The next morning, just after dawn, the four of Lei Luo had already set off.

Relo led the four of them to the shrine yesterday.

"You guys look around, be careful, it was too late yesterday and many places didn't have time to check. Standing at the entrance of the shrine, Relo said to the three members of the team.

The three of them bowed their heads and replied, "Yes!" Pushing

open the door of the shrine, the light shone in, and after a few members of the squad carefully entered, they found that there was no danger, and then dispersed.

Lei Luo stood on the square and looked at everything in the shrine, the blood formation on the square yesterday had dried up, and the black and red traces fused in the black brick square were no longer so conspicuous, there were several rooms behind the square, and several people had already entered to check.

After a while, several people from Inuya gathered around Lei Luo after probing.

Inuya lowered his head and said respectfully: "Captain, I haven't found anything here.

Firefox: "I didn't find it on my side either."

Red Snake: "Me too." After

listening to the words of several people, Lei Luo nodded, there was no surprise, after all, the people of the cult are a group of fanatical madmen, and there should be no elaborate arrangements.

Then Lei Luo opened his mouth and said to the inuya: "You summon the silver pill and see if it can find the traces of the evil god sect within the mountain." "


Inuya made a seal with both hands and pressed them to the ground, the smoke cleared, and Silver Pill appeared in place.

Ginmaru licked his canine teeth and seemed very affectionate.

"Ginmaru, try to smell the blood stains in the square and see if you can find the owner of these blood stains.

Ginmaru snorted when he heard this, and looked down to smell the dried blood.

Then he looked up and whined at the canine teeth.

Inuya spoke: "Captain, Ginmaru said that these blood stains belong to many people, it is too chaotic, he can only vaguely detect the general direction, but he can't distinguish the traces of the owner of each blood stain."

Lei Luo replied: "It is enough to know the general direction, our purpose is to find the traces of the evil god sect."

Inuya nodded, then touched Ginmaru's head, and spoke: "Ginmaru, you lead the way!"


The wind in the mountains and forests howled, and everyone in Lei Luo rushed with the silver pill.

Relo also turned on his perceptual ninjutsu in case of an ambush.

"Woof!" Ginmaru suddenly called twice, then stopped.

"Captain!" Inuya began, "Ginmaru said it sensed that location was not far away.

"Very well!" said Relo, stopping his figure, "then let's rest in place for ten minutes and rest and recover." Ten

minutes later, the four of Lei Luo and the dog set off again, but they had slowed down and made their whereabouts more hidden.

"There are ninjas?" a red figure suddenly appeared in Relo's perception, and then he waved his hand to stop several people.

Looking up, the place where the red figure is perceived is a mountain platform on the mountain peak in front, and behind the platform is a huge cave. The red figure that Relo perceived was the guard at the entrance of the cave.

"It seems that they have successfully found the place we are looking for, be careful to hide, slowly approach, and then solve the guards at the door, do not make a move." Relo whispered.

The three nodded.

Slowly touching it, you can already clearly see the two adult men in black robes at the entrance of the cave, carrying huge bloody March sickles behind their backs.

The two guarding cultists seemed to feel some movement and tilted their heads slightly.

As soon as the light flashed, Lei Luo came behind one of them, and with a little finger, the laser light directly pierced his throat and fell directly forward. The other guard was even more miserable, and was directly blasted off his head by the Red Snake's blow from the Hidden Shadow Snake Hand.

"Let's go, be careful, go inside and take a look. "

Assassination is what ninjas are best at, and the dark part is one of the best.

"Boom" again the body of a cult member fell to the ground. The followers of these cults are basically at the level of sub-ninja, and there is really no threat to the Lei Luo people, and there is no trace of the Lei Luo people at all.

There are many passage rooms in this underground cave, but the passages are all gathered in one place in the end, and the disciples in the room have been cleared by the Relo people, and then they have to go to the end of the passage.

Quietly groped forward, came to the edge of the passage, and was already able to see the end of the passage.

There was another huge black brick square, there were about thirty or forty black-robed believers in the square, and at the end of the square there was a throne-like seat, on which sat a man in a blood-robed robe, and next to it stood two black-robed believers.

"That throne is probably the leader of the cult, let's unleash group ninjutsu together, and kill the sect members in the square first!" said Lei Luo quietly to the squad members.

The next moment, "Guangdun.Eight-foot Qionggouyu", "Snake Ninjade.Destroy Chaotic Snakes", "Fire Escape Hao Fire Dragon Art", Lei Luo, Red Snake, and Firefox directly released group ninjutsu to attack the square, while Inuya and Ginmaru were guarding on the side.

Countless snakes appeared in the square, tearing and biting the cult members on the square, and the light bullets and fierce fire dragons in the sky made it difficult for them to resist.


"Damn attackers, you are looking for death!" the cult leader roared.

The ground on the square of "Tudun Tulong Gun" rose, and a huge rock gun appeared and stabbed at the people of Relo.

"Hmph, do you only have this ability?" As soon as the void gripped, the ice wheel pill instantly appeared in Lei Luo's hand, and Lei Luo swung forward, directly cutting off the stabbing rock spear.

"The sect leader is him, and he discovered our shrine stronghold yesterday. A black-robed disciple next to the cult leader said that he was the one who escaped from the shrine yesterday, and now it seems that he is also a high-level cult, and he can actually stand next to the sect leader.

"Hey, isn't this the one who fled in embarrassment yesterday?" Lei Luo laughed with a mocking face, the strength of the cult leader was difficult for him to put in his eyes.

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo had already appeared in front of the cult leader, and directly cut it in two with a sword, but the cult leader did not die, but was still roaring angrily.

"Is that really the case?" Lei Luo looked at the roaring cult leader in front of him, but there was no surprise, after all, the black-robed sectarians around him could have an immortal body, how could he not have it.

So Lei Luo did not stop, and the "Light Escape Tiancong Cloud Sword" covered the surface of the ice wheel pill, constantly slashing towards the cult leader.

One slash! Two slashes! Three slashes ...

Lei Luo kept swinging his sword, and soon, the cult leader was broken into pieces.

"Haha, I'm immortal, Lord Evil God, you can't kill me!"

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