The head of the cult leader who rolled to the ground was still shouting.

The other cultists have been cleaned up by the three of them, and only the black-robed disciple who was also immortal before remains.

Now that the situation has stabilized, the cult has no ability to resist, as long as the two so-called immortal bodies in front of it are solved again, this task will be completed.

Looking at the head of the cult leader on the ground, Lei Luo did not think of any good way to solve it for a while.

"How about trying to burn it, or freeze it with ice wheel pills, or let Tam eat it?

"Immortal body, immortal body?" something suddenly came to Leiluo's mind.

The eel comes from the mysterious land of ghosts, a country located on the western edge of the continent, with a similar depth from east to west and north to south, looking like an oval, and the area exceeds most small and medium-sized countries, larger than the country of rain and the country of grass combined, if the country of water does not count the surrounding islands, the area of the main island in the center of light is also inferior.

More importantly, the Land of Ghosts is a mysterious country with witches, a country that is sealed with many monsters, and witches can seal these monsters, and they also have the ability to predict their life and death.

The leader of the monster in the country of the oni is called the evil, a human named Huangquan can use his power to create undead ninjas and undead legions similar to terracotta warriors, and this monster called the evils is a monster similar to the tailed beast, which cannot be killed at all by ordinary means, and only witches can seal the monsters.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo suddenly said to the cult leader: "Do you know Huang Quan?" The voice of the cult leader who was still roaring on the ground stopped abruptly, but he immediately said: "Huang Quan? What Huang Quan? Damn it, the evil god lord will not let you go!" Looking

at the abnormal performance of the cult leader, Lei Luo

had already determined in his heart that he must have something to do with Huang Quan, and even his so-called evil god master may be a monster.

"Since the sealing technique can seal monsters, if this evil god is really a monster, then my light purification should also have a certain effect, try it!" Lei

Luo's hands bloomed with light, and pressed on the head of the cult leader, "Light Escape Purification Technique", the original warm healing power fell on the head of the cult leader, but it made him feel the pain like a soul tearing and the feeling of near death.


"It seems that I have no way of knowing the specific information of your cult, but it doesn't matter, as long as I kill you completely, it doesn't matter if the cult is destroyed. Lei Luo said coldly.

As the leader of the Evil God Sect, he was not as fearless to die as those fanatical believers, and the light attribute energy coming from Lei Luo's hands seemed to melt him.

"I said, I said, I tell you everything about the cult, you spare me!"

Lei Luo stopped when he heard this, "Okay, you say, if you don't have anything to hide, I will consider letting you go." The

cult leader who felt Relo's stop breathed a sigh of relief, and then told Lei Luo the origin of the cult.

It turns out that the leader of the cult is named Yuchuan, and Huang Quan of the Land of Ghosts is brothers, and they can both borrow part of the power of the monster eel. Through the curse formation, transform the ninja into an immortal body.

That's right, in fact, the so-called immortal body is just a curse. The immortal body of the cult imprisons the soul in its own body through the power of the curse, and then strengthens the body and soul with the help of the life force and spiritual power of a large number of living people. Once the immortal body is completed, the body and soul are assimilated, and with the help of the characteristics of the soul, the body can also be separated and reorganized like the soul.

In the country of ghosts, because the eel has been sealed by the witch, the power they can control is greatly reduced, and they only know that the soul of the eel is sealed in the underground palace by the witch, but the demon body of the eel does not know where it is sealed.

So he and Huang Quan made a decision, the army was divided into two ways, Huang Quan stayed in the country of ghosts, continued to develop infiltration, and found a way to unseal the soul. He went elsewhere to establish cults, develop power, and find the sealed place of the Evil Demon Body.

Originally, I thought that now was the time of the third Ninja World War, and the five great powers should be unable to take care of him, so that he could take advantage of the opportunity to develop. But what he didn't expect was that he had just shown signs of development in the country of soup, and he was found by Lei Luo.

Understanding the source of the cult, Lei Luo finally solved his inner doubts and also completed the investigation task of the dark department.

"Light Escape Purification Technique" once again pressed on Yu Chuan's head, unexpectedly already knew the ins and outs, Lei Luo can safely eliminate the evil god sect, as for the Huangquan Sect, it is impossible to come out for the time being, let the ape flying sun cut his head and go away.

Didn't you say you were going to release me?" yelled and struggled, but to no avail.

"Yes, but I just said that I thought about whether to release you, and now that I have thought about it, I think that scum like you still doesn't deserve to live in this world." Relo said in his mouth, constantly outputting Chakra in his hand.

Black and red aura continued to escape from the head of Forget Chuan, and it was the cursed power of that immortal body.

Soon, Forget Chuan lost his motion.

And the black-robed disciples next to him were also concocted by Lei Luo, and his curse power was even weaker, and it was simply cleared.

"Seal the bodies of these two people, and our mission will be completed." Lei Luo said to the three people beside him.

"Yes, Captain!" Inuya nodded, taking out the sealing scroll and sealing the bodies of Forget Chuan and the black-robed sectarians.

Then I searched around the cave and found nothing of value.

Everyone walked out of the cave, looked at the bright sunshine outside, and relaxed a little.

Lei Luo looked back at the cave behind him, "The cult, a religion that destroys human nature, should not exist in the world, let him be buried here forever!"

With a "rumbling" sound, the cave collapsed, and the cult was truly buried forever.

Go back and soak in the hot spring, and leave for the village tomorrow!"

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