Early the next morning, Reiro and the others set off to rush back to Konoha.

But a few days later, as soon as the Relos entered the territory of the Fire Nation, they heard a bad news.

The nine-tailed demon fox attacked Konoha, and the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shui Gate died!

Kakashi's eyes immediately turned red when he heard the news, and Relo also felt a pang of discomfort in his heart.

So several people rushed back to Konoha day and night without stopping.


Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

The third generation of Mekaku Hibiki was working on documents in Hokage's office, and the busy days had made his figure look even older.


The door of Hokage's office was pushed open directly, and it was Relo's group who entered.

"Three generations of adults, teacher, has he really died? What the hell is going on? Kakashi asked eagerly.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper raised his head to look at Lei Luo and the others, sighed and said; "Alas, you are finally back."

"That day Jiu Xinnai gave birth, it was the weakest time, and her seal on the Nine Tails was also loosened."

"Just as Naruto was born, a masked man suddenly appeared, kidnapped Kushinai, and released the Nine Tails inside her."

"The Nine Tails wreaked havoc in the village, and finally it was Watergate who used the ghoul to seal this forbidden technique before sealing the Nine Tails again."

"And the bodies of Watergate and Jiu Shinnai are also missing, only Naruto is left."

When Lei Luo heard what Ape Flying Sun said, he already knew who the mask man was.

"Uchiha Madara, Obito, Kurojie, one day I will make you pay!" Relo thought to himself.

Then Lei Luo asked in an icy tone; "Naruto is Watergate's orphan, where is he now?"

Bofeng Shuimen is indeed a very charismatic person, although he has not been with him for a long time, but Lei Luo also regards Watergate as a trustworthy friend.

Now that Watergate is dead, if Naruto still suffers the same treatment as in the original book, Relo is ready to turn his face with Konoha.

Fortunately, Ape Flying Sun Chopper spoke; "Naruto has now been adopted by Tsunade and Harano Rin, I just went to see him yesterday, and he is living well now."

Leiluo's icy expression eased somewhat, so he spoke: "Third generation-sama, then I won't bother, I'll go see Naruto."

Then he turned around and walked outside, Kakashi and the others retreated, and left with Relo.


Konoha Village, Senju Clan Land.

"Wow wow wow wow !!"

Naruto was crying, his voice was loud, he must have been a good boy when he grew up.

"Alas, don't cry, it's so troublesome to raise a child, how come this stinky boy is wet again."

Tsunade grumbled while changing Naruto's diaper, but with a gentle smile on his face.

Rin Harano and Shizune had gone to work at Konoha Hospital, and now she was alone taking care of Naruto.

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, and instantly became alert.


"Sister, I'm back!" The sound of the rope tree came, causing Tsunade to let down his guard.

Rope Tree also walked in with Lei Luo and the others.

"Tsunade-sama!" All four of Lei Luo said hello.

Then Relo noticed Naruto lying on the side.

"Is this the Watergate child?"

What a familiar character!

The protagonist in the original work, the son of destiny of Heaven's destiny, the savior who saved the world, and the reincarnation of Asura, the son of the Six Dao Immortals, is still a small one, how cute!

Tsunade replied when he heard this; "That's right, this is the orphan of Watergate, but in order to hide the identity of the other person's pillar force, he did not inherit the surname of Watergate Wave, but followed the surname of Jiu Shinnai, named Naruto Uzumaki."

"That old dog of Danzo actually wants to take Naruto away and cultivate it into some of the strongest weapons, if it weren't for the village, I would definitely kill him."

Lei Luo's expression turned cold when he heard this.

He also remembered that Danzo had ambushed him with Orochimaru, and Naruto's so-called "demon fox" reputation in the original book was also spread by him.

"It seems that I have to find a chance to kill Tuanzo."

They had all gathered around and teased Naruto, who let out a babbling sound that made everyone laugh.

Relo looked at this scene and also felt a warm atmosphere.

"Now that Naruto has been adopted by Rin and Tsunade, then it will be considered my half son."

"I definitely can't let him have such a miserable childhood as in the original."

"If I were Naruto in the original book, I would have defected long ago."

"Watergate and Jiu Xinnai also have to find a way to resurrect, I have drawn the Awakening Light before, and I already have the ability to resurrect them."

"Although it takes ten years of lifespan to resurrect two people, after all, I am a systematic man, and I will definitely have the opportunity to draw some rewards that increase lifespan in the future, so this point is not a very important thing for me."

"But Watergate has been sealed with ghouls, and his soul is now in the belly of the Grim Reaper, and there is no way to resurrect it."

"And Jiu Xinnai's body has also disappeared, and if you want to find Jiu Xinnai's soul, you must also retrieve her from the Pure Land."

"In that case, I would have to learn to reincarnate and seal ghouls."

"However, these ninjutsu are all in the art of sealing, how can I learn it?"

"If it's all about the system, I don't know what year or month it will take."

"Do you have to wait until the fourth Ninja World War in the original book, the Great Snake Pill releases the soul of the water gate?"

In an instant, countless thoughts filled Leiluo's mind, making him feel a headache.

"Even if I say I have a way to resurrect Watergate, who will believe it?"

"And if the ghoul seal is lifted, you have to find the corresponding mask."


"It's annoying!!

Lei Luo couldn't help but shake his head and empty his thoughts.

After pondering for a long time, I finally made a decision.

"Mr. and Mrs. Watergate, I definitely want to save, both to make up for my regrets and for Naruto."

Then turned his head to look at Naruto, who was laughing and grinning by everyone, and instantly felt calm in his heart.

"Children really have an indescribable ability to heal."

"Okay, let's set yourself a few goals."

"First of all, learn the sealing technique, I got the sealing technique scroll from the country of vortex before and have not studied it, this time I have to learn it well."

"Then, find a way to get the ghoul seal and the dirt rebirth, if Tsunade is willing to help, it should be fine."

"Finally, find the corresponding mask and liberate the soul of Watergate."

"The current Naruto is still more than five years away from the Ninja School, and I hope to successfully resurrect the Watergate couple before Naruto goes to the Ninja School."

"This is my five-year plan for Relo!"

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