thousand attack modes, he felt that this nobleman was not pleasing to the eye.

"Young man, don't think that your eyes grow on the top of your head with a little strength, you have to know that there are people outside the people, and a mountain is higher than a mountain."

Looking at the young and vigorous Relo, Shiraya Kurumi seemed to see the former Kurosaki Ichigo, the same acting Shinigami, the same initiative to challenge him.

"Young people, only after being taught will they understand what modesty is!"

Hearing the words of Immortal Mu Baiya, Lei Luo didn't bother to pay attention to it, there are people outside the people, a mountain is higher than a mountain? This kind of thing, Old Man Yamamoto said it is okay, he is immortal and white, it seems that he is still a little worse!

"Who do you think you are? A captain of death, in the face of Kurosaki Ichigo has just learned to solve but can not easily overturn the other party, now Kurosaki Ichigo has grown so much, I am afraid that the two of you fight again, the person who is injured and begging for mercy will be you! ! ! Relo

pointed to Ichigo Kurosaki in the distance, who obviously had obvious black lines on his forehead, and swung his hands together, saying that he would definitely not be able to beat Kurumi Hakuya.

His explanation instantly made Immortal Mu Baiya's face become ugly.

"Shoot, as a senior, I will let you make three moves!"

Ignoring Ichigo Kurosaki, Shiraya Kurumi seemed to be stimulated by Relo's contempt.

The slashing knife that had been scattered into petals in his hand re-condensed into a blade, forcibly suppressing his anger, and said to Lei Luo.

No matter what, he must pay attention to his words and deeds, after all, he is the captain of the Grim Reaper, and he is also a nobleman in the Corpse Soul Realm, and he must not lose the face of the Corpse Soul Realm.

"Huh, three moves? Do you want me to let you do ten moves?"

In Leiluo's eyes, Immortal Mu Baiya suddenly became a little cute, and without looking at who the person in front of him was, he dared to say that he wanted to make a few moves to the other party.

However, after facing Lei Luo's repeated provocations, Shiraya finally couldn't bear it, raised his eyebrows, his hands swiped in the air, and his lips opened and closed from time to time.

"King's Landing! Masks of flesh and blood, everything that flutters its wings, what bears the name of humanity! Truth and temperance, ignorance of the wall of sinful dreams, standing only on it! "

Broken Dao Thirty-Three Fire Pendant!"

"This fire is really hot."

Lei Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and slapped the knife in front of him twice in his right hand, and the cold air on the surface of the Ice Rift Valley, which would hit Lei Luo in front of the flame frozen!

The Ice Wheel Pill that was transformed by Kisuke Urahara has always remained in the state of initial solution, coupled with the infinite amount of spiritual pressure provided by the Falling Heart Inflammation in Leiluo's body, in the face of the Broken Dao Thirty-Three, Relo can easily crack and suppress it.

Inadvertently, Lei Luo saw a smile on the corner of the mouth of Immortal Mu Baiya through the frozen flame in front of him, and before Lei Luo could react, the frozen flame in front of him suddenly soared, and it actually broke through the ice formed by the glacial rift in an instant, and directly rushed to Lei Luo's face.

At 0.01 second, Lei Luo turned into golden light, narrowly dodged the rushing flames, and re-condensed into his human form on the other side.

"Boy, do you think that with the ice slashing knife in your hand, you can freeze the complete chant of the captain-level death god? You're a little naïve! Behind

Relo, Shiraki Baiya had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and slowly stabbed the Senbon Sakura in his hand towards Relo's back, with mockery in his eyes.


The blade penetrated the body, and the expected blood splash did not appear, and Shiraya Immortal Mu obviously noticed the abnormality in front of him and turned to look behind him.

"This speed seems to have exceeded the limit of teleportation!"

The battle-hardened Immortal Mu Baiya could see at a glance that Lei Luo had dodged his blow by relying on some kind of instantaneous technique, but what surprised him extremely was Lei Luo's extreme speed, and even that kind of speed had far exceeded the hidden mobile force of the corpse soul realm famous for its teleportation technique!

The broken bee in the distance was also the same as the immortal wood Baiya, with shock on her face, she put herself in the position and thought about it, if she was allowed to use her full teleportation, maybe there would still be some gap from the speed of Relode's movement just now...

"Boy, now is the second lesson, in the face of different situations, formulate different combat plans, must not remain static!"

Immortal Mu Baiya quickly recovered from his stunned mind, and the next moment, the figure of Immortal Mu Baiya disappeared, and the thousand cherry blossoms in his hand began to float away, turning into petals and scattering, the range was many times larger than before.

Immortal Mu Baiya also knew at this time that Leiluo's strength was not much worse than him, so he no longer hid his secrets, but the two sides were just talking, even if Lei Luo's words were repeatedly bad to him, he didn't think about asking Lei Luo to suffer a big loss, but a little punishment was still needed, otherwise, where would he have to put the face of the Immortal Wood Patriarch!

Moreover, Yu no Hana Lie was present, even if he really missed and injured Relo, it would not affect the next battle with the Broken Face Legion led by Lan Ran...

The two sides are in the same camp, so the shots are all measured, although Relo's language is sharp, but in the battle, Relo is not easy.

At least when Shiraya was defending with all his strength, it would be difficult for Relo to achieve results even if he attacked with all his strength.

However, Lei Luo also has some scruples, using all the abilities attached to some glacial rifts, even if he moves, he tries not to make himself elemental, otherwise, in the face of so many Captain Death, Lei Luo feels that he seems to have no way to explain the ability of elementalization that does not exist in the world of Death.

The two sides fought for a while, and when they realized that they could not win each other just by solving the battle, Izuku Baiya turned around at will, drew his knife and jumped behind him, and Lei Luo saw that his opponent stopped, and did not pursue.

There is no prejudice between the two, and the reason for the battle between the two sides is only because Kurumi Hakuya is not used to Leiluo's attitude towards Sasaya Yuai's answer.

Originally, this was not a thing, as the patriarch of the big family of Immortal Mu Hakuya, he would not make a move with Relo for this little thing, but who let there be such a boring lord as Kisuke Urahara in this world!

At his instigation, a group of Captain Death, who were originally interested in Leiluo's strength, discussed with each other, and all patted their heads and began to pry the two to fight with all their strength, which was the only scene that happened.

Now both sides can't take each other with the original solution battle, and this is not a life and death battle, there is no need to solve the battle, so Shiraya Kurumi finally chose to end this boring fight.

When the spiritual pressure of both sides became normal, Lei Luo and Kurumi Baiya both fell to the ground, at this time, a white enchantment pillar had been completed, stroking this enchantment pillar, Urahara Kisuke signaled to all the captains present to pour their spiritual pressure into the enchantment pillar one after another....

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