"Xianfa. Atomic Jade!"

The godzilla sage Lai Luo opened his huge mouth, and the terrifying breath condensed in his mouth, and this time he also added fairy chakra to it.

Then Godzilla Immortal Lai Luo suddenly vomited, and an energy ball flashing in three colors of gold, red and blue charged directly towards the Swelling Seeking Jade.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's complexion suddenly changed when the Swelling Gudao Jade and the Immortal Atomic Jade collided.

She felt that the chakra in her body was like opening the gate to release water, gushing out from her body and adding it to the expansion jade.

But this still did not overwhelm Lei Luo's Immortal Atomic Jade, and under this collision, the Swelling Qiudao Jade and the Immortal Atomic Jade exploded together.


A violent shock wave spread out, feeling that the entire space was shaking, and the ground beneath my feet was constantly shaking.

Kaguya Otsutsuki felt the fluctuations in this space, and the pupil power of Samsara's writing wheel eyes kept pouring out, which stabilized the supergravity space.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so difficult!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki stared at Lei Lu's location, his face was very ugly, and at the same time there was a trace of regret.

Lai Luo's strength is already on the same level as her. If she chose to cooperate with Lai Luo before, she should be more confident in dealing with the three of Otsutsuki Momo-style.

But there are not so many ifs in this world, and now I only hope that I can successfully kill Lei Luo and absorb the power in his body to enhance his own strength.

However, even if she chose to cooperate with Lai Luo, Lai Luo did not necessarily agree, because the only options for dealing with Kaguya Otsutsuki in the system mission were sealing, killing, and subduing.

Cooperation can not meet the conditions for completing the task.

"It seems that I have to go to the starting ball space to replenish chakra!" Kaguya Otsutsuki thought to himself.

But when the idea arose in Kaguya Otsutsuki's heart, Lai Luo had already guessed it.

If you want to maintain the space where the Heavenly Imperial Palace is located, you need to consume a lot of chakra, and then Kaguya Otsutsuki has released so many powerful techniques, and the chakra consumption must be a lot.

And if Kaguya Otsutsuki goes to the starting ball space, she can absorb the chakra of the person controlled by Infinite Tsukiyomi to restore herself.

And after absorbing everyone's chakra, Kaguya Otsutsuki's strength and speed will be further improved.

Lai Luo naturally couldn't just watch Kaguya recover, and then deal with himself.

Just when Kaguya shuttled through the space to the starting ball space, Laylo also discovered the node connecting the supergravity space and the starting ball space through Kaguya's actions.

Then he used the void walk, and directly entered the origin ball space with Kaguya through that space node.

After Kaguya Otsutsuki came to the starting ball space, he immediately prepared to absorb everyone's chakra to recover himself, but at this moment, he found that Lai Luo actually followed her into the starting ball space.

"Damn it!"

Chapter 214 Frost Space!

Obviously, Kaguya Otsutsuki was very angry at Lai Luo's difficulty, and she didn't expect that there would be other people in her own space who could travel freely.

But the most urgent task now is to absorb the Chakra of those who are in the infinite monthly reading to restore himself.

And even if Laylo followed her to the starting ball space, only he could absorb this chakra.

So Kaguya Otsutsuki waved his hand, and countless pure chakras escaped from the space wall of the starting ball space, and then gathered towards his body under the control of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"This Kaguya doesn't look down on me too much. He absorbs chakra in front of me. You can absorb it, can't I?"

Lai Luo looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was absorbing everyone's chakra, and was speechless.

But his own consumption does not need to be small, although he has Shuria's Rhapsody to speed up the recovery of Chakra, but this speed is not as fast as absorbing other people's Chakra.

So Lai Luo also began to absorb the Chakra in the beginning ball space, but he found that he could not absorb it.

"No wonder Kaguya Otsutsuki is so confident in her absorption in front of me, she must know very well that others can't absorb the Chakra in this space."

"But she still underestimates me!"

"My methods are more than that!"

I saw that Laylo once again activated the power of Godzilla in his body, and instantly entered the full-body Godzilla mode.


I saw Laylo, who was transformed into Godzilla, opened his mouth and sucked, and a terrifying phagocytosis came out of Godzilla's mouth, and the Chakra, which was being absorbed and gathered by Kaguya, was instantly diverted.

Almost half of the chakras gathered towards Godzilla's mouth.

After all, swallowing energy is Godzilla's best innate instinct, even if it is under the control of others, it can forcibly swallow it.

And with the absorption of Godzilla, more and more Chakras were taken from Kaguya's side and gathered towards Godzilla.

Kaguya, who was absorbing chakra, found that he was able to absorb less and less chakra.

"What's going on? The chakra of this ninja world is too rare."

Then Kaguya opened her eyes, only to find Godzilla who was swallowing chakra in the distance.

"you again!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki has already said through gritted teeth.

After that, Kaguya Otsutsuki would naturally stop posing as Godzilla, who was incarnated by Lai Luo, continued to absorb Chakra, and attacked Lai Luo directly.

Although Laylo has been devouring Chakra, he has also been observing Kaguya's situation through his five-vision omnipotence.

Laylo, who had absorbed so much chakra, couldn't help feeling that he had fully recovered, and even felt that his power was stronger than before.

The moment Kaguya's body disappeared in place, Lai Luo immediately stopped absorbing and entered a state of alert.


Leroy Godzilla swung back with his claws, just blocking the attack of Kaguya Otsutsuki who used Hirazaka to shuttle behind Leroy.

Then Lai Luo instantly entered the fairy mode again and transformed into a Godzilla fairy.

"Eat another shot of my Immortal Atomic Jade!"

Lai Luo opened his huge mouth, and once again condensed and spat out a golden, red and blue flashing energy ball and blasted it towards Kaguya Otsutsuki.

After all, now Lai Luo's state has returned to full, and even increased, and it is even more easy to release such a powerful attack.

But Kaguya Otsutsuki was surprised when she saw the oncoming Xianfa Atomic Jade. After all, she had seen the power of this move before, and it was the thing that successfully swelled the Taoist Jade.

So Kaguya Otsutsuki left the starting ball space directly, dodging this trick.

Lai Luo looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki who disappeared in the space of the starting ball, and naturally followed him closely. Using Void Walk, he passed through the space node and came to the space where Kaguya Otsutsuki escaped.

As soon as he entered this space, his eyes were all white, and the light was refracted, and Lei Luo's eyes were almost blinded.

"This is the frost space in the Imperial Palace!"

Lai Luo quickly adapted to this environment. Although the frost in this frosty space was biting, it had no effect on the Godzilla sage.

Then Lai Luo searched for the trace of Kaguya Otsutsuki in this frosty space through five vision omnipotence.

But no matter how you looked at it, there was no trace of Kaguya Otsutsuki in the sky and the ground, but Lei Luo could feel her breath and knew that she was definitely here and didn't leave.

Then suddenly countless icicles shot towards Lai Luo, saying that they were icicles, but that was relative to the size of Godzilla.

As far as Lai Luo was concerned, what was attacking him was the tip of an iceberg.

However, this attack was just a small trick for Godzilla sage. I saw that Godzilla sage Leroy waved his claws, and five blades of light shot out from the tips of his claws.

After leaving the tip of the claw, it seemed to grow in the wind, turning into five light knives that penetrated the sky completely, smashing the incoming ice picks one after another.

And Lai Luo looked in the direction where the ice cone was shot, but still did not find any trace of Kaguya.

At this time, Lai Luo remembered why such a situation occurred.

In this frost space, Kaguya has another ability, which can integrate with the frost space and transform into ice, so Lai Luo can't find her trace.

But now that he figured out this joint, Laidlaw has a way to find her.

Then Kaguya heard a faint chanting sound coming from the ice and snow.

"The heart of the south, the pupil of the north, the fingertips of the west, and the toes of the east, gather with the wind and disperse with the rain!"

"The Fifty-Eight 'Slap Toes Chasing the Sparrow'!"

A little bit of untraceable fluorescence drifted away with Lei Luo's singing, tracking Kaguya's soul aura, and Lei Luo soon found Kaguya's location.

It turned out that Kaguya was actually hidden in the iceberg in the southwest. Although her body had been integrated into the iceberg, her soul had been marked by Laylo, and it was clearly visible in Laylo's induction.

"Come out! Kaguya!"

Godzilla fairy Lai Luo walked to the iceberg where Kaguya was located step by step, and finally stopped in front of the iceberg, his eyes seemed to penetrate the iceberg, staring straight at Kaguya in the iceberg.

"Hiding it like this is too incompatible with the name of your ancestor Chakra."

Kaguya listened to Lai Luo's voice and finally determined that he had found himself integrated with the iceberg, which made her feel a little panic.

Just like the day when he was chased and fled thousands of years ago.

But she still had a bit of luck in her heart, in case Lai Luo just cheated her out, maybe Lai Luo just guessed that she was here.

Then she deliberately controlled the iceberg in the southeast to launch several ice cones towards Lai Luo, trying to guide Lai Luo to change direction.

But the ice pick was in the hands of the Godzilla fairy Laylo, and it was scattered with a wave of his claws.

"Then don't blame me!"

Chapter 215: The Ninety-ninth of the Dao Bound! Kaguya surrenders!

The Ninety-Nine of the Dao! Kaguya surrenders!

Immediately afterwards, Lai Luo brazenly launched an attack on the iceberg in front of him.


With a loud bang, the iceberg was directly destroyed by Lai Luo.

Fortunately, Kaguya escaped in time, otherwise he would have been seriously injured by Laylo's attack.

Seeing that Lai Luo was about to take another shot, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who had consumed a lot of money, hurriedly called to stop.

"Wait a minute, Lai Luo, I agree to cooperate with you!"

Lai Luo smiled slightly when he heard the words, but he was in Godzilla immortal mode now, and the usual slight smile looked so terrifying now.

Then Kaguya Otsutsuki heard Leroy's loud voice and replied.

"Want to cooperate now? It's too late!"

"Now you have only two paths, one is to die, and the other is to surrender to me!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki ate the fruit of the divine tree and cultivated the White Absolute Army for what?

It's not just to deal with the three of Otsutsuki's peach style, or because they don't want to die.

Therefore, Kaguya Otsutsuki naturally couldn't choose the first path that Laylo said, and surrendered to Laylo, but Kaguya Otsutsuki couldn't accept it.

She is the ancestor of Chakra, how could she surrender to a native in the ninja world.

Thinking of this, I saw Otsutsuki Kaguya's eyes bulge with blue veins, but this was not because he opened his eyes, but purely because of anger.

"Want me to surrender to you?"


Then Hui Ye directly activated the divine tree Chakra in his body, and instantly entered a state similar to the tail beast mode.

And this state looks like...

a rabbit!

"Hahaha!" Lai Luo laughed out loud looking at Kaguya's state.

"It's really cute and mighty. It turned out to be a rabbit. I didn't expect Kaguya to turn out to be a bunny girl. Now I'm more interested." Lai Luo's heart was full of bad taste.

Kaguya Otsutsuki heard Lai Luo's laughter, but didn't know why, but felt that Lai Luo seemed to be laughing at himself for being over his own strength.

So Kaguya Otsutsuki got even more angry!

"Rabbit Needle!"

The giant rabbit-tailed beast incarnated by Kaguya Otsutsuki shuddered, and in an instant, countless long-haired flying needles shot towards Lei Luo.

In fact, Kaguya Otsutsuki had used this trick before, it was the white-haired flying needle she used in human form.

Although he is now in a tailed beast state, for Laylo, this level of attack is still a small skill.

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