Lei Luo looked at the man who entered the mountain forest, interested.

Originally, he just wanted to catch up with this thief and get back the money bag while seeing if he could get some news from him. You must know that this kind of lower-ninth class people have their own news channels, which can be regarded as valuable.

But I didn't expect that this thief would return the money bag, and Lei Luo didn't arrest him immediately, but saw if he could follow him all the way to the lair, but he didn't expect that he actually left the village and entered the mountains and forests in front of him.

The light in the mountains and forests in the middle of the night is dim, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to find traces, but the thief in front is very conspicuous in Leiluo's infrared perception. Not long after, the thief entered a cave, and with a scream, the red figure in Leiluo's eyes gradually dimmed.

"This thief should be dead, it seems that there should be something in this cave, but I'm not afraid, let's go in and take a look." Lei Luo thought to himself.

As soon as he entered the cave, it was pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers, but Lei Luo still heard the crisp ticking sound coming from the cave, and he also smelled a smell of blood.

"There is still a waterhole in this cave? Is it also a hot spring? It is worthy of the country of soup. Lei Luo said secretly in his heart.

Raising his finger, a small ball of light appeared on Leiluo's fingertip, like a light bulb, illuminating the darkness in front of him. This is not a ninjutsu, just a simple use of the light attribute Chakra, if you have to give it a name, it is called "Light Dun. The art of lighting the lamp".

Just as this light illuminated the cave, Lei Luo looked around and was instantly shocked. He clearly saw that the source of the sound of the water droplet was not a waterhole hot spring at all, but a pool of blood! And on the top of the cave, blood is constantly dripping into the pool of blood, making a ticking sound.

Next to the pool of blood stands a statue that looks like it has an indescribable sense of evil.

"Hey, hey! Unexpectedly, there was another person, you should be a ninja. Just right! The Evil God Lord is short of sacrifices, and I think that the taste of the ninja will definitely make the Evil God Lord happy. "There was a sudden gloomy voice overhead.

"What, there is someone in the cave?" Lei Luo frowned when he heard this, "Why didn't my infrared perception find it?" After

thinking about it, Lei Luoliao understood that it should be the reason why there was no light in the cave.

There was no place to step on the iron shoes, and it didn't take any effort to get it, and I just found the traces of the cult.

Relo reached out and threw a ball of light, suspended in the air under his control, illuminating the entire cave.

A figure slipped down the cave wall, still holding a weapon.

"Hmph! Stupid heretics, actually dare to break into the altar of our evil god sect, the evil god lord will definitely punish you. The cultist said.

Looking at the crazy cultist, Lei Luo pouted, and directly rushed to his side and cut his throat. But to Leiluo's surprise, the leader of the cult did not fall, and the wound in his throat recovered after a few seconds.

"I didn't expect that in addition to the flying section, there were really others who had immortal bodies." Lei Luo said secretly in his heart.

The cultist looked fanatical, "Lord Evil God will grant him every loyal believer an immortal body, if you believe in Lord Evil God now, Lord Evil God may forgive you for your rudeness just now and accept you again." Lei

Luo was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed, at this time, the people of the cult were actually still pulling him into the sect, really dedicated.

"It seems that you, a pagan, have no idea of joining our cult, and sooner or later the evil god will punish you."

The leader of the cult looked at Lei Luo, who laughed loudly, and instantly became angry, and rushed directly towards Lei Luo.

But he inevitably underestimated Lei Luo, and Lei Luo's hands shone brightly, "Guang Dun. The eight-foot Qiong Gouyu "directly released countless light bullets and attacked the rushing cultists.

As soon as he looked at it, the cultists were beaten into a sieve, but they slowly got up from the ground, and the injuries on their bodies slowly recovered.

"This immortal body is indeed a bit difficult." Lei Luo said in his heart.

"Damn fellow, Lord Evil God will definitely not let you go!" After saying that, the cultist turned around and ran, his body flashed with blood, climbed along the mountain wall, and disappeared on the top of the cave.

Relo followed to the top of the cave and found that there was a passage, and after passing through the passage, there was a huge black brick square.

There was no trace of the leader of the cult on the square, but in the square, the huge ring blood array made of blood was still there! The triangle of blood in the middle of the blood array, the entire huge blood pattern, is obviously the strange pattern of the cult where the flying section in Lei Luo's memory is located.

It seems that the blood dripping from the cave below seeps down from this square.

"These Evil God Formations... Ice Wheel Pill was able to react somewhat? Lei

Luo squatted down, put his hand on those blood formation talismans, and then entered some chakra to sense the blood of these formations, and at this time, the ice wheel pill in the spirit world was faintly fluctuating.

"It turns out that these formations still contain the will power generated by the rituals of the cult."

Lei Luo closed his eyes, and through the energy he sensed in the blood traces at this time, he could faintly imagine the picture of the sacrifices of the cult at that time!

"There are quite a few people in the cult! There should be many cult members around here, you can't be careless, go back first, and bring the squad members over tomorrow!

Thinking of this, Relo walked outside the house, stepped out of the door, and looked back at the building behind him, like a normal shrine for family sacrifices, but he didn't expect that there would be an evil cult hidden in it.

Although Lei Luo is not a saint, he can't help but feel disgusted when he thinks back to the sacrificial picture he vaguely imagined just now.

"This kind of thing as a cult should not exist in this world!" Lei Luo made up his mind that tomorrow he must eradicate the cult.

When Relo returned to the hotel, he found that the rest of the squad had already returned.

Lei Luo explained to a few people what he saw today, and then arranged the action of eliminating the cult tomorrow, and several people went to rest, tomorrow may be a tough battle!


On the other side, the fleeing cultists came to the door of another cave.

At the entrance of the cave, slightly inside, two adult men dressed in black robes sat in the shadows.

The adult man hiding the shadows had a somewhat special expression on his face, especially obscure and depressed. On the cave wall behind them, two huge bloody March sickles docked there.

It was a red three-segment scythe with telescopic functions, the bottom of which was connected by a rope and extended to the waist of the two men. The three blades of the large scythe are in the shadows, faintly reflecting the moonlight outside the cave.

"I have urgent information to report to the Sect Leader!"

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