Without hesitation, Lei Luo crossed his hands in front of him, and a little golden light appeared around him, slowly gathering in the palm of his hand.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

With Leiluo's soft drink, an eight-sided golden light mirror flew out from the palm of his hand, dotted with golden light, and shot madly towards the thirtieth blade in the distance.

One, two, three... Dozens of ways!

In just ten seconds, the surrounding area of the thirtieth blade was completely filled with light bullets.

"Scorching current!"

The thirtieth blade was startled in the face of the light bullet that surrounded him, his right hand flipped, and the weapon in his hand immediately spewed out a steaming water shield wall.


light bullets followed, and the spirit spirit hit the water wall, shattering the water shield wall in an instant.

"Relo, thank you."

Ukitake Shirou took advantage of the fact that the thirtieth blade was blocked by the light bullet, and came to Relo's side in an instant, covering his chest with his hand to thank Relo.

"Captain Ukitake, they are all comrades in one camp, and they should help each other."

Smiling back at the latter's thanks, Relo turned his head again to look at the thirtieth blade.

At this time, Tia Heribel had already broken free from the eight-foot qionggouyu attack, and was looking at Lei Luo with a livid face.

"The new acting Grim Reaper?"

Tia Heribel had doubts in her tone, according to the information previously obtained from the corpse soul world, the Grim Reaper side had indeed appointed a new Grim Reaper agent, but due to time reasons, almost no information about the abilities and skills of the new Grim Reaper agent had been collected.

"That's right, I'm the new Shinigami agent."

Lei Luo replied without hesitation, and looked at the royal sister opposite with interest.

I have to say that as a void, Tia Herribel's figure after breaking her face is quite good, that wheat-colored skin, quite in line with Leilo's taste, coupled with its hot clothes, so that Relo reminds of the female emperor of the pirate world, Han Cook, although the latter's appearance is slightly inferior, but after all, it is not much worse.

"Your strength is very good!"

Tia Heribel knew in her heart that if she wanted to kill Ukitake Juro, she had to pass the level of Relo first.

Without a trace of hesitation, Tia Herribel stretched out her right hand and pointed the imperial mackerel in her hand at Relo, and then a water arrow shot straight out from the tip of the sword, instantly shooting in front of Relo.


At the moment when the water arrow was about to hit Leiluo's skin, a cold light lit up, and the water arrow froze in response, and then turned into pieces of broken ice and fell into the sky.

Lei Luo, who has the Ice Wheel Pill, is simply a natural nemesis to deal with this water system attack!

Feeling the surging power in his body, Lei Luo's face was full of smiles, since he learned the swastika of the ice wheel pill, he obviously felt the growth of his own strength, especially after holding the ice wheel pill and entering the state of swastika in the body, the surge in the power in the body could actually affect the other abilities that Lei Luo mastered!

"Hey, Leiluo, be careful, this broken face is not easy to deal with!"

Looking at the smile on Leiluo's face, Ukitake Shirou paused and said.

"Got it."

"Eh..." In

the face of the reply given by Relo, Ukitake Shirou hung a black line on his forehead, he had suffered losses in the hands of the opponent before, and now he said that the opponent's strength was not weak, and there was indeed a hint of arguing for his injury.

However, Lei Luo didn't have the heart to think about these at all, and he thought that he knew better than every Shinigami present about the respective combat power of the Broken Face Ten Blades!

Although the thirtieth blade is a female face breaker, her strength is definitely not weak, on the contrary, her strength is definitely in the top five of the ten blades!!

Like the two ten-blade level broken faces that Lei Luo killed before, he was not Tia Heribel's opponent at all!

So Ukitake Jurou is not arguing for himself when he says that, after all, the truth is indeed as he said.

It's just that Tia Heribel is now facing an opponent who is Relo, and with Relo's strength, even facing the number one Stark will not be too uncomfortable, not to mention her who is much inferior to Stark!

While Tia Hribel was still thinking about how to attack Relo, Relo had already turned into golden light and disappeared beside Ukitake Shiro.

Then in Tia Heribel's surprised eyes, Relo appeared in front of her, and the ice wheel pill in her hand exuded a deadly cold air, slashing at her body in an instant.


Relo was measured in his shots, because he didn't want to kill the thirtieth blade, so he didn't use his full strength in this attack.

I saw that on the blade of the ice wheel pill, a layer of ice crystals covered it, and when it hit Tia Heribel, the ice crystals on the blade spread rapidly, instantly freezing half of Tia Herribel's body.

"Recruit him, Empress Huangmai!"

Struggling to speak, Tia Herribel spit out a few syllables with difficulty, and with the sudden surge in spiritual pressure, the ice covered by her body instantly cracked, and the imperial mackerel in her hand also changed its form in the surge of spiritual pressure.

After "Battle Shizuku"

struggled to control the changed Imperial Macel in his hand, Tia Heribel flicked his weapon with difficulty, and with the numerous water cannonballs sprayed out from the sword body of the Imperial Saku like a shark's gill, Lei Luo turned into golden light and retreated slightly into the distance.

"Huh-huh..." Gasping

for breath, Tia Heribel was surrounded by a large amount of water vapor, obscuring her form after returning to the blade.

If anything, Relo saw Tia Herribel wearing through the water vapor.

It was hotter than before, only the key parts were wrapped in white bone, and almost all of the entire body was exposed.

As a big void, he has long lost the shame of human beings, and in order to facilitate the battle, Tia Heribel will not hesitate to be clean even after returning to the blade!

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Tia Heribel was on guard all over Relo, afraid that Relo would suddenly disappear like before and suddenly sneak up on his side.

"Good, I'm satisfied with you!"

Relo's eyes were red and looked at Tia Heribel hidden in the water vapor, and made the above evaluation of his outfit.

Then the awesome Sharingan was used by Relo in this case, if the Naruto knew about this situation, I am afraid that he would despise Relo fiercely for a while.

Tia Heribel naturally noticed the difference in Relo's eyes, but as an indigenous of the Shinigami world, she would not know about the Sharingan.

Under the cover of water vapor, Tia Herribel began to prepare her strongest attack moves, her attacks were mostly based on water as an attack method, which was restrained in front of Relo, which had been known to her in the battle just now.

In order to crack the spiritual pressure of the Lei Luo Ice System, Tia Heribel could only accumulate a large amount of spiritual pressure and increase the temperature of the water used for attack!

Ice freezes water! But hot water can also melt ice!

"Broken Waterfall!!"

A huge water column broke through the water vapor and shot towards Leiluo, and the hot temperature made the rushing water column continuously produce a large amount of steam as it advanced, as if the entire sky was about to be boiled by this hot water.

"It's too slow..."

Relo shook his head, such an attack was really not enough for him!

I saw that Lei Luo turned into golden light, and disappeared when the hot water was still far away.

"Heribel, I will give you two paths to choose, first, I will let you go, and second, become my subordinate, I will make you the ruler of the Void Circle, the Corpse Soul Realm, and even the present world!"

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