Looking at Relo who suddenly appeared behind her, Tia Heribel almost forgot any thoughts, the water vapor temperature she spread around her body was absolutely unbearable for ordinary people, but Relo could stand in it leisurely!

In addition, what made Tia Herribel feel that he was hallucinating was what Relo said.

Rule the void circle, and even the corpse soul realm, in this world?

She has been struggling to survive in the virtual circle, and she has no interest in whether she can become a ruler, but this does not mean that Tia Helibel does not want to try Relo's proposal.

Especially after seeing Relo's super speed, she believed that even Lan Ran, who had saved her, would definitely not be able to match the strength shown by Relo.

"As your subordinate, how can I become the ruler of the Void Circle and even the present world?"

Tia Heribel stared at Relo's eyes, and in those blood-red pupils, nine hook jades were clearly visible.

"I'm just a guest of this world, and when I get what I'm looking for, I'll leave this world, and at that time, as my subordinate, I'll make you the master of this world!"

The nine gouge jades swirled in Leiluo's eyes, making Tia Heribel who was staring at Leiluo's eyes stunned for a while, and in the haze, it seemed that Tia Heribel had seen herself sitting on the throne, and Relo was leaving through a void door...

"I, I choose to be your subordinate!"

Tia Heribel came back to her senses and said in a firm tone.

Even if she has no idea about ruling the entire world, being able to become the ruler of this world means that she no longer has to worry about the threat of death.

"Relo, are you crazy? She's broken! Everything

before was seen by the floating bamboo in the distance, and when he saw that Lei Luo had subdued a broken face as a subordinate, he immediately roared and said.

"Aren't the essences of Broken Face and Death both revenants? It's just that the shape is different, you should know this better than me, right? The right arm of the Spirit King!

Relo turned his head to look at Ukitake Shiro, and the last sentence came out almost word by word.

"You... You...... How do you know?! Ukitake

Shirou's eyes were full of shock, he was the matter of the right arm of the Spirit King, only a few Captain of Death knew about it, this matter was an absolute taboo in the corpse soul world!!

"I know a lot more than you think, but I advise you not to talk nonsense everywhere, especially in front of Captain Yamamoto..." Lei

Luo's expression was relaxed, the eyes of the reincarnation of Jiugou Jade were activated, and Ukitake Shirou instantly lost his mind, and when he was awake again, he no longer looked at Lei Luo's side.

"What did you do to him?"

Tia Heribel watched with a curious look as her master dealt with the Grim Reaper captain in front of him.

In her thoughts, Relo is a Grim Reaper agent, and should be in the same camp as Captain Reaper, but from the current situation, it seems that she thinks Relo too simply.

"It's nothing, it's just to get him to agree with me."

"I have to thank you for speaking of which, if you hadn't hurt him lightly, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to change his mind so easily."

Praising his subordinates in a timely manner has become a habit of Relo.

"Master, am I going to call you that?"

"Well, that's right."

"We have never met, and you don't know anything about my experience, why did you choose me to be your subordinate?"

"Who told you I didn't know about your experience?"

Lei Luo looked at Tia Heribel with interest, and the gaze in his eyes seemed to have mastered Tia Heribel all over his body.

"What a confident look that is..."

Tia Heribel was lost again, and Tia Heribel who had awakened her wisdom from the killing circle that devoured each other in the void circle had never felt a feeling called trust so really.

In her first memory, companions will only use each other, and everything will only be profitable, and those so-called companions and subordinates are all tools used as shields in times of crisis!

Even if there is no danger, as long as the timing is right, the so-called companions and subordinates can be abandoned at any time for the sake of status and strength.

What she felt in the virtual circle has always been the above situation, although she does not understand and does not agree with the above situation in her heart, but the general environment is such that she is powerless to change, so she can only go with the flow.

It wasn't until Lan Ran rescued her and improved her strength by the subordinate officers who followed her, her status was also strong, and she had a trace of ability to change that bad situation.

From the beginning of becoming the thirtieth blade, she has been trying her best to protect the three subordinate officers under her, one time at a time, and finally her three subordinate officers agree with her idea.

Companions and subordinates can give their backs to each other's existence!

Looking at Relo's gaze at this time, Tia Heribel suddenly felt that her thoughts had long been understood by the other party, and the reason why Relo chose to make her a subordinate may be precisely because of her thoughts.

"Thank you..."

whispered Tia Heribel softly, her heart full of joy.

"Tia Heribel, Lord Lan Ran knows that you are unreliable!"

At the moment when Tia Herribel lost her mind, behind her, the black cavity appeared again, and a broken face with two black vertical stripes on her cheek jumped out of the black cavity, and the white short knife in her hand slashed down violently, and it seemed that Tia Herribel was about to cut Tia Heribel in half.

"My subordinates, no one but me can move!!"

With a flash of gold, Relo appeared on Tia Heribel's back, holding a weapon rung in his hand and blocking the oncomer's attack.

"Ulquiora, you finally appeared..." The

moment the person appeared again, Relo had already recognized the villain of the Shinigami anime who was no less popular than the protagonist.

If Relo's favorite villain in the Grim Reaper anime, in addition to Blue Dye, the second place is Ulquiorra.

So when he moved to kill Tia Heribel, Relo did not directly fight back, but used his speed to block the fatal blow he launched.

In his heart, Lei Luo still wanted to pull Ulquiorra under his account.

Not only because of the other party's strength, but also because of the other party's position in his heart.

"You know me?"

Ulquiorra was a little surprised, although he had also heard of the death agent in front of him, but the two sides had never met, but the other party could call his name as soon as he came up, which made him have a little curiosity when he was completely uninterested in things.

"Nature knows! The only one of the Ten Broken Blades is the existence that uses the Second Stage Returning Blade.

Looking at his opponent, Relo spoke in surprise again, causing Tia Herribel and Ulquiorra to widen their eyes.

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