It stands to reason that the study room is already considered a private space. The daimyo of the Land of Fire should meet Lai Luo in the reception room, not the study room.

But the reason why Daimyo of the Land of Fire asked the guard to bring Laylo here was to show his closeness to Laylo.

It's a pity that he didn't know the real purpose of Lai Luo's coming here this time.

"Kakashi, Rope Tree, you guys just wait at the door, I'll just go in by myself." Lai Luo turned his head and said to the Hokage guards who followed behind him.

"Yes! Lord Hokage!" Everyone replied in unison.

Even if everyone is familiar with it, Lai Luo is not a person who cares too much about the rules, but in this kind of formal occasion, the due etiquette should still be followed.

Then Lai Luo walked straight into the big name study.

"His Royal Highness, Lord Hokage has arrived."

The doorman is obviously a lot more disciplined now, and respectfully said to the big name behind the bookcase.

The big name of the country of fire raised his head and said softly: "Okay, you go down first!"


The guard of the Daming House exited the study.

"His Royal Highness, I am Lai Luo, who just succeeded the sixth generation of Hokage, and I am here to report this time."

Lei Luo looked at the famous name of the country of fire and said, holding a neither humble nor arrogant attitude.

The big name of the country of fire didn't care about Lai Luo's attitude at all. With a gentle smile on his face, he pointed to the position next to the bookcase and said to Lai Luo: "Lei Luo-kun, please take a seat!"

"I am very relieved that you are in the position of Hokage."

"If there is any material needed in Konoha Village, feel free to speak."

Lai Luo was a little surprised when he looked at the big name. He originally thought that the big name was a parasite full of brains and fat intestines, but he didn't expect this big name to be very self-aware.

But Lai Luo came this time with a purpose that must be achieved.

"His Royal Highness, I want the whole country of fire!"

Chapter 223 Control the country of fire!

When the fire country daimyo heard Lei Luo's words, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"Lei Luo-kun, are you kidding me?!"

Lai Luo shook his head slightly and said, "His Royal Highness, I have no intention of joking with you."

"The existence of the daimyo is no longer suitable for the development of the land of fire."

"Ninja Village and Daming Mansion should be integrated and should not be separated."

The face of the big name of the country of fire changed instantly.

"Lei Luo, what are you trying to do?!"

With an elusive smile on Lai Luo's face, he said, "Didn't I say it all, I want the whole country of fire."

"If you are obedient, you can still be your puppet name."

"If you don't accept it, I think some of your sons should also be willing."

The Fire Nation's daimyo wanted to shout loudly when he heard Lai Luo's words, but unfortunately, when Lai Luo entered the room, he had quietly set up a barrier to isolate the sound inside, and people outside could not hear any movement.

The Fire Nation's daimyo shouted a few times and found that no one responded. Even though he wanted to get up and run outside immediately, he found that he could no longer move.

I saw a rope condensed by light appearing on the daimyo of the country of fire, which was the binding path used by Lei Luo.

Bound Dao can be released without singing, but the power is 30% lower than that of singing, but it is enough for him to be unable to struggle in the face of a person like the Fire Nation Da Ming who has no power to tie a chicken.

"Lei Luo, you damned fellow, let me go!"

The Fire Nation's daimyo kept struggling and roaring, but unfortunately it was all in vain.

"His Royal Highness, don't be so excited, think carefully about my proposal."

Lai Luo looked indifferent, looking at the famous name of the country of fire and said lightly.

"Impossible! I will never be a puppet!"

The famous name of the country of fire said angrily, but suddenly stopped and stopped talking.

Because when the fire country daimyo was talking, Lai Luo seemed to be playing with his fingers. There were flickering light spots on the fingertips, but they kept going out. It looked very beautiful, but the fire country daimyo felt cold all over. .

He knew that the Naruto in front of him had a limit of light and blood that had never appeared in the ninja world for hundreds of years.

Perhaps for ninjas, the power of these light spots on Laylo's fingertips is only a small trauma at most, but for the powerless fire country daimyo, it is fatal.

"His Royal Highness, think about it, is there any deviation in what you said just now?" Lai Luo had a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were indeed cold.

The Fire Nation's daimyo knew now that Laylo was definitely not trying to scare him. If he didn't agree, Laylo would really do it!

The room was quiet for a while, and after a long time, the Fire Nation's daimyo seemed to have finally figured it out.

"Cough cough!"

The famous name of the country of fire coughed twice, feeling a little thirsty in his throat, and wanted to reach for the teacup on the desk, but found that he still couldn't move.

It was only then that he realized that he was still tied by Lei Luo.

"Lord Naruto..." The voice of the country of fire was a little hoarse, "I agree with what you said. From now on, the country of fire will be dominated by Konoha Village, and I will issue orders later."

"Hahaha, that's right." Lai Luo's face suddenly showed a smile, his fingers moved slightly, and the rope of light on the fire country's body was untied.

"Don't worry, His Royal Highness, you are still a big name, this will not change."

"Everything I do is for your own good. You work hard every day for the country of fire, why bother?!"

"From now on, leave these things to me, and you can just enjoy yourself."

The big name of the country of fire trembled, took a sip of the cold tea on the desk, and wet his throat.

Hearing these words from Lai Luo, Da Ming of the Land of Fire was full of grief and anger, but he didn't dare to refute, so he could only hold it in his heart.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing!" Laidlaw said suddenly.

"What's the matter?!" The Fire Nation's daimyo stared at Lai Luo and asked.

Lai Luo smiled and replied: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I put a seal on you just now."

"Everything about today, you can't say it in front of anyone but me."

"Otherwise, the seal will be triggered, and at that time, it will take your body as the center and pull everyone around you into the broken space."

Hearing this, the famous name of the Kingdom of Fire paused, but immediately returned to normal, and said, "Don't worry, Your Excellency Naruto, I have written down everything you said, and I will not regret it."

"That's good, that's good!" Lai Luo stood up with a smile, "His Royal Highness, then I'll retire first, and look forward to your next order."

Then Lai Luo turned around and walked out of the study of the Fire Nation's daimyo, and the moment he walked out of the door, he removed the barrier that he had arranged before, leaving no trace.

There was only one person left in the study, the famous name of the Kingdom of Fire, with a gloomy face, wondering what he was thinking.

"Lord Hokage!" The Hokage guards outside the door greeted Lai Luo respectfully when they saw Lai Luo come out.

Lai Luo smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work. I was discussing some things with His Royal Highness just now. It may have taken a long time, but fortunately, everything went well."

"It's not hard, these are what we should do!" The Hokage Guard quickly replied.

The Fire Nation daimyo in the book case snorted coldly when he heard the movement outside the door, but didn't say anything.

"Okay, let's go. After discussing for so long, His Royal Highness is tired, and we should leave."

"We will stay in the capital these few days. If you want to go out, you can go shopping."

Lei Luo said and walked outside the Daming Mansion.

"Yes! Hokage-sama!"

The members of the Hokage Guard hurriedly followed behind Lai Luo.

And the fire country daimyo in the study knew that Laylo's last words were actually to himself. Laylo meant that he hoped to hear his orders before he left the capital.


The famous name of the Kingdom of Fire sighed, feeling that he was getting a little older, and now this situation can only be done according to what Lai Luo said.

So after several days of quarrels in the next fire country court, the fire country daimyo implemented his new order with a tough attitude.

From now on, the fire country daimyo has become the symbol of the fire country, and the domestic military and political affairs are all in charge of the Hokage of Konoha Village.

This policy is like the policy of a country called England that Laidlaw saw in his previous life. The royal family retains status and preferential treatment, but loses power.

At the moment when the daimyo order of the country of fire was officially signed and issued, Lai Luo received a system prompt.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, serving as Naruto and successfully controlling the country of fire."

"Congratulations to the host for getting the quest reward: God-level lottery point *1."

Chapter 224: Nine Gou Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eyes!

A smile appeared on Lai Luo's face when he heard the system prompt.

God-level lottery points are never too many, and now I can strengthen my strength again. Maybe by the time Otsutsuki Momo-style and the others come, Lai Luo may have been able to slap them to death.

"System, come out quickly, I want to draw a lottery!"

Lai Luo called out to the system in his mind, and now there is just time, so hurry up and draw this prize.

When the system heard Lai Luo's call, there was no Dobibi, just a roulette flew out.

After a while of rotation, it was fixed in Lai Luo's mind, and I saw that the prizes above were:

S-level skill: Heaven and Earth Furnace

S-Class Item: Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye

S-Class Weapon: Zanpakutō*Fantastic Bone

S Tier Equipment: Morello Codex

S-Class Items: Devil Fruit * Childlike Fruit

S-Rank Skill: Sunfire Flare

Lai Luo looked at these prizes, his heart was very calm, and he had long lost the excitement he used to be.

"Sure enough, people grow and change..."

Lai Luo sighed in his heart, lamenting his growth and changes.

The Forge of Heaven and Earth appeared last time, and I have no interest in Zanpakutō and Devil Fruit Lai Luo.

Even if the childlike fruit has an effect of eternal youth after eating it, it is not attractive to Lai Luo.

But if you really get it, it's not impossible to give it away, but it feels like this fruit is really tasteless.

Fortunately, the remaining three prizes are still worth seeing.

Jiugouyu reincarnation writing wheel eye, this eye Otsutsuki Kaguya has, it is the eye located between Kaguya's eyebrows.

This reincarnation writing wheel clearly includes two basic abilities, one is "Infinite Moon Reading", and the other is "Heaven's Royal Palace", both of which are very useful abilities.

As for other abilities, it will only be known after integrating with the individual.

If Infinite Moon Reading is used on a single person, it should be regarded as the strongest illusion with other gods. After all, as long as the caster does not remove it, the person who is in the illusion will always indulge in the illusion, and there is no way to disturb the chakra. what effect.

And the Royal Palace of Heaven is even more incredible. If you count the starting ball space, you have a full six spaces under your control.

With Laylo's mind, the setting of this space should be stronger than Kaguya.

Morello Secret Tome, this is an artifact equipment from the world of League of Legends, or it can be said to be a secret art tome.

As equipment, it can produce effects when placed in the system space, which can enhance the power of ninjutsu by 10%, and also comes with a special effect of serious injury.

In the state of serious injury, any medical ninjutsu effect will be greatly reduced, unless there is a purification skill to remove this negative effect first.

And if he took it out from the system space, he could look at it as a secret tome. It was said that it recorded all the secret techniques of Morello the World Destroyer.

The name of this piece of equipment matches Lai Luo very well, but for Lai Luo, his role is not as big as that of the Nine Gou Jade Samsara Eye.

The sun flare is the ability of the goddess of dawn in the League of Legends world, which can summon a beam of the sun, bombarding the enemy with scorching and terrifying power.

It is difficult for an enemy to survive this move, after all, the temperature of the solar flare can be very terrifying.

And after mastering this ability, you can also absorb a certain amount of solar energy to strengthen yourself, which is also a very powerful ability.

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