Ulquiorra was originally ordered to guard the Void Night Palace in the Void Circle, but just as he was patrolling around, he suddenly felt the call of Lan Ran, so he opened the present world of the black cavity for the first time.

However, as soon as he came over, he found Tia Heribel who was preparing to defect, and when he struck, he heard many surprising words from Relo.

He is the only existence in the Ten Blades that can be returned to the Blade in two stages, and this secret, in addition to creating his blue dye, he believes that even the other people who are also the Broken Face Ten Blades will not know.

"What the hell is this man? Looking at his costume, it seems to be a person from the side of the Grim Reaper, but where did he hear his information?

Ulquiorra didn't say anything on the surface, but in fact, deep down he had begun to have questions, which was an exceptional state of mind experience for him, who represented human despair.

"No matter who you are, you want to instigate Lord Lan Ran's subordinates, this is absolutely unforgivable!"

"Block it, Blackwing Devil!"

Ulquiorra said coldly, the weapon was instantly liberated, the spiritual pressure soared, and black spiritual pressure raindrops fell from the sky, but before contacting the air death, they mysteriously disappeared without a trace, behind it, a pair of black spirit light wings grew behind it, and the pitch-black wings were large enough to cover the sky.

Above his head, two demon-like sharp horns slowly grew, the tear marks on his cheeks became thicker and deeper, and the white death suit on his body gradually transformed into a white robe, a pair of palms poked out from the sleeves of the robe, black nails had turned into sharp claws, and further down, a pair of legs and feet completely different from humans loomed under the cover of the robe.

The pitch-black spirit pressure overflowed from the white robe, like a pitch-black mist, but all the gods of death who had enough spirit pressure could clearly detect the thick desperate aura emanating from Ulquiorra's body at this moment!

"Ah..., it's so powerful! We have no chance of winning at all!

"The captain was restrained by Lan Ran, and the captains were also in a bitter battle, our death god failed after all, and the Spirit Court will soon be over!"

"Hahaha... The Corpse Soul Realm is over! The Grim Reaper lost to the void after all! Many

disdetermined Shinigami roared in pain, and the despair in their hearts had been released by the spiritual pressure emanating from Ulquiorra.

At this time, their hearts are already full of despair, and perhaps it won't be long before they are defeated by their inner despair, lose themselves and become evil spirits, or simply fall under the guidance of despair.

"Hmph! Even if you break your face, you dare to play with people's hearts in front of your old husband! A

thick and old voice sounded throughout the battlefield, accompanied by a stream of heat pouring into the hearts of the many half-lost Shinigami.

Many Shinigami suddenly woke up, looked to each other's left and right, and found that most of the companions around them were holding weapons on their necks.

"Captain Yamamoto..."

"What happened to me just now?" Why did you suddenly turn Crimson on myself?

"Just a little, almost I will be swallowed by the darkness in my heart and lose myself..."

These Grim Reapers all felt terrified, and when they looked at Ulquiorra, who was confronting Relo, their eyes were already filled with deep fear.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, although he saved many gods of death infected by Ulquiorra's spirit pressure by releasing his spiritual pressure, but he was successfully attacked by Lan Ran, who had been staring at him, and was slashed in the back by Lan Ran, and after Lan Dye, the Fire Eater Prince Wanda Waisi bit Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku's left arm....

For Ulquiorra's performance, Relo was also shocked.

In the original work, Ulquiorra did not show his returning blade when there were many people, and Relo's ability to return to his blade was only judged from his battle with the protagonist.

In the original anime, Ulquiorra's returning blade is mainly to increase its own speed, defense and attack power, and even in a period of returning blade state, Ulquiorra's three attributes have surpassed Kurosaki Ichigo in the swastika state.

You know, in the original anime, the most intuitive manifestation of Kurosaki Ichigo's swastika is that it can greatly increase its speed, attack and defense, the specific manifestation is the change of the death overlord after the swastika (increase the defense power), the thinning of the blade (the increase in attack speed), and the skill is the crescent moon sky rush is a move to improve the attack power!

It can be said that the creators of the original anime have given Ulquiorra what he thinks is the best swastika ability.

If we exclude the various plugins of the protagonist, we can even think that Ulquiorra surpasses the existence of the protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki in terms of swastika ability.

Even in the original anime, the protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki finally killed the fortieth blade in front of him when he turned on his plug-in!

And now, what Relo has to face is Ulquiorra in this state, and even judging from the surrounding situation, perhaps Ulquiorra after the blade is not only singled out, but group battles may be more headaches for the Grim Reaper than his single-handedness...

"Gun of Thunder."

After Ulquiorra returned to the blade, the sense of despair in his heart became even stronger, and at the same time, his spiritual pressure became much more terrifying than before, and in the state of returning to the blade, everything around him had nothing to do with him at all, even if it was the same camp of the Broken Face Legion...

Looking at Relo and Helibel in front of him, his heart did not fluctuate, and the pitch-black spirit pressure gradually condensed into the shape of a spear in the palm of his hand, and at the moment when it formed with the spear, he threw it towards Relo in the distance with his bare hands.

Although the targets of Ulquiorra's attack this time are only Relo and Helibel, because the spiritual pressure contained in the Thunder Gun is extremely terrifying, if his attack breaks out in the battlefield, the shock wave of the spiritual pressure outbreak alone can only kill people on the side of the God of Death in seconds.

"Run away! Ulquiorra is crazy!

"Groove! This guy doesn't distinguish between enemies and friends, or do we minions not take him seriously at all.

"You know a fart, Ulquiorra in the state of the Blackwing Great Demon, that is not recognized by the six relatives, maybe except for Lord Lan Ran, he will only think that killing anyone in this state will only be a relief for that person!!"

The Broken Face Legion that fought against the Grim Reaper minions rushed into the distance, making many Grim Reaper stunned, but after seeing the black void flash of spiritual pressure, these Grim Reaper Minions made the same choice as the Broken Face Legion at the same time!


Death and Broken Face, who were originally still fighting endlessly, chose surprisingly unanimous in the face of the Thunder Gun that threatened death.

Although Helibel was still standing behind Leiluo, her heart was actually very anxious, after all, although their Ten Blades often had internal strife, they still had some understanding of each other's abilities.

"Master, let's dodge a little, as far as I know, the Thunder Spear is the strongest attack skill that Ulquiorra can use in the Returning Blade state, and its power is enough to take down a Captain Reaper head-on!"

"Oh, so what about his attack power is higher than your strongest move?"

Relo smiled and turned his head, hinting at Helibel to show his highest attack skill.

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