Orochimaru finally left, changing from Konoha Sanshin to S-class rebel.

Zi Lai also became very depressed because of the departure of the big snake pill, and he felt that after all, his strength was not strong enough to keep the big snake pill.

However, the only thing that pleased him was that his disciple, "Golden Flash" Wave Feng Shuimen, was successfully elected as the fourth generation of Hokage.

The third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki has submitted an application for the succession of the fourth generation of Hokage to the Daimyo of the Fire Country, and as long as he waits for the reply of the Daimyo of the Fire Country, the Wave Feng Shui Gate will officially become the fourth generation Hokage.

Of course, submitting the daimyo of the Fire Nation is just a formality.

Soon, a week had passed, and the receipt of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire had also reached the hands of Sarutobi Hinata, along with the messenger of the Daimyo of the Nation of Fire.

And today, it's time for Konoha Village to hold a Hokage Handover ceremony.

Today, all the idle ninjas in Konoha, as well as various families, sent people to the square in front of the Hokage Building, which is undoubtedly the most suitable place to hold this ceremony.

Lei Luo mixed in the crowd, watching Bofeng Shuimen half-kneel in front of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sunchop, took the Hokage Cloak from the Ape Flying Sun Chopper's hand, put it on his head, and then put on the Hokage's exclusive imperial god robe.

When Sarutobi said the phrase, "Please, Shidaime!" everyone present cheered.

Bofeng Shuimen looked solemn, nodded vigorously, and said: "Death is not given!" Immediately

after that, Bofeng Shuimen issued an inaugural declaration, simply put, some will of fire, all for the village and so on.

Then there was the identity of Watergate, as the fourth generation of Hokage, who successively received people from various families in Konoha, as well as representatives from various aspects, among which representatives sent by the daimyo of the Fire Country, and the same Sand Shinobi Village also sent representatives to congratulate them.


Just a few days after Bofeng Shuimon succeeded Hokage, another news spread in the village.

The new fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen is about to get married!

The wedding of Ichimura no Kage is undoubtedly big news, and it also dilutes the negative impact of the defection of the Great Snake Pill not long ago.

When Lei Luo heard the news, he felt a little indescribable in his heart.

After such a long period of twists and turns and wars, Watergate and Jiu Shinai are finally going to enter the wedding hall, which means that it is not long before Naruto Uzumaki was born.

"It's probably only a year away!" thought Relo.

Naruto Uzumaki was born when Obito attacked Konoha and the Nine-Tails Rebellion occurred, when the young couple of Wave Feng Shuimon and Uzumaki Jiu Shinna would also die in this turmoil.

Relo walked the streets of Konoha, looking at the villagers with smiles on their faces, but he felt a little sad in his heart.

"During the Nine Tails Rebellion, I don't know how many civilians will die, and they don't have the strength to protect themselves, it's really sad.

"I don't know if Obito has found Rin still alive now, I guess not, Uchiha and Kuro would never have told Obito the news."

"Then it seems that the Nine-Tails Rebellion is still inevitable!" At

this moment, Lei Luo found a familiar figure lying on the outer wall of the female soup, a white-haired lewd uncle.

Lei Luo suddenly had a teasing mind, and directly opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Lord Zilaiye, where are you doing?

!" "Ah

!" "Someone peeks

!" "Satyr!!" Because

of Lei Luo's voice, the people in the female soup also found Zilaiye, and in an instant screams and scolding coexisted, and the basin and nosebleeds flew together, of course, nosebleeds were Zilaiye.

"Bastard boy, what are you doing?" yelled at Relo as he ran.

"Jiraiya-sama, what are you doing?" Lei Luo pretended not to understand and ran after Jiraiya.

"I'm taking materials!" Jiraiya stopped, and immediately resumed his sanctimonious appearance.

"Materials?" of course Relo knew what Jiraiya was doing.

"Yes, as a good writer, I must never forget the spirit of sacrifice for creation. Jiraiya looked at Relo proudly.

"But aren't you peeping in the women's bathhouse?" said Relo, looking at Jiraiya teasingly.

Lei Luo found that he and Zilai also bickered a few words, and his mood became a lot happier.

"I'm Konoha Sanshin, known as Jiraiya, how can I do something like a voyeur into the women's bathhouse?" Jiraiya immediately concealed his embarrassment and said loudly in a mighty pose.

"Oh, yes, I wonder if Tsunade-sensei will think you're taking material when he knows the news?" replied Relo.

Listening to Leiluo's words, Zi Lai also showed a scared expression, remembering that the last time he was broken by a strange fist because he peeked at Tsunade's bath, he broke eight ribs by a strange fist, and he lay in bed for two months before recovering.

So Zilai also spoke: "Hmph, Lord Ben doesn't care about you disturbing my materials, but there is no next time!"

and then a teleportation technique left!


The Bofeng Shuimen family is very lively today, and today is the wedding day of Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai.

In Konoha, except for the necessary guards, they all came to congratulate the fourth generation Hokage.

The Hyuga clan, the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, the Akimichi clan, and the wealthy families of Konoha all came to the home of Watergate.

Of course, the patriarch of the Sarutobi clan and the previous Hokage Ape Flying Sun Chopper also came to the Watergate family as today's main marriage.

Even Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, who had competed with Watergate for the position of Hokage for four generations, personally came to Watergate's wedding scene, and even the Danzo, who was usually not very active, sent his subordinates to send a congratulatory gift.

Of course, Lei Luo would not miss the opportunity to personally witness the wedding of Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai, and brought Hong, Xiyan, and Lin to the scene together.

Jiraiya also changed the lewd and promiscuous image of the past, dressed very formally, not only the oil paint on his face disappeared, but also wore a festive kimono, and his originally fluffy hair was also tied together, looking very handsome.

As the master of Watergate, he was also busy running in and out, helping to receive guests.

And today, as the protagonists, Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai are even more handsome men and women dressed up, Watergate is dressed in a black kimono, looks calm and handsome, and his face is as gentle and sunny as ever.

And Jiu Shinna also changed her usual liveliness and grinning, with a slightly shy expression on her face, wearing a red kimono and light makeup, radiant.

Hong, Xiyan and Lin looked at Jiu Xinnai's appearance, and they looked even more envious.

There were no moths at the wedding, and all kinds of tedious ceremonies were successfully completed, and finally ended in people's laughter.

Even Lei Luo looked at everything in front of him, and couldn't help but enjoy his future wedding, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Bofeng Shuimen is really a winner in life!"

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