After a long time, the enchantment pillar in front of everyone emitted a bright light, shrouding everything around it, like a large gate through the boundary.

With the brief loss of concentration of several people at the scene, the place where everyone was has undergone earth-shaking changes, the occasional human voice from before disappeared instantly, and the birds and beasts around them also encountered the same situation, and the entire city instantly fell into a dead silence after the enchantment pillar fluoresced.

The sensitive captains of the Grim Reaper immediately noticed the abnormalities around them, and they all stared at each other, revealing an incredible brilliance in their eyes.

"Manager Urahara, have you successfully transferred Kuzacho to the Corpse Soul Realm?"

As the commander of the mobile unit, Crush Bee is most concerned about the success of the transfer of Kuzacho.

"That's right, the empty town has been transferred, in order to avoid the abnormalities of the humans living in the empty town in the corpse soul world, I also used the enchantment pillar to hypnotize them, and they should have fallen into a coma by now."

Kisuke Urahara turned around and grinned at Crushed Bee and the others.

"Well, to be able to research the technology to transfer a city in such a short period of time is really worthy of the person who created the Technology Development Bureau..."

"Nirvana, that pervert always prides himself on being the smartest Shinigami, but judging from your performance as store manager Urahara, the gap between the two of you is still very obvious."

"Nirvana is not good, it's just a little of my follower, who always asked me questions before, it's an annoying guy..." Crushed

Bee and the others chatted casually with Kisuke Urahara, at this time, the place where everyone was was already a fake empty town created by using the enchantment pillar, except for the layout that was the same as the real empty seat town, everything else was just a false illusion created by Reiko.

"Manager Urahara, Lan Ran won't notice the abnormality in Kuzacho, if he doesn't come here, then won't we do these things for nothing?"

Madara Corner, the third seat of the Eleventh Protector Team, loves to fight, and the fighting style is very characteristic of the Eleventh Team, fighting is not fatal, the more injured the more powerful the battle, is one of the few who is not the captain, but can use the Grim Reaper!

At this time, Madara Ichigo, because he had a good relationship with the acting god of death, Kurosaki Ichigo, had already come to the current world first after asking the captain for special instructions.

Due to the lack of knowledge, this question will only be asked after the transfer of Kuzacho.

"You don't have to worry about this, the transfer enchantment pillar I created is quite stable, and if you don't enter this area, you can't see any traces from Reiko and some other places."

"As long as Lan Ran enters this fake empty zacho, at that time, the thirteenth team of the Shinigami will all be dispatched, and at that time, even if he finds that this empty zacho is fake, it will already be a turtle in the urn!!"

Kisuke Urahara pointed to the enchantment pillar in front of him, briefly answered Madara's question, and then looked at the other Shinigami captains.

"The general captain should have already begun to arrange the defense situation of the hollow town in the corpse soul realm, and when everything is ready, he will lead the other Death captains here."

"What we have to do now is to quietly wait for the blue dye to get into the set..." At

this time, in the corpse soul world, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku is dispatching a large number of Shinigami to guard the real empty town hidden somewhere on Flowing Soul Street, looking at a large number of Shinigami guarding around the real empty zacho, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku turned his head to look at the Chojiro behind him....

"Chojiro, the command here is left to you, make sure that this city is not discovered by the blue dye!"

"Yes! Captain! "

Provincial Minister Jiro heard this, and in the midst of attention, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku led the other Shinigami captains to descend to this world through the realm gate in front of him!

At the same time, above Kuzacho, on the other side of the side separated from the captain of the Shinigami, 10 figures in white robes walked out of the black cavity opened in the void.

"According to Lord Lan Ran's request, we must get rid of all the gods of death in this city in the shortest possible time!"

It was a man in a white robe who did not have a virtual mask representing the broken identity on his whole body.

"Dongxian wants, Lord Lan Ran asked you to command this operation, so what is your plan?"

Behind Dongxian Yao, wearing a white robe, a round 'Linzhao' collar, long black hair, and a giant scythe, the tall and thin face asked with an arrogant expression.

Neutra Gilga, originally the eighth face, but because of the sneak attack on the third face, defeated the original third face and advanced to the ranks, the personality is arrogant, even if the identity ranking is higher than his own, there is no respect at all.

In the face of Dongxian Yao, Neutra Gill's attitude is very arrogant, if it weren't for the fear of creating his blue dyeing ability, I'm afraid this guy would really dare to disobey the order, take out Dongxian Yao, and then seize the command of this operation!

"From what I know about Captain Death, our strength is not below them at all, so when the action begins, each of them will find their opponent according to their preferences!"

Dongxian must think that he understands the abilities of all the Captains of the Grim Reaper, and he is also quite confident in the 9 broken faces brought to this world, not to mention, these people are only the advance team, and the weight of the attack is still behind.

"In that case, let's take care of ourselves."

Neutra Gilga stuck out his tongue as he spoke, and the number 5 representing his identification number was clearly engraved on his tongue.

"I don't care about the others, I just want you not to trouble Ichigo Kurosaki, he's mine!"

The sixtieth blade with short blue hair, Grimjo Jakajack looked at the companions around him with cold eyes, although they were the same ten blades, but there was no friendship between them, if there was a chance, I believe that most of them would kill these so-called companions around them.

"I can deal with anyone, but according to the intelligence transmitted by the traitors in the corpse soul world, it seems that the general captain of the thirteenth team, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku, has also come to this world, and I am afraid that we alone will not be able to deal with him."

Among the 9 broken faces, the only woman broke her face and looked at Dongxian to ask for it.

"You don't have to worry about this, Captain Lan Ran already has a way to deal with him."

"And Captain Lan Dye is passing through the black cavity, and our vanguard is just saying hello to the Captains of Death now..."

When Dongxian was about to speak, his blind head turned into the distance, and from his perception, it was obvious that he was aware of nearly 10 familiar spiritual pressure breaths. Especially one of the spiritual pressures, that familiar feeling, touched his heart deeply.

"The left formation of the Tamarin Village, it is very painful to be unable to live in the corpse soul realm with your true face! So let me end your suffering here!

Dongxian wanted to whisper inwardly, so he waved his hand forward, and the broken face ten blades beside him saw the momentum, rushing towards the spiritual pressure he recognized


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