The blazing flame knife was menacing, instantly engulfing the young broken face that was pounced on it.

At the same time, in the black cavity in front of the Broken Face Legion, Lan Dye wearing a white death suit came to the present world from the void circle, and behind him, there was a white-haired, squinting Ichiginmaru.

"Captain, you are still such a violent temper, you are already such an age, some things are better for young people to solve."

The person who spoke was Lan Ran, who led Dongxian Yao and Ichiginmaru to defect into the void circle.

Facing the flame blade that swept in front of him, Lan Ran did not move, as if he did not see the crisis in front of him.

Just when everyone thought that Lan Ran would definitely die, the flame knife that immediately touched the tip of Lan Ran's nose suddenly began to retreat, and the flame knife that was several miles long gradually retracted, and finally disappeared into the air.

When the flames completely disappeared, the young broken face who had previously pounced on the flame knife slowly came to Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku with a full burp, and his eyes were full of greed as he stared at Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku...

Seeing that the spiritual pressure of his captain was devoured by this young broken face, the Death God side all felt extremely shocked.

"There is actually a broken noodle that can eat the spirit pressure of the general captain!!"

"Is this a void made by Lan Ran using Broken Jade? Is it specially prepared to seal the spirit pressure of the general captain?

"It's terrible. This broken face..."


It is not like the riot of the Grim Reaper, but all of them show excited expressions on this side, in their hearts, as long as someone can stop the Grim Reaper Captain, these people can completely annihilate the Grim Reaper!

"Captain Lan Ran, give the order to kill these gods of death!"

"That is, kill them, and then use the empty town to create a king key, rescue the spirit king and re-rule the void circle!"

"This world and hell are also ours, under the leadership of the Spirit King, we will have a steady stream of similar births, and when the time comes, we will also have enough nourishment to increase our level!"

"Just thinking about it makes people excited!!"

A group of face-breaking beings are all existences with insufficient IQ, although they have successfully evolved from a large virtual form to a humanoid form under the action of Broken Jade, but their IQ is not as high as the big void that breaks the face on their own.

Find death!

After hearing those broken words, the first one who couldn't bear it was Genmu Jianba.

As the most belligerent Captain of Death, the slashing knife in his hand has long been impatient.


I saw a black light flash, and the most cheerful broken face instantly froze, and when everyone looked over, they found that the broken face was missing half a head.

"Lan Ran, it's a waste to keep this kind of miscellaneous soldiers, it's better to let me cut it all for you!"

The voice of the more wooden sword eight came from the broken face legion, and the slashing knife in his hand was not idle when he spoke, and he slashed the broken face close to him to the ground like a child.

"Hehe, more Mu Jianba, you may be taking yourself too seriously!"

After Genmu Jianba slashed over an unknown number of broken faces, the fourth-ranked broken face instantly came from a distance and stopped the slashing knife from Genmu Jianba with the huge crescent scythe in his hand.

"I heard that you are the most belligerent among Captain Death! It just so happens that my hands are itchy, so I'll take you to stop the itching first!

Neutra Gilga grinned, slashing back and forth with the crescent scythe in his hand, forcing the more wooden sword Yasei, who was in no man's land, to retreat.

As a battle maniac, Kenba Genmu never fears battle, especially when he sees an opponent who can resist his attacks several times, the deep desire to fight in his heart is immediately aroused.

The hot fight between the two sides seems to be in order to give it a go, and when the two fight, they intentionally or unintentionally led the battlefield away from the area where the two sides were located....

In the captain of the Shinigami, the left formation of the Tamarin Village saw that Genmu Jianba had already moved, and immediately drank angrily in his mouth.

"Dongxian! Your opponent is me! I must hit until you admit your mistake!!

"Zuo Jin , you actually revealed your true face, it seems that you are no longer afraid that your appearance will be ridiculed by the Shinigami..." Hearing

the cry of his former best friend, Dongxian wanted to let the broken face in front of him give way to a passage, and slowly walked to not far from the left formation of the Tamarin Village.

Although there are many Captain Death here, everyone knows in their hearts that the defecting Dongxian can only be the target of the left formation of the Tamarin Village.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, our battle is not over! Let's have a good fight here! The

blue-haired Grim Jow walked out of the Broken Face Legion and pointed at Ichigo Kurosaki in the distance, and the spiritual pressure on his body continued to climb!

"This time, I won't lose to you again!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo did not show weakness, clenched the slashing knife in his hand, and rushed towards Grimmjow, the two sides touched the point, and then collided again...

"I'll do it first, that kid looks cute, so let me love him well."

Tia Heribel, who ranked third among the Ten Blades and was the only female face breaker in the Ten Blades, came out of the crowd and went straight towards Hibanya Fuyushiro.

"I'm not a kid! It is the captain of the 13th team and the 10th team, Hibanya Fuyushiro! I will make you pay for what you just said and did! With

a flick of the slashing knife in his hand, the ice wings behind him flapped and Hibanya Fuyushiro fought with Tia Heribel.

Next, the seventh-ranked cursed monk of the Ten Blades, Zomali Luru, found Shiraya Kurumi, and using his super fast movement speed, Zomali Luru pulled Shiroya out of everyone's sight from the beginning...

Then, Koyatai Stark, who had a word engraved on his body, and Kyoraku Harushui, the captain of the eighth team of the thirteenth team of the court protection, also began to make tentative attacks on each other.

At the same time, as the Eightgang Ruisen, the second in the Ten Blades, was looking left and right to find his target, behind him, the voice of a woman came into his ears.

"Two-hit kill! Bee tattooing! Bailegang

who heard the voice was not surprised in the slightest, and did not even turn his head behind him, but saw a thick death qi suddenly appear on his body, staining the body of the broken bee that sneaked in, and instantly made the death tyrant on the broken bee's outstretched arm disappear.

In the moment when the sleeve of the death bully was rotten, the broken bee's heart was cold, and there was a bad word in her heart, and when the dead qi was about to rush to her face, another figure burst out from a distance, pulling it out of the range shrouded in dead qi...

"Broken bee, you can't be careless at any time, this is the first precept as the captain of the Hidden Mobile Unit..."

Rikaede Temple Yoruichi put the broken bee on the ground, and he could see that the right arm of the broken bee contaminated with the lifeless qi of Baylegon had become as thin as dry firewood at this time...

Until this time, in the Broken Face Legion, in addition to those broken faces, among the broken faces that came to this world, the super broken faces that did not make a shot were left the eighth ranked evil concubine of the ten blades - Sal Apollo Glanz, and the tenth ranked angry beast - Yami Rialgo.

On the Grim Reaper's side, all the Grim Reaper captains who came to this world have each been targeted by a broken face, and the battle between them will not end soon.

And Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, because that young face breaker can seal the ability of the Residual Fire Taidao, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku can only rely on his own spiritual power to fight, and he has to face the two former captains of the Shinigami who have Hongyu Lan Ran and Ichiginmaru.

At this stage, the only ones left on the Shinigami side who have the Apocalypse and can fight with the Broken Face Ten Blades are Reiro and Urahara Kisuke, because Urahara Kisuke has to maintain the continuous release of spiritual pressure to hide the enchantment pillar, so he will not be able to fight for a while, in other words, there is only one person left in Relo who can deal with these two super broken faces at the moment!!

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