A few days later, Jiraiya finally returned from outside the village.

Of course, he had already known the current situation when he received the news transmitted by the ape flying sun.

This was the first time he had returned to the village since Orochimaru had rebelled against the village.

Walking in Konoha Village, looking at the scene that was still being built around after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

All the way to the Hokage building, habitually rolled through the window.

The ninjas in the dark department also know Jiraiya, and naturally they will not stop it.


Sarutobi looked up at Jiraiya from the table.

"Well, old man, I'm back."

Zi Lai also looked at the appearance of Ape Fei Ri Chop, which was obviously a lot older, and his heart was also very complicated.

"After I went out, I still didn't find any trace of the big snake pill, but I also got some news from him, and he seems to have joined a certain organization."

When Ape Fei Richo heard that Zilai also mentioned the Great Snake Pill, his mood also became a little low, after all, it used to be his favorite disciple.

However, Sarutobi quickly got rid of this emotion, and said to Jiraiya: "You know what happened in the village." Zi

Lai also nodded, "I have a general understanding of this matter, is there any news about the identity of the mask man?"

Sarutobi shook his head, "We haven't been able to find out anything about him, but the Sharingan that appears in the eyes of the Nine Tails will definitely not be mistaken." "Originally

, the Nine-Tails was controlled by the Mask Man with a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and the only one who knows that there is a kaleidoscope is Uchiha Madara."

"But didn't Uchiha die at the hands of the first Hokage-sama?" Jiraiya asked suspiciously.

Sarutobi shook his head again, "I don't know about this, but I heard the teacher say that Uchiha's body disappeared inexplicably.

"But it is estimated that the mask man must have something to do with Uchiha, and the suspicion of the Uchiha family cannot be shaken off."

Zi Lai also nodded, "Then what are you so anxious to ask me to go back to the village for, there is nothing in the village that I can help, it's better to..."

Sarutobi Hinata interrupted Jiraiya's words, "There is another very important thing to call you back this time, that is, the fifth generation Hokage.

"After all, I am old, and I have also retired from the position of Hokage, and now I am only temporarily acting as an agent, handling the affairs of the village."

"I hope you can inherit the position of Hokage, and while I am still alive, I can help a little with something."

When Zi Lai heard Ape Fei Sun's words, he hurriedly shook his head.

"No, I can't be this Hokage, my personality is not suitable at all."

Sarutobi replied, "Then besides you, who else in the village is qualified to serve as Hokage?"

Jiraiya thought for a moment, "And Tsunade?" I remember she has always been in the village, but can't there be Relo?

"Reilo's strength is also enough to serve as Hokage, and when the third Ninja World War was made, the credit was not small."

"I can't be this Hokage anyway, you don't have to think about me."

Sarutobi had a little headache when he heard Jiraiya's words, picked up his pipe and smoked a cigarette, lowered his head and pondered.

After a long time, Sarutobi opened his mouth and said, "Then Tsunade, I don't know if she wants to, this matter still needs you to convince her."

"If you can't convince her, this Hokage must still be yours."

"Relo's words, the strength is enough, but his qualifications are still too shallow, and after Tsunade leaves office, he can be allowed to serve as the sixth generation Hokage."

Jiraiya nodded, "Okay then, then I'll go and talk to Tsunade about this matter, she will definitely agree."

"One more thing, old man."

Ape Fei Ri chopped back, "What's the matter, you say."

Zi Lai also asked, "What about the orphans of Watergate and Jiu Xinnai?" The kid named Naruto was still named by me.

Sarutobi replied, "If you want to visit him, just by the way, now that child is in the Senju Clan, and he has been adopted by Tsunade and Mizumon's disciple Rin Nohara." Zi

Lai also nodded, "Old man, then you should be busy with yours first, I will go first." Then

again familiarly rolled out of the window.


Konoha Village, Senju Clan Land.

Jiraiya looked at the familiar scene around him, and basically there was no change.

All the way to Tsunade's door, he knocked lightly.

He didn't dare to slip in directly from the window, and his ribs ached faintly at the thought of Tsunade.

With a "creak," the door opened.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya who was standing outside, and was also a little surprised.

"Jiraiya? When did you get back? Come on in.

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade, who was dressed in house clothes, and was still wearing an apron, and felt more feminine than before, so he suddenly forgot the pain he had suffered in the past, and couldn't help but feel colorful.

"Wow, Tsunade, you're more feminine than before."

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with a narrowed expression, and suddenly became angry.


Tsunade threw Jiraiya out with a punch, and then spoke; "Damn old slut, don't look at me like that, do you want to lie in the hospital for another two months?"

Jiraiya walked in from the courtyard again in embarrassment, patting the dust on his body with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Tsunade, I'm sorry, I'm here to find you this time."

"Business?" Tsunade glanced at Jiraiya, "What business can you have?" Zi

Lai also spoke; I came here mainly for two things.

"The first thing, I came to visit Naruto, how can I say that I am also the master of Watergate, and I still gave this child's name."

Tsunade had already led Jiraiya into the room and sat down at this time.

Tsunade spoke; "If you want to see Naruto can, the voice is quieter, he just fell asleep."

Jiraiya nodded, "The second thing is to ask you to be the fifth generation Hokage."

Tsunade burst out laughing when he heard this, "Let me be the fifth Hokage?" Stop teasing it? Old man, isn't he afraid that I will lose Konoha?

Jiraiya shook his head, "Tsunade, I know you're not the kind of person who can't tell the difference between importance and importance, and besides, there is no one in the village besides you who is more suitable to be the fifth generation Hokage."

Tsunade still didn't change his mind, and spoke, "I gave up the fourth generation Hokage election, and let me be the fifth generation Hokage, are you sick?" "

I just want to see Rope Tree grow up right now, and I like Naruto's little guy too, and I'll help Kyusina raise him as an adult."

However, Jiraiya's words changed Tsunade's mind, making her agree to serve as the fifth Hokage.

Zi Lai also said: "...".

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