"Xianfa. Golden Light Shield!"

A huge golden barrier appeared in front of Lai Luo, easily blocking all the rabbit hair needles.

However, behind Kaguya Otsutsuki, ten huge chakra tentacles suddenly appeared. It seems that although this shape has changed, the essence has not changed, and it is still ten tails.

Under the control of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the ten tails were drawn towards Lai Luo together.




The ten tails slammed into the ground beside Laiduo, creating countless giant pits in this hard layer of ice.

In the Godzilla immortal mode, Laidlaw, although he is huge, is still very flexible, as if dancing, passing through the gap shrouded in the ten tails.

Kaguya Otsutsuki became more and more angry in her heart, and the red in the eyes of the giant rabbit-tailed beast she incarnated into was also deeper, and it looked more like a rabbit.

Then he opened his mouth and directly condensed a tailed beast jade and blasted towards Lei Luo.

Lei Luo was not afraid to confront her head-on, and directly condensed a fairy atomic jade and slammed it against the ten-tailed beast jade.


With a loud noise, the wind and snow in the entire frost stopped, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up where the Xianfa Atomic Jade and the Ten-Tailed Beast Jade collided.


Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

In the collision just now, Lei Luo's Immortal Atomic Jade finally had the upper hand. Although the two exploded together in the end, the location of the explosion was closer to her, so the shock wave was more serious.

Moreover, due to the collision of the two, it caused a violent collision in the frost space, and she had to consume a lot of pupil power and chakra to maintain the imperial palace.

"It can't be like this, it seems that I have to go back to the ninja world!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki made a decision in his heart, and then controlled himself and Lai Luo back to the ninja world and closed the Imperial Palace of Heaven.

Lai Luo only felt that the scenery in front of him changed instantly, and he knew that he had returned to the world of ninjas.

Because the moon in the sky is so conspicuous, scarlet, and still shining brightly.

This is also very magical, the light of the scarlet moon is not red.

Godzilla sage Lai Luo looked at the ten-tailed giant rabbit Otsutsuki Kaguya in the distance, his eyes were cold, and he did not have the slightest idea of ​​mercy.

Because in this level of battle, as long as one is not careful, it is possible to lose the whole game.

If it was a big deal, he killed Kaguya Otsutsuki, and only took two god-level lottery points. He must not use his life to make jokes.

Thinking about the original work, the reason why Naruto and Sasuke defeated Kaguya Otsutsuki was not because they were stronger than Kaguya Otsutsuki, but only because of the power of the Yin-Yang seal from the Six Paths Immortals.

It shows that the sealing technique is the most restrained ability of Kaguya Otsutsuki, but the sealing technique in the ninja world cannot be stronger than the sealing technique of the Six Path Immortals.

But the way of binding in the world of death may have different effects.

Thinking of this, Lai Luo began to sing.

"The thunderous carriage, the gap in the spinning wheel, this thing is clustered with light and divided into six!"

"The Sixty-One 'Six-Stand Light Prison' of Binding Dao!"

Following Lai Luo's singing, six beams of light suddenly appeared and turned into ropes, controlling the limbs, body, and head of the ten-tailed giant rabbit that Kaguya had transformed into.

No matter how hard Kaguya struggled, she couldn't get rid of it.

Because the Dao Dao seems to have an entity, but it is actually the soul that is bound, and Kaguya Otsutsuki has no means of soul defense, so it is naturally impossible to get rid of it.

However, the ten tails behind Kaguya Otsutsuki were not bound, because the Six-Stand Light Prison could only release six beams of light, so Kaguya controlled the tail to continue bombarding Lei Luo, trying to get rid of the current predicament.

However, Lai Luo didn't care and continued to sing.

"The Ninety-Nine of the Dao. Swastika!"

"First song. Stop stretching!"

In an instant, ten thousand feet of light bloomed from Lei Luo, as if it turned into a cloth of light, wrapping the entire Hui Ye, making his whole body unable to move, even the ten giant tails behind him.

"Second song. Bailian latch!"

Following the chant, dozens of light guns fell from the sky, pierced Kaguya's body, and nailed it to the ground, making it impossible for him to resist.

But Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was pierced by the light gun, felt as if his soul had been pierced, and the indescribable pain spread throughout his body.

"The finale. Swastika is too sealed!"

With Laiduo's last chant, Kaguya felt the breath of death enveloped him.

So she struggled hard, and her strong desire to survive seemed to make her break through a shackle for a while, and shouted to Lai Luo.

"I surrender!"

Chapter 216 Unlimited Monthly Reading Released!

Unlimited monthly reading lifted!

Following Kaguya's cry, Laidlaw stopped singing.

The forbidden stele with the **** that just appeared in the air did not fall after all, and slowly dissipated.

At this time, Kaguya Otsutsuki felt that the cloud of death was moving away from him.

Lai Luo finally heard the long-lost system prompt.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully subduing Kaguya Otsutsuki and completing the mission to reverse the fate!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the quest reward: God-level lottery point *3."

Very good, Lai Luo showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then exited the Godzilla fairy mode and returned to normal.

Since the system has prompted the task to be completed, it means that Kaguya has truly surrendered. Although I don't know how the system determines it, this result is not wrong.

Then Lai Luo released the control of Kaguya by Dao Dao.

After Kaguya Otsutsuki got out of control, he also exited the full body-tailed beast mode.


Kaguya came to Lai Luo's side and whispered, and it seemed that there was still some pitiful feeling.

Seeing this, Lai Luo smiled and said, "Since you have surrendered to me now, you don't need to be so sensible, and I'm not someone who doesn't care about human feelings. You can just call me by my name in the future."

Kaguya Otsutsuki nodded and said, "Got it, Lei Luo-kun!"

Then Lai Luo looked at the combined Ninja World Army still surrounded by trees in the distance, and Obito who was still in a coma after being rescued by himself just now, then turned his head and said to Kaguya.

"Kaguya, you don't have to worry, now that you are my person, I will naturally not let Datongmu Taoshi take you away again."

"After a while, my strength will increase again, and the three of them will definitely not be my opponents."

Kaguya Otsutsuki listened to Lei Luo's words, nodded obediently, and said nothing.

Then I heard Lai Luo say again: "Kaguya, you can cancel the infinite moon reading!"

When Kaguya Otsutsuki heard the words, he turned the wheel of Samsara and canceled the infinite monthly reading.

The moon also returned to normal again, and the trees that wrapped the ninjas quickly withered and withered, releasing the ninjas in them.

"Um...why am I here?"

"Huh? What's going on here?"

"Shit! Where's my wife?"


The ninjas were obviously still indulging in the dream of Infinite Moon Reading, and they didn't come back to their senses.

But they looked at the scene around them and quickly remembered what had happened.

"We are the Ninja World Union Army!"

"This is the fourth ninja war!"

Tsunade and other four shadows, as well as the shadow-level powerhouses such as Namikaze Minato, are awake earlier than the ordinary ninjas of the joint ninja world.

Following the traces of the battlefield, they sensed the direction of Lai Luo, and they rushed over.

Tsunade looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki next to Lai Luo with a bit of confusion, because she had never seen this person before, but Tsunade didn't have time to think about it, so she asked Lai Luo.

"Lei Luo-kun, where is Madara Uchiha?"

Lai Luo smiled and replied: "Uchiha Madara is dead, the fourth ninja war is over, we are victorious!"

However, Minato Namikaze remembered what Laylo had told, and looked at Kaguya beside Laylo and had some guesses.

So Namikaze Minato asked tentatively, "Lei Luo-kun, who is this?"

Lai Luo grabbed Kaguya's hand, pulled it to his side, and said, "I'll introduce to you, this is Kaguya Otsutsuki, a powerful female ninja who was able to defeat Uchiha back then. Madara is thanks to her."

"Her strength is no less than mine."

Being directly held by Lai Luo in front of so many people, Kaguya's face couldn't help showing a hint of blush. Although she lived for a thousand years, she has been sealed in the moon.

I have never had such close contact with a man before.

Minato Namikaze heard Lei Luo's introduction, his pupils shrank suddenly, but it returned to normal immediately.

Since Kaguya can stay here peacefully now, it means that Laylo has determined that she is no longer a threat.

Just when everyone was about to say something, they suddenly heard an exclamation.

"With soil!"

Looking back, I saw that it was Kakashi who came over, and then found Uchiha Obito lying on the ground in a coma, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

After all, in his impression, Obito was already dead, and he didn't expect to see him here.

Then Kakashi picked up Obito, came to Lai Luo, and asked, "Lei Luo-kun, what's going on with Obito?"

Lai Luo looked at Kakashi and said, "I'll help you wake him up first, and then you can just ask him if you have anything."

"Light Escape. Light Therapy!"

A soft light bloomed from Lai Luo's hand and pressed against Obito's heart.

The wood-dun cells in Obito's body are like fish that smell fishy, ​​impatiently absorbing Lai Luo's light-dun chakra and replenishing their vitality.

Obito finally woke up and slowly opened his eyes, one was a scarlet kaleidoscope, while the other was a dark eye socket.

Because the reincarnation eye that was originally in it has been dug out by Uchiha Madara.

"This...is the world of the dead?"

Obito muttered, obviously not awake yet.

Then he finally saw Kakashi in front of him and asked, "Kakashi, are you dead too? I'm so sorry..."

Obito thought that Kakashi was also killed by Madara Uchiha, so they met in the underworld.

Kakashi said with a smile: "Obito, what nonsense are you talking about, we are not dead yet."

"Didn't he die?" Obito repeated, and then he came to his senses, sat up suddenly, and got out of Kakashi's arms.

Then Obito stretched out his hand tremblingly and touched his empty eye sockets, then closed his eyes and took a few breaths, and finally came to his senses.

"I really didn't die!"

But immediately he became decadent again, as if he had lost his soul and was not angry at all.

"How can I live?"

"I didn't expect that all this was a scam by Uchiha Madara, and after all, I still couldn't create a world with Lin..."

When Kakashi heard this, he couldn't help but slapped Obito's head.

"Obito, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Lin is still alive and well! How can you say such things in front of Lei Luo-kun!"

"Now that the Fourth Ninja World War has ended, and the Akatsuki organization has been successfully eliminated, it is estimated that I will be able to attend Lei Luo-kun and Lin's wedding soon."

Obito seemed to have heard some shocking news, suddenly raised his head, stared at Kakashi and asked, "What did you say?!"

"Lin is still alive? And she is about to marry Lai Luo?!"

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