Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

It was late at night, but Sarutobi was still working on documents in the office.

Although the Third Shinobi War has ended, the aftermath of the war has become more troublesome.

Sarutobi looked up from the document, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

Then stood up and walked back and forth in the office.

"Well, it looks like I'm really old. Sarutobi quietly rubbed his waist, and the dark ninja who was hiding in the shadows pretended not to see it.

At this moment, another dark ninja suddenly entered the Hokage's office and half-knelt in front of Sarutobi Hinata.

"Naruto-sama, secret intelligence!" After

seeing the information handed by the dark ninja in front of him, Sarutobi cut off his usually kind face and gradually darkened. He looked at the dark man with an imperceptible deep meaning in his eyes.

He asked, "Where did this news come from?" "

One of my team members accidentally found it." The Dark Ninja said.

Ape Flying Sunchop's face changed, he was not stupid, he would not guess the cat greasy inside?

But among them, he didn't have time to check it for the time being, this matter was indeed too much!

So Ape Flying Sun Chopper said to the dark ninja in front of him: "You call a team of dark ninjas, come with me!"

After speaking, Sarutobi Sun directly took off the Hokage Imperial God Robe, revealing the combat clothes he was wearing inside, and ran out in the lead.


Somewhere outside Konoha, Orochimaru's secret laboratory.


Sarutobi violently broke into the door with the Dark Squad.

"After all, I was discovered, Sarutobi-sensei. Orochimaru turned his head and looked at the ape flying sun with a smile.

After Sarutobi saw everything in the laboratory, he was in disbelief, his face was full of grief: "Big Snake Pill, how can you do such a thing!?" His

words were full of anger and sorrow, and this proud disciple of his own actually attacked the people of his own village!"

"What are you studying!?" asked Sarutobi Sobato.

"The art of eternal life. Orochimaru said, with an unconcealed excitement on his face: "I will surpass my ancestors and create a true art of immortality, and I will have endless time, learn all the ninjutsu in the world, and explore all the truths of the world!"

You...... It's already gone astray!" Sarutobi heard Orochimaru's remarks, and his heart burst into tears.

The big snake pill instantly calmed down, he looked at the ape flying sun, shook his head, and said with some disappointment: "Sure enough, you won't understand me, Sarutobi-sensei."

"Grab it, Orochimaru, so I can keep you alive." Ape Fei Ri slashed to hold back his grief, but there was a hint of pleading in his words.

Orochimaru smiled, the purple eye shadow on his face made him look even more evil: "Sarutobi-sensei, you are already old, and in your body, I can no longer see the slightest bit of the courage of being a ninja."

"You, you can't keep me!" Listening

to the words of the big snake pill, Sarutobi no longer had the mind to talk to the big snake pill, since he couldn't change his mind, he could only use violent means to catch him.

"Then let you see if Sensei, I still have the strength to be a ninja!"

In a short time, the big snake pill broke through the blockade of the ape flying sun slash and escaped.

Now that the matter was exposed, Orochimaru no longer had any nostalgia for Konoha, and ran directly towards the outside of the village enchantment.

But to his surprise, he met an unexpected person outside the Konoha Enchantment.

"Jiraiya?" frowned Orochimaru.

Jiraiya stared at the big snake pill with a serious expression that he had never seen before, "Orochimaru, do you really want to leave?"

The old man can't do it, and neither can you. Konoha is not where I should be, I have my goals, and these Konoha can't give me. The big snake pill looked at Zi Laiye and said lightly: "You are not my opponent, let go."

"I won't let you leave!" replied Jiraiya just as forcefully.

A trace of killing intent flashed in the eyes of the big snake pill.

"Hehe, what can you do with this crane tail, you can't do anything, now you can't stop me from leaving, and you will find many things in the future that you can't stop."

"It's just because it's human that it's so weak." I will get rid of this weakness and seek the ultimate truth of this world with a new attitude!" said Orochimaru in a feverish tone, and then stared at Jiraiya gloomyly, and said coldly: "Therefore, whoever stops me must die!" "

In that case, then don't blame me for being unkind!

Zi Lai also sealed the seal in his hand, "Psychic Art!", and directly summoned Toad Buntai.

Seeing this, the big snake pill was also unceremonious, and the same psychic summoned ten thousand snakes.

"Since you want to do it, then I will play with you and let you know the gap between us."

Then he frantically sealed the seal in his hand, "Fire Escape Dragon Fire Art!", opened his mouth and spit out a fire dragon, and went straight to Zilaiye.

Jiraiya jumped up on the spot, avoiding the incoming fire dragon, and then backhanded condensation and pressed on the fire dragon's head, directly knocking it apart.

"Isn't this the spiral pill developed by Watergate? The

big snake pill looked at Jiraiya's move, recognized it at a glance, and mocked in his mouth.

"Hehe, Big Snake Pill, you are envious that I have a good disciple. Jiraiya was not ashamed of using the ninjutsu developed by his apprentice, but was very proud.

Jiraiya's words seemed to poke at the sore spot of the big snake pill, making the big snake pill think of Relo all of a sudden, he didn't expect that after Lei Luo refused to worship him as a teacher, he went to become Tsunade's student instead.

Thinking of Relo, I had to remember the last time I attacked Lei Luo but couldn't help him at all.

"Lei Luojun, sooner or later I will get my hands on your Light Blood Succession Boundary. Orochimaru thought to himself.

Then the big snake pill opened his mouth and said to Jiraiya: "Crane tail, I won't play with you, don't come to me again!" As

soon as the words fell, the big snake pill's neck stretched violently, and then bit into Jiraiya's neck.

Zi Lai also fell to the ground in an instant, endured the pain, and used Chakra to remove the toxins from his body.

Then the big snake pill took back the ten thousand snakes and left directly.

And Toad Wen Tai looked at the big snake pill that was far away and did not catch up, but reversed the psychic out of the water gate, let him go to save Zi Laiye, and then unlocked the psychic and returned to Miaomu Mountain.

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