This made Chuan Xiaochun sometimes miss the time when Tuanzang was still there. At that time, their elders' voice was many times stronger than they are now.

However, the third arrangement that Lai Luo said next made Zhuanxiao Xiaochun dumbfounded.

"Article 3, the existence of the elders group is no longer suitable for Konoha's development. I decided to dissolve the elders group."

"From now on, there will be no elder group in Konoha Village!"

Chapter 221 Arrangement! Let's go!


When Koharu was still dumbfounded when he turned to bed, Mito Menyan couldn't wait to jump out.

"Laylo, although you are Hokage, you don't have the power to disband the elders!"

Lai Luo looked at Mito Menyan who jumped out, and his expression became cold.

When he was solving Danzo himself, he suggested that Tsunade should dissolve the elders.

But Tsunade had just assumed office not long ago, and for the sake of the stability of the village, there was no way to move these two old guys for the time being.

But it's been so long now, I didn't expect that Mito Menyan could still see the situation so clearly.

They should have learned Sarutobi Hiizan and retired long ago, wouldn't it be good to take care of their grandchildren and take care of their lives at home?

Those who have been reluctant to bear these powers and positions in their hands have been half-dead to the ground and have been occupying their positions.

So Mito Menyan heard Lei Luo coldly say: "Oh? I have no power, so who has power?"

"At the beginning, your elders were established by the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi, so what's the problem with me canceling him now?"

Mito Menyan looked at Lei Luo's icy eyes, and then he remembered how strong the person in front of him was. This is the man who defeated Uchiha Madara by himself.

After all, they were all immersed in their dreams, and they didn't know what happened behind Uchiha Madara. They only knew that Lai Luo defeated Uchiha Madara and won the fourth ninja war.

Just now, I was carried away by the news of the disbanding of the elders that Lei Luo said, and now I calm down when I look at Lei Luo's icy eyes, and I can't help but feel a little scared.

"Forget it, I'm already at this age, so let's disband." Mito Menyan thought in his heart, and then the whole person fell down, feeling a little old again.

Then he looked at Lai Luo and said, "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, it was just an old man's words, and I agree to disband the elders."

When Lai Luo heard Mito Menyan's words, the icy expression on his face relaxed, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

Then he said to Mito Menyan: "It seems that Elder Menyan is still very righteous."

He turned to look at Xiaochun, who turned to bed, and asked, "Elder Xiaochun, do you agree to disband the elders group?"

As soon as Lai Luo opened his mouth, Xiaochun couldn't wait to reply: "Yes, I also agree to disband the elders."

"I've been thinking about retiring for a long time, and now it's time to enjoy the happiness."

She saw Mito Menyan's performance just now, and naturally she would not touch Lei Luo's mold again.

"Hahaha, very good, two elders, please rest assured. Although the elders group has been disbanded, the village will still take care of you."

Lai Luo said with a smile, the bridal sedan chair is carried by everyone, since these two people are so acquainted, Lai Luo will naturally not be stingy with a few good words.

"Okay, everyone has no objection to the few points just now, so I'll say the next one."

"Article 4, since Elder Men Yan has abdicated, his position as Minister of Finance will naturally have to be inherited. Do you have any suitable candidates?"

When Mito Menyan heard Lei Luo's words this time, he didn't have any reaction. He already knew that he had lost power in the village, and naturally he would not go to death again.

After all, no one can protect him now.

Lai Luo glanced around, and Kakashi finally spoke.

"Lord Hokage, for the position of Minister of Finance, I will choose the Nara Patriarch."

"The Nara family itself has a business of making medicinal materials, and they are not unfamiliar with finances. Moreover, the Nara family are all highly intelligent talents, so they are suitable for this position."

Nara Shikahisa, the head of the Nara clan, heard Kakashi's words, and his squinted eyes suddenly widened.

He and Lei Luoke have never had any friendship, why did Kakashi suddenly recommend him? !

At this moment, thousands of answers flashed through Nara Shikahisa's mind.

In fact, this is entirely due to Nara Shikahisa himself thinking too much. When Tsunade was in power before, Lai Luo had always been a salted fish with peace of mind, and had no friendship with the major families in the village.

The reason why Kakashi recommended him is the same as what Kakashi himself said, there are not so many twists and turns at all.

This is also a common problem that highly intelligent businessmen may have. They always think too much about one thing. If this is a simple-minded person like Naruto Xiao Li, he would have happily agreed.

Lai Luo listened to Kakashi's words, lowered his head and thought for a while, Nara Shikahisa is indeed quite suitable, so let him.

So Lai Luo looked up at Nara Shikahisa and asked, "Patriarch Nara, what do you think of Kakashi's proposal?"

Nara Shikahisa looked at Laylo and asked him, and knew in his heart that Laylo had decided to make him the Minister of Finance, and he had to accept it now.

After all, the three clans of the pigs, deer and butterflies have always been staunch supporters of the Naruto faction. Now, it is not impossible for several ministers of finance to hold their positions, but it is a little troublesome.

So, Nara Shikaku said: "Since Hokage-sama doesn't dislike it, then Shikaku is willing to serve as the Minister of Finance."

After watching Nara Shikaku agree, Lai Luo smiled and said, "Haha, then the financial work in the village will trouble you, Minister Shikaku."

Then Lai Luo continued to say to the crowd: "Then I will talk about the fifth and last one now."

Everyone listened to Lei Luo's words and listened attentively. The first four arrangements were already big changes in the village. This last one is usually the most important, isn't it even more shocking? !

Then everyone heard Lai Luo say: "The fifth rule is actually nothing, that is, during the time I left the village, the various tasks in the village still have to be handled by Tsunade-sama for the time being."

"How is it, Tsunade-sama, is there any problem?"

The expressions on everyone's faces froze all of a sudden, I didn't expect this last one to say this...

Tsunade responded quickly and replied, "Okay, I thought I would be able to relax for a few days, but I didn't expect this to be handled by me."

"Laylo, you didn't plan this time, did you?!"

"When you come back, there is nothing to deal with in this village."

After listening to Tsunade's words, Lai Luo laughed and replied, "Nothing, what plan can I have?!"

"These are all coincidences, just coincidences."

"Okay, everyone, that's all I have to say. If there is nothing else, everyone can leave."

"The village is very lively today, everyone can go for a walk."

When everyone heard the words, they resigned one after another and left the Hokage office one after another.


Three days later, Laylo set off for the capital of the Land of Fire with his Hokage escort.

Chapter 222 I want the whole country of fire!

Although it is said that with Lai Luo's strength, there is no need for the Hokage guards at all.

But after all, this is the tradition of Hokage, and it is also a row.

Lai Luo's Hokage Guards are all acquaintances.

The captain of the Hokage Guard was chosen as Kakashi Hatake, who has been successfully transplanted with Uchiha Obito's Kaleidoscope Shaker.

Then the remaining members are Senju Roshu, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Itachi.

This lineup can be called luxurious. One wooden dungeon and three kaleidoscopes can still open Susanoo, and this Hokage **** can easily destroy a small country.

Lai Luo and his party galloped all the way, and they arrived at the capital of the country of fire within a few days.

Looking at the familiar and majestic city in front of him, Lai Luo couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

The last time I came to the capital of the country of fire, it was Lai Luo who came as Tsunade's escort.

It's been so many years now.

After entering the city, Lai Luo did not look at the hustle and bustle of the city, and walked directly towards the Daming Mansion.

"who are you?!"

The guards of the Daming Mansion looked very arrogant, although they were just ordinary samurai, they also saw that Lai Luo and his party were ninjas.

But they obviously felt that they were not ordinary warriors, and they didn't care about the identities of Lai Luo and his group. After all, the name was the person with the highest status in the country of fire, and no one would go wild in the Daming Mansion.

It's a pity that they saw the wrong person this time.


Laylo slapped the doorman and flipped the doorman several times.

When the guard of the Daming House got up from the ground again, his face was swollen, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Who the **** are you? Do you know where this is?!"

The guard obviously still didn't see the current situation clearly, and wanted to intimidate Lai Luo back.

Lai Luo naturally wouldn't get used to his problem, and he slapped him again when he went up, giving him a left-right symmetry.

"Keep your dog's eyes open!"


"I am the current sixth-generation Hokage Lei Luo of Konoha Hidden Village!"

"Don't hurry in and report?!"

The Daming Mansion guard got up from the ground, glanced at Lai Luo, and then ran into the Daming Mansion.

The other guards were just about to make a move just now, but when they heard that Lei Luo was the sixth Hokage, they all pretended not to see anything.


At this time, in the Daming Mansion, the Fire Nation's daimyo was reading a book in the study, and suddenly found a person with swollen cheeks like a pig's head walking in.

"who are you?"

"Is there any rules, get out of here!"

"This is the first time I've found such an ugly person in the mansion. How did the housekeeper get this kind of person into the mansion?!"

The Fire Nation daimyo looked at this man with disgust on his face.

"His Royal Highness, I am the guard of the Daming Mansion!"

"When you saw me, you praised my perseverance, youth and vigor."

"I'm like this now because I was beaten by someone else."

The guards of the Daming Mansion howled and cried mournfully, making people think that he had suffered a great deal of grievance.

After listening to the doorman's words, the fire country daimyo looked at it carefully, and found that it was indeed the outline of the previous doorman, so he believed his words.

I saw the big name of the Kingdom of Fire wrinkle his brows and asked with anger, "Who is so daring to dare to act wild at the gate of Daming Mansion?!"

The guard of the Daming House quickly replied: "He said he was Konoha's new successor, the sixth-generation Hokage, and it seemed that his name was Lai Luo."

The fire country daimyo, who was still angry at first, heard that it was Lai Luo who did it, and the anger in his heart was even stronger, but it was not the anger towards Lai Luo, but the anger towards the guard in front of him.

The Fire Nation daimyo stood up from behind the desk and kicked the half-kneeling guard down with one kick.

"Why would you provoke him?"

"Why didn't he kill you?"

"Useless waste, don't get out of here, please come in."

There is still some B number in the heart of the fire country daimyo. Knowing that Lai Luo's strength is strong, he should be attracted. After all, this is the man who ended the Fourth Ninja World War by himself.

And according to his information, Lai Luo's strength may have surpassed that of the "God of Ninja" Senju Hashirama. He knew that people with such strength would definitely not care about his name.

Now that Lai Luo has come to report, it's enough to entertain him.

The guard who was beaten was a little stunned, but he still knew what he should do from the words of the daimyo.

I saw the guard quickly get up from the ground and run out.

"Yes, yes, Your Highness!"

After all, although the guards of this famous mansion looked a little miserable, Lai Luo really didn't do much.

Otherwise, in terms of Lai Luo's power, a slap might directly blow the guard's head.

Soon, Lai Luo and the others followed the guard to the door of Daming's study.

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