"I want to bring Chakra together again!"

"Eighty Gods Air Strike!"

I saw Kaguya Otsutsuki condensed the chakra in his palm, and instantly threw countless punches, slamming towards Lei Luo like an air cannon.

"Damn! You have to gather Chakras and come to me separately, my Chakras are not from you!"

"If you want to be one with me, I'd be happy to accept it."

Lai Luo didn't care about Kaguya Otsutsuki's attack, and even had the intention to continue flirting.

Kaguya Otsutsuki didn't reply, but his eyes became sharper, and his attack became more swift.

However, Lai Luo felt a little happy watching Kaguya Otsutsuki's attack. It's been a long time since he had a hearty physical showdown.

But with the current state of Taijutsu alone, it should be difficult to resist Kaguya's attack, but in this state, that's not necessarily the case.

"Eight-door Dunjia open!"

"Open the door, close the door, live the door, hurt the door, Dumen, Jingmen, Jingmen!"

"Open them all to me!"


An overwhelming aura erupted from Lei Luo's body. This time he opened seven doors at once, and with the blessing of the Three Immortals, it should be enough to suppress Kaguya in physical skills!

"Day Tiger!"

Lei Luo slammed out a straight fist, and the air was compressed by Lei Luo's fist wind, forming a tiger-shaped gas bomb, which instantly slammed towards Kaguya Otsutsuki's Yashenkong.


A strong shock wave spread, and Lai Luo was forced back a short distance by the shock wave, and the magma under his feet surged more violently, but Lai Luo's face was full of smiles.

Because he was very sure that he definitely won the fight just now.

Sure enough, there was a small scar on Kaguya Otsutsuki's face, and a trace of blood flowed out.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, but it's not enough right now, you have to be beaten!"

Although Lei Luo's body is very strong, the opening of the eight-door Dunjia directly to the seven-door still puts a lot of pressure on him, and this state cannot continue forever.

So in the next second, Lai Luo volleyed out with one leg, and driven by the wind, a violent tornado appeared, and continued to attack Kaguya Otsutsuki with the magma.

"Konoha Dragon God!"

Chapter 212 The Immortal Godzilla Battles Hui Ye!

When Lai Luo kicked this kick, he thought of his first teacher, Chen Baojun.

It was he who taught Lei Luo's body techniques at the beginning, which laid a solid foundation for Lei Luo, and this trick "Knoba Dragon God" is a stunt developed by Teacher Chen.

But now, Teacher Chen has passed away, and his soul has returned to the underworld.

In this cruel ninja world, being able to live to the end of life is already a kind of perfection.

When Lai Luo heard the news of Teacher Chen's death, he also had the idea of ​​resurrecting him.

However, the light of his awakening can only be resurrected, and it cannot restore youth. For Teacher Chen's age, resurrecting him is just to make the old man suffer, and it is meaningless.

Besides, Mr. Chen's family is harmonious, with many children and grandchildren, and this life has been very fulfilling.

When the tornado kicked by Laylo came to Kaguya Otsutsuki with the magma wrapped in it, Kaguya's face did not change, and he raised his hand to directly absorb the tornado.

"Yes, Kaguya also has the same ability to absorb various spells and energies as Madara, and with the amount of chakra of Kaguya, the upper limit of her absorption is much higher than Madara."

Lei Luo looked at this scene and thought to himself.

At this moment, Lai Luo discovered that the figure of Kaguya Otsutsuki had disappeared.

"not good!"

Lai Luo turned back immediately, but he felt like he had a heavy load on his body and it was difficult to twist his body.

This time, Lai Luo was convinced that Kaguya really appeared behind him.

And Lai Luo also remembered what ability Kaguya used.

Huang Quan Hirazaka, "Book of Arrays" commented as "in less than a moment, appeared from the gate of the underworld!"

Kaguya, who uses this technique, has the ability to travel freely in space, and opens a black portal out of thin air, which not only allows the caster to travel in the same space, but also allows the caster to freely enter and exit between the real space and the different space.

This technique can be used to attack, shorten the distance of long-range ninjutsu, disrupt and surprise opponents, and can also be used to evade and escape in critical situations.

Kaguya can activate this spell even in the state of white eyes.

And this immobilization effect is an unknown technique, in the original work, it was matched with a technique that Huang Quan Hirazaka performed on Naruto and Erzhuzi.

But no matter what technique it is, it is related to Chakra, and Lai Luo also thought of a way to break the game, which is to use alien energy.

So Lai Luo directly triggered the power of Godzilla in his body and entered the Godzilla coat mode.

This was the first time Lai Luo used Godzilla's coat in the Three Immortals Mode, and he didn't expect this power to be successfully integrated.

The new Godzilla coat is no longer the dark blue armor it used to be, but a dazzling golden color, which feels like a galaxy.

And when Laylo successfully entered Godzilla's coat mode, he regained control of his body.

So Lai Luo disappeared instantly, dodging Kaguya Otsutsuki's attack.

Turning back, Lai Luo looked at the weapon in Kaguya's hand and broke out in a cold sweat.

"I rely on!"

"It turned out to be a total of ashes!"

This technique is one of Kaguya's nirvana skills, as long as it is touched, it will be wiped out.

The so-called co-killing of ashes is a technique of changing the composition of the bones and turning them into powerful weapons. The bones are shot from the palm of the hand, and the body of the person who is stabbed by the bones will gradually collapse like a reincarnated filth.

This technique is similar to Junma Lu's corpse veins, but it is far more dangerous than the latter. Because Jun Malu's corpse vein itself came from the ability of Kaguya's bloodline, and it was a weakened version passed down from generation to generation.

Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at the Xinghe version of Godzilla's coat outside Lei Luo's body, with a hint of confusion in her eyes, because in her impression, she had never seen this ability before, and it was definitely not something that should exist in this world. .

"Who are you? You are definitely not from this world!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki stopped the co-killing ashes, pointed at Lai Luo, and asked in a cold voice.

Lai Luo smiled and replied, "Hehe, guess what?"

At this time, Hei Jue flowed out of Kaguya Otsutsuki's sleeve and said to Kaguya: "Mom, this guy is also a ninja, a ninja, but he has a light escape that has never appeared in the ninja world. Bloodstain Boundaries."

After hearing Hei Jue's words, Kaguya Otsutsuki shook her head slightly, she knew that Lai Luo's identity was definitely not that simple.

Lai Luo also heard Hei Jue's words and said, "Hei Jue is right, I'm just an ordinary ninja with a special bloodstain boundary."

"I don't know any people like Otsutsuki Peach, Otsutsuki Kim, Otsutsukiura, and the like."

When Kaguya Otsutsuki heard these three names, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. This was the first time in a thousand years that he heard the names of these three people in the ninja world.

Thousands of years ago, when people in the ancient times of the ninja world did not know the true conclusion of chakra, there were already wars.

One day, the Otsutsukimoto family planted a sacred tree. In order to provide nutrients to the sacred tree, the Otsutsukimoto family sent Kaguya to the earth to cultivate the sacred tree by absorbing the power of the earth and the human spirit.

He also ordered Kaguya to provide Chakra to the Otsutsuki clan while guarding the sacred tree that only bears fruit once in a thousand years. When the chakra fruit matures, the Otsutsukimoto family will send three people, Peach, Gold and Ura. Go to Earth to collect the fruit of the divine tree, and welcome Kaguya back to the alien planet.

But after Kaguya swallowed the fruit of the divine tree, it was naturally impossible to return it to the family, and he had a supreme status in the ninja world, and he did not want to return to another planet.

Because Kaguya was afraid that the Otsutsukimoto family would notice that he was stealing the fruit of the **** tree, he used the infinite moon reading, thus creating a large number of living weapons Baijue to deal with the peach, gold, and Ura that came in the future.

But after so many years, Kaguya has matured a lot, so it's just a little panic.

Then Kaguya Otsutsuki stared at Lai Luo coldly and said, "Although I don't know how you know the news about those three people, I just need to absorb the chakra from you, plus the White Absolute Legion of the Ninja World. , I'm not afraid of those three people."

"You just hand over Chakra obediently and become one with me!"

Lai Luo sighed and said, "It seems that this battle is unavoidable. You woman is really stubborn and short-sighted."

"You just want to absorb my chakra, have you never thought about cooperation?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki snorted coldly and replied, "Cooperation?!"

"There is no one worthy of my trust in this ninja world, and no one is qualified to cooperate with me!"

After listening to Kaguya's words, Lai Luo also understood Kaguya's thoughts.

After all, at the beginning, she was for the sake of her children and was an enemy of the ninja world, but she was sealed by her own son in the end. She must have lost the possibility of trusting others at that time.

After Kaguya Otsutsuki finished speaking, he had no intention of continuing to talk with Laylo.

In the next second, Lai Luo found that the space he was in had changed again.

Chapter 213 Supergravity Space! Start ball space!


Lai Luo, who was in fairy Godzilla coat mode, smashed directly from the air and smashed into the ground.

However, because of the protection of the external fairy Godzilla's coat, Laylo was not injured.

"Ho ho!"

Laylo struggled to stand up straight, feeling the terrifying pressure coming from his body, Laylo understood what the space he was in right now.

This is the hypergravity space in the space controlled by Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Then Lai Luo saw Kaguya in front of him suddenly appearing beside Kaguya. Unlike Uchiha Madara's begging jade, this begging jade was obviously much bigger.

"Do you want to expand and seek the Taoist jade?"

The Inflated Seeking Jade was evaluated in the "Book of Arrays" that Lai Luo had read in his previous life: \"Sealing the power of all things, summoning the dark sphere of chaos. It can obliterate all properties and return the world to nothingness. The starting point of the new space\".

This is the chakra of the ninjas captured by Kaguya Otsutsuki, which maximizes the \"Gu Dao Jade\". It is the same object as the black ball behind Uchiha Madara in the six-path mode, but it is completely incomparable in size. The five elements, yin and yang are all swallowed together, hiding the power to return the world to nothing, a huge block of chaos!


Under the control of Hui Ye, Swelling Qiu Daoyu charged directly towards Lei Luo.


Although Lei Luo is now in the Godzilla mode, he doesn't dare to take the perverted thing like the expansion jade, and the right hand is empty, and the ice wheel pill, which has become huge and in line with the current body shape, appears in his hand, blocking it. Under the expansion of Gudaoyu's attack.


But this time, Lai Luo shuddered in an instant, and an indescribable pain spread throughout his body, as if his soul had been torn apart, causing him to cry out.

Because of the severe pain, Lai Luo's figure suddenly hunched up, and it made him exit the fairy Godzilla mode directly, and he couldn't help falling to his knees.


Lei Luo gasped for breath, and the pain finally eased a lot. Looking down, he found that there was a small gap on the ice pill in his hand.

The Bing Lun Pill was integrated with his soul, and the Bing Lun Pill was damaged, no wonder there was a severe pain from the soul.

Lai Luo originally thought that the Taoist jade would not be able to damage Binglunwan, but he didn't expect that the expansion of the Taoist jade would not only be bigger, but also have an effect on this kind of soul metamorphosis.

If he had known earlier, Laidlaw wouldn't be stupid enough to pick it up.

"It seems that this ice wheel pill can't be taken out and used!"

"It can't be delayed any longer, it seems to be resolved as soon as possible!"

Lai Luo got up from the ground, entered the fairy mode again, and this time directly entered the full-body Godzilla mode.

This state should be called Godzilla fairy.

Lai Luo didn't have any thoughts of talking to Kaguya anymore, and launched an attack directly at Kaguya.

"Void Walk!"

Although this is the space controlled by Kaguya's Heavenly Empire, Lai Luo's Void Walk can still discover the various nodes that exist in this space.

When the Godzilla sage Lai Luo appeared again, he had already appeared behind Kaguya Otsutsuki, and then directly attacked Kaguya with his claws.


Lai Luo slapped the ground with a paw, and in an instant a deep pit appeared on the ground, rubble flying around, and smoke and dust lingered.

And Kaguya Otsutsuki felt the fierce claw wind behind him when Lei Luo swung his claws, so he instantly fled into the space, dodging Lei Luo's claws, making him flutter in the air.

Then, when Kaguya Otsutsuki appeared again, he controlled the expansion of the Daoyu jade to attack Lei Luo.

Lai Luo has already suffered a loss on the expansion of the Taoist jade, and naturally he will not take it hard again.

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