"Dragon Shot!"

In the face of Yami's attack, Lei Luo snorted softly, his right hand was held in the void, and the slashing knife after changing his image appeared out of thin air, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Yami's palm.

The temperature in the air dropped sharply, with Lei Luo as the center, countless water vapors appeared in the air, and in a second, they condensed into ice cubes, following the direction of the tip of the ice wheel pill sword, towards the huge palm that was about to shoot down in the air.

"Click, click..." As

far as his eyes could see, Yami's outstretched palm was quickly covered with ice, and the ice remained unabated, and began to spread along Yami's arm towards his whole body.

Soon after, the huge body of the tooth was completely bound in the ice.

After doing all this, Lei Luo clapped his hands and put the ice wheel pill away again, and the first time he used the ice wheel pill's swastika solution, the effect was still more satisfactory to him.

Looking at Lei Luo's light appearance, it was as if Ya Mei was just a lamb to be slaughtered in his eyes.

"Yami, what the hell are you doing?!"

A loud shout came from a distance, and it was Stark, who was fighting with Kyoraku Chunshui, who was drinking angrily.

"Click, click..." A

sound of ice cracking sounded, and the tooth that had been frozen to death broke through the ice and walked out, and his body soared nearly ten meters again at the moment of breaking the ice!


Roaring, his teeth shook off the ice on his body, and his eyes were spitting fire as he looked at Relo.

"Boy, do you think Uncle Yami is as easy to hang up as Sal Apollo's scraps? You are so naïve!! "

False bomb!"

In the roar, Ya Mi stretched out his hands, his five fingers opened towards Lei Luo, and the pitch-black spirit pressure ball like a virtual flash formed in his fingertips, and then shot towards Lei Luo.

The virtual bullet is a skill that condenses the spirit pressure to attack the enemy, although the power is not as powerful as the virtual flash, but it is 20 times faster than the virtual flash.

This skill is also Yami's favorite move!

"Boom !!"

In the burst of explosions, Yami smiled excitedly, as if only the continuous use of virtual bullets to attack Relo could make him feel that the anger in his heart was reduced.

And Lei Luo is within the attack range of the virtual bullet, although he can use the golden light shield to resist this powerful attack move, but that is too shocking, inevitably let the personnel on the Grim Reaper side pay too much attention to him, so he just relies on his own speed of light to constantly shuttle between the virtual bullets.

"Boy, see how long you can hide!"

"A virtual bomb like this, in Uncle Yami's current state, it is not a problem to maintain it for several hours, watch me exhaust you alive!"

"Wow, haha..."

Yami laughed loudly, and in his eyes, Lei Luo at this time was as embarrassed as a monkey chased by hunters.

"Do you know what the speed of light is?"

Although the ears were full of the sound of virtual bombs exploding, Leiluo's voice was still very strange into the ears of the people around him.

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo's figure suddenly disappeared into the shroud of virtual bullets, and in the blink of an eye, Lei Luo reappeared in the air.

"What the hell is he doing?"

The Shinigami who had been paying attention to this place had doubts in his heart, and then in the next moment, the virtual bullet that Yami kept using stopped, and his head seemed to have suffered a heavy blow, tilting towards the side of his body, and driving his body at the same time.

Toothbrush fell!

"Strange, what just happened? Why did this huge broken face suddenly fall? "

The Grim Reaper is even more confused when they see this, because in their eyes, Lei Luo just disappeared for an instant, could it be that at that moment, Lei Luo used some skill to kill the No.0 broken face in anger!!


Everyone heard the sound and saw that on the fallen tooth dense, there was a 'small' cavity in the temple position, and judging by its size, it was just enough to put an adult's fist.

If it weren't for some Death Grim Man who looked more carefully at the corpse of the tooth secret in confusion, I am afraid that such a small hole would only be regarded as a normal hole in his body.

"When did you get your hand?"

At this moment, everyone's minds unconsciously sounded Lei Luo's previous sentence.

"Do you know what the speed of light is?"

This kind of speed completely surpassed the instantaneous step, and everyone could not imagine that a Shinigami who had such an advantage in speed, what attack could threaten his life!

"Maybe the wound on Yami's head wasn't caused once, it's just that his attack was too fast and we didn't catch his movements..." Realizing that

the opponent's powerful Face Breaking Legion subconsciously took a few steps back, wanting to stay away from Relo's side, the current Relo. In their eyes, it is synonymous with death!

In just a few minutes, Lei Luo has already killed the two Ten Blades of NO.8 and NO.0 successively!

When the other Captain of Death was still struggling to tell the other people in the Broken Face Ten Blades, Lei Luo was only one person, and he had already solved his opponent, and he was still in the situation of one against two!!

The situation on the battlefield changed instantly, and the original Face Breaking Legion had a huge numerical advantage in this battle, not only in the number of captain-level strengths, but even ordinary Face Breakers at least had the strength of the vice captain of the God of Death.

Coupled with every subordinate officer of the Broken Face Ten Blades, in terms of quality and quantity, the side of the Grim Reaper is completely unadvantageous.

The only reassuring pill in the hearts of many gods of death is Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, but after Lan Ran used Hongyu, he was completely inferior to Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku in terms of spiritual pressure, and even after the Fire Devouring Prince sealed Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku's slashing knife, Lan Ran, who was holding the chopping knife, actually suppressed Old Man Yamamoto a little.

Although many Shinigami still have hope for victory in this battle, in their hearts, no one will think that victory in this battle will come easily, and even they and even Captain Death are ready to sacrifice several captain-level Grim Reaper!

It was at this time that Relo's performance gave everyone the hope of winning easily.

With the help of Lei Luo, now the numerical advantage of the Broken Face Ten Blades has disappeared, and the Grim Reaper's side, with Leiluo's strength, is enough to easily face all the remaining Face Breaking Blades.

The situation became full of advantages on the side of the Grim Reaper at the moment when the tooth secret fell!!

"Leiluo, you don't need to do it, you go and help the captain!"

Ukitake Shirou didn't know when he led his opponent to Relo's side, and when he passed by Relo, he turned his head to Relo and instructed.

With this turn, the thirtieth blade that was fighting with him grabbed the gap in his defense, and a water blade slashed through, smashing the death overlord on Ukitake Juro's chest, and leaving a deep wound on his chest, and blood splashed red most of the thirtieth blade's chest.

"Imperial sister..."

Ukitake Shiro's injury did not move Relo in the slightest, as far as Relo knew, Ukitake Shiro's body was the right arm of the Spirit King, and it was not an existence that would die so easily.

However, under the attention of so many Captain Death, if he sees death and does not save it, it is really a little unspeakable, now that he has become a person on the side of Death, then pretend to the end, and then generously save a Captain of Death, so that Old Man Yamamoto's trust in him is more firm is also excellent.

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