"Dongxian wants, as the former captain of the Grim Reaper, have you lost the courage to face your former comrades-in-arms?"

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai, who was holding a remnant fire sword and had cold eyes, looked at Dongxian Yao who was in the Broken Face Legion through the defensive circle formed by layers of broken faces, and his tone was as cold as his eyes.

Facing his former boss, although Dongxian Qiao's eyes are blind, his heart is still clear, if it is said that these broken faces made by broken jade to deal with the first god of death in front of him, this is simply a fool's dream, so Lan Ran's original plan is definitely not like this!

Hearing this, the Eastern Immortal had to fix his eyes on all directions, and outside the defensive circle of the Mountain Breaking Face Legion, there were as many as nine Death Captains standing in the void.

"Captain Yamamoto."

"Ukitake Juro."

"More wood sword eight."

"Hibanya Fuyushiro

..." "Captain Kurumi..." "

Captain, it seems that you are very attentive to this operation, and actually brought all the Captain of Death to this world, do you already know the meaning of Kuzacho to Captain Lan Dye?"

Dongxian wanted to show a wry smile on his face, the Captain of the Death God of the entire Thirteenth Guard Team, except for Nirvana of the Second Team and our three defector captains, the rest of the people were all gathered here.

The captains of the god of death are all terrifying, and they have an unparalleled status in the corpse soul world, and it is no exaggeration to say that if the corpse soul world loses the protection of these captain-level death gods, I am afraid that the entire corpse soul world will collapse and disappear.

After all, it is not possible to casually pull out a god of death to deal with the great void, and the god of death who has not mastered the swastika can only be killed and devoured in the face of the great void.

And the swastika is the criterion for the Grim Reaper to become a captain, a Grim Reaper who will not swastika unless his spiritual pressure is terrifying to pervert, otherwise he is not qualified to become the captain of the Grim Reaper.

When it comes to Captain Death, one of the outliers has to be mentioned.

More Mu Jianba, the only captain among the captains of the Grim Reaper, will not be solved, but its terrifying spiritual pressure deeply shocked all the other captains of the Grim Reaper team.

This situation particularly fascinated Nirvana, who is currently the director of the Orochi Technology Development Bureau, but he has done a lot of research on the situation of Kenhachi Gengi, but he has never been able to fully understand the reason.

"Fellow companions, do you really think that we are sinners who have betrayed the Soul Court and the Corpse Soul Realm?"

"The Soul Court in your eyes, the thirteen teams of the Guardian Court, and even the entire Corpse Soul Realm are just a scam, why was our God of Death born, and why are we constantly guiding the good undead into the Corpse Soul Realm."

"Why are there blamers in hell, how did those blamers enter hell, who built hell, and why can't death enter hell and meddle in hell's affairs?"

"Former companions, aren't you curious about this?"

"The Spirit King, the creator of the Corpse Soul Realm, the supreme existence living in the Spirit King Palace, after so many years, have any of you really seen the Spirit King?"

"Tell you, the Spirit King has been unloaded in eight pieces! The so-called Spirit King Palace is just the cage of the Spirit King, where the first generation of death gods imprisoned the Frequent Dead Spirit King!

"The Spirit King who was unloaded is very weak, the first generation of death gods can kill the Spirit King without much effort, but the spirit cover between the corpse soul realm and the void circle is built with the spiritual power of the spirit king, if the spirit king dies, then the spirit cover shrouded in the sky above the corpse soul world will disappear, and the corpse soul world will no longer exist!"

"In order for the corpse soul realm to survive forever, so the spirit king cannot die, and the first generation of death gods are afraid that the spirit king's body and spiritual power will slowly recover due to the passage of time, so they induced the kind undead to enter the corpse soul realm, trying to suppress the recovery of the spirit king's body with the spiritual power in their bodies..."

Why can the spiritual pressure on the good undead inhibit the recovery of the Spirit King's injuries?

"Tell you what! The essence of the Spirit King is actually..."

"Boom !!"

A huge flame saber suddenly appeared, covering up what Dongxian was going to say, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku looked at Dongxian with a livid face, and the spiritual pressure on his body was terrifying, forcing several Death captains around him to retreat.

"Ninety-six broken paths! One knife cremation!

"The general captain actually directly used such a high-level breaking path, you can imagine the anger index in the general captain's heart."

"Although I have heard of the existence of the Spirit King, it is the first time I have heard of the theory that the Spirit King was unloaded..."

"Dongxian seems to want to say that the Spirit King is... Void, could it be that the Corpse Soul Realm itself is the territory of Void, but it was later occupied by our God of Death? "

Such untrue remarks, we don't need to pay attention to them, even if Dongxian wants to tell the truth, since the Spirit King is false, it is a good way to imprison him in the Spirit King Palace."


Although the Captain of Death was not affected by what Dongxian wanted to say, the surrounding Death Captains whispered.

Anyone who learns that the person they are desperately killing all day may be the same existence as their creator, and their heart will inevitably be a little shaken.

"Dongxian wants, these are all told to you by Lan Ran?"

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku held the Residual Fire Tai Saber, and the spiritual pressure on his body almost turned into substantial flames, and the void around him gradually showed signs of being melted.

"Originally, I wanted to capture you alive and return to the Soul Court for interrogation, but your words are too dangerous, and the existence of the Spirit King is a taboo for the entire Spirit Court!"

"And now, you not only know the existence of the Spirit King, but also wantonly slander the Spirit King in front of so many gods of death, trying to use words to shake the heart of the god of death under the old man!!"

"What a great crime!!

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku has been furious to the extreme, and the matter of the Spirit King is the most closely guarded information he has always had.

But now, this intelligence that he has tried to protect for thousands of years has been detected by Lan Ran unknowingly, how can this anger be described in words?!

Holding the Residual Fire Tai Saber, Yamamoto Motoyanagi shouted angrily, and the huge flame blade appeared out of thin air, and once again fell to the position of the Eastern Immortal.

This time, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku did not use the Dao-breaking skill, but directly used the Residual Fire Tai Dao in his hand.

The blazing spiritual pressure was blessed by the Residual Fire Tai Dao, forming a huge flame-shaped knife that was not inferior to the Ninety-Six Broken Dao - One Dao Cremation.

The ninety-six broken road just now has killed and injured most of the broken noodle legion in front of Dongxian Want, although these broken faces are ordered by Lan Ran to fight to the death to protect Dongxian Want, but in the face of Yamamoto Motoyanagi Heavy Kingdom's angry blow, many broken faces still have the idea of escaping.


Just as the Broken Face Legion was hesitating whether to die or escape, in front of them, a small black cavity quietly opened, and then a young Broken Face with a virtual mask on his head burst out of it.

In the face of the menacing Flame Blade, the newly emerged young face did not have a trace of worry on his face, but instead rushed towards the Flame Blade with great excitement...

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