Lai Luo didn't bother looking at these prizes. I was lucky to have it and lost my life, and everything was just fine.

"System, start the lottery!"

With Lai Luo's order, the system wheel spun rapidly, then stopped slowly, and finally settled on the prize.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-class item: Jiugou Jade Samsara Shaker."

"Well... not bad, at least it's very useful." Laiduo was still very satisfied with the prize that appeared.

Although he actually prefers the ability of the solar flare in the prize, after all, it can absorb the energy of the sun to a certain extent to strengthen himself.

But the ability attached to this Nine Gou Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye is also very good.

"Respected host, do you integrate Jiugou Jade Samsara Writing Wheel Eye?"

The system asked Lai Luo in his mind.

Now that he got it, it must be fused, and Lai Luo immediately chose to fuse.

"Dear host, please choose the fusion position of Jiugou Jade Samsara Shaker's Eye!"

At this moment, a map of the meridian structure of the human body appeared in Lai Luo's mind. Looking at the sturdy fifth limb, this should be himself.

And several of the acupuncture points shone with golden light, indicating that they were suitable for installation in the system's calculations, and now he needs to choose.

Shenting Point, the one between the eyebrows, is the same as Kaguya, and can be used as an alternative.

Tanzhong Point is located in the center of the front of the chest cavity. It is too inconvenient to install an eye in this position. Do you have to take off your shirt every time you fight? !

Qihai Point, this seems to be in a better position than Tanzhong Point, but it's not much better. Is it too shameful to wear a navel-baring outfit in the future?

Let's look at the remaining Baihui, Mingmen, Yongquan... these are the major dead points of the human body. The location selected by the system is indeed very important, but it is not suitable for installing eyes.

With so many choices, there is really no choice at all.

"System, fuse the Nine Gou Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eyes on the Shenting Point!"

When the system merged with the Jiugou Jade Samsara Writing Wheel Eye, Lei Luo felt that he was cracked, and this was not an illusion, it was really cracked!

I saw a gap between Lai Luo's eyebrows, among which was the nine-hooked jade reincarnation writing wheel eye, which is now closed, but Lai Luo can control it to open at any time.

"I'm going to cos Erlang Shen now, and there is no sense of disobedience at all!"

Lei Luo couldn't help but complained about himself inwardly, the original two eyes were still normal black eyes, but there was an extra eye between the eyebrows, which really looked too much like Erlang Shen.

Now that the fusion is successful, let's see what capabilities it has.

Lei Luo carefully sensed the Jiugou Jade Samsara Writing Wheel Eye in the Shenting Cave, and found that as expected, after the fusion, in addition to the basic infinite moon reading and Tianzhiyuzhong, a new ability was born based on Lei Luo's own ability.

Using this ability allows Laylo to control and absorb the power of the sun to fully strengthen himself, and when Laylo is used, there will be a Brahma light behind the legendary **** and Buddha.

This Brahma Light is not just an ornament. This Brahma Light is actually a conversion channel for solar energy to enter Laylo's body, and it is also a very solid shield that can resist the attacks behind Laylo.

The name of this ability is called the Great Sun Tathagata!

Chapter 225 Changes! Space channel!

"The Great Sun Tathagata! It's really good ability. I was a little disappointed because I didn't get the sun flare. I didn't expect that the ability of this Great Sun Tathagata would have the same effect."

Lai Luo's face was full of smiles, and now he felt comfortable.

Now, if Lai Luo entered the form of a great Buddha and then used the Great Sun Tathagata, it would really be like a **** and a Buddha in the world.

But at this moment, Lai Luo suddenly found that the sun in the sky seemed to flicker for a while. Most people probably thought it was an illusion, but with Lai Luo's induction of the sun, he was very sure that it was not an illusion.

"The only thing that can cause the sun to change is the moon!" Lei Luo's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly remembered that there are descendants of the Otsutsuki clan in the ninja world.

On the moon, there are the descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the son of Kaguya Otsutsuki and the younger brother of Six Path Immortals, Otsutsuki Yumura. The change in the sun just now was probably caused by the huge Tenseigan on the moon.

"Is Toto Otsutsuki now able to control that giant Tenseigan?"

"It seems that we have to find the passage between the earth and the moon. The unstable factors in the ninja world should be solved."

Laylo muttered.

After all, this Otsutsuki Toren is not a peace messenger, but a person with the idea of ​​​​destroying the world.

After the death of Otsutsugi Hamura, the descendants were divided into two groups because of their different understandings and interpretations of the last words of their ancestors.

Among them, the branch thinks that the world created by the immortals of the Six Paths has been chaotic for thousands of years, and it is a failure and should be eliminated. With Tenseiyan, the clan members who advocated peace at that time were completely destroyed.

And Toto Otsutsuki is a descendant of the family, living alone in a castle in the moon, monitoring the earth.

"I wonder if Kaguya wants to see the descendants of Hamura..."


After all, Lai Luo returned to Konoha Village first. Even if he wanted to go to the moon, he was not in a hurry. He still had to go back to the village to make arrangements.

After all, now he is not only under the jurisdiction of a Konoha village, but the entire country of fire.

At this time, Lai Luo was in the Hokage office, checking some important things that happened in the village when he left these days.

After reading it, Lai Luo found that there was basically nothing important, but the amount of tasks actually increased by 10% compared to before the Fourth Ninja World War. It seems that people still trust Lai Luo as Hokage Konoha Village. .

"Knock knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Laidlaw replied with a sound, then looked up and saw a man walk in.

"It turned out to be Lu Jiu, what's the matter?!"

The person who came was Nara Shikahisa, the patriarch of the Nara clan, the current Minister of Finance of Konoha Village, and the father of Nara Shikamaru, one of the Twelve Strong.

"Lord Hokage, according to the order from the capital, will we, Konoha, be responsible for the affairs of the country of fire after that?"

There was a hint of sadness between Nara Shikahisa's brows.

Lai Luo originally thought it was something, but it turned out to be this thing.

"Lu Jiu don't have to worry. In fact, the country of fire has not changed much from before, and the city lords are naturally responsible for the affairs of various places."

"The only thing that has changed now is that His Royal Highness Daimyo no longer manages things, but Hokage, that is, me, Prime Minister Nationwide."

"The structure of Konoha Village will not change much. After all, our main attribute is still the country's military power."

When Laylo said this, Nara Shikahisa understood the current situation, and the sadness between his brows disappeared.

Originally, he thought that the country of fire was going to undergo a major change. What if other countries started a war when the country of fire was changing? Although the countries formed the Ninja World Alliance together before, the relationship between the countries was not so harmonious.

Unexpectedly, he was just a false alarm.

In fact, it's not that Lai Luo doesn't want to reform, it's just that he's not good at these things, but he also knows that these things can't be rushed. Some ideas and experiences in previous lives will inevitably affect him. However, the situation in this world is different and cannot be generalized.

But since Lai Luo stood in this position, he would naturally do something.

It's all too soon!

"Hokage-sama, I understand!" Nara Shikahisa replied respectfully, putting his position upright.

Then Nara Shikahisa continued: "Then Hokage-sama, if you have nothing to do, I will leave first."

Lai Luo nodded and said: "It's nothing, Lu Jiu, you go down first."

Then Nara Shikahisa left the Hokage office.


Soon three months passed, and Lai Luo finally sorted out the overall framework of the country of fire.

During these three months, Lai Luo met the major city lords from all over the country of fire, as well as some former high-ranking officials and nobles.

Most of them accepted the new policy and Laidlaw's rule.

But it is inevitable that some people who do not open their eyes and refuse to accept control think that ninjas are just a group of mud legs, and they have no qualifications to rule this country.

He even shouted in front of Laylo, asking Laylo to give him his position.

For people with underdeveloped brains, Laidlaw would not be used to them.

It's just that they pity their relatives, and they have to accompany them to the peaceful and peaceful underworld.

And in the past three months, Lai Luo also did one thing, and that was to instruct Konoha Anbu to investigate the Earth-Moon passage.

According to Laylo's memory of the possible places where the Earth-Moon Passage might exist, Minato Namikaze personally led the team and looked for possible places.

Because Namikaze Minato is good at time and space ninjutsu, if there is a passage, Namikaze Minato must be able to perceive it.


A figure suddenly appeared in Hokage's office, wearing an Anbu uniform black robe and a fox-faced Anbu mask on his face, but his blond hair revealed his identity.

"Minato, how are you back?" Lai Luo looked at Anbu in front of him and asked with a smile.

That's right, the person who came here is Naikaze Minato, who led the team to find the space between the Earth and the Moon.

Since the water gate appeared here, it means that the earth-moon space should have been found.

Sure enough, Minato Namikaze looked at Lei Luo and said, "Lei Luo-kun, this time I found a space channel, but I didn't go through the channel to investigate, so I'm not sure if it's the one you're looking for."

"Now I have left a small team of Anbu there to guard it to prevent anyone from entering by mistake."

"Very good!" Lai Luo said with a smile, "Minato-kun, thank you for your hard work!"

"But I have to trouble you to take me to where the passage is!"

Minato Namikaze lowered his head and replied, "The duty is, Lei Luo-kun, you are too polite."

Then Laylo arranged the affairs in the village, Tsunade was called to the top by Laylo again, and he couldn't help but complained a few more words, and Laylo followed Minato Naikaze to the location of the space passage.

Looking at the blue lake in front of him, Lai Luo felt a touch of familiarity, it seemed that this place should be.

Afterwards, Lai Luo jumped directly into the lake.

Chapter 226 Otsutsuki Sheren!

After passing through the lake, he directly entered the space channel, and then Lai Luo transformed into light, and a few flashes passed through the space channel.

Looking at the palace and pavilions in front of him, Lai Luo knew that he had come to the right place.

This is exactly the palace group where Otsutsuki Toki is located on the moon!

"There should be only Toto Otsutsuki left on the moon now." Laiduo thought while looking at the somewhat lonely palace.

Then Lei Luo directly turned on his five-vision omnipotence, observed the surrounding situation, and found that his current position should be on the edge of this palace group, and Otsutsuki Totoren must be in the center of this palace group.

So Lai Luo directly stepped forward and walked towards the interior of the palace group.


In the central palace of the Moon Palace Group.

Toto Otsutsuki, as Lai Luo expected, was indeed in this central palace, and in front of Toto Otsutsuki suspended a huge blue-white sphere, with a strange beauty.

It was not until the viewing angle was zoomed out that it could be seen that this huge blue-white sphere was originally an eye. This was the giant Tenseigan that was born with the fusion of the white eyes of all people on the moon!

Lai Luo guessed correctly at the time, the flash of the sun at that time was precisely because of the fluctuation caused by Toto Otsutsuki's inability to perfectly control Tenseigan.

At this time, Toto Otsutsuki also discovered this uninvited guest on the moon.

"This person should have come from the Earth-Moon passage. I didn't expect someone to discover this passage."

Otsutsuki said in his heart.

Although the position of his eyes is only the empty sockets, but he can control this huge Tenseisen, and still "see" Lai Luo.

It's a pity that he didn't know what Lai Luo was and how powerful he was.

So he didn't care at all, he just controlled a few puppets to deal with Lei Luo, and the most important thing for him now was to perfectly control the huge Tenseigan in front of him.

Then you can set off for the journey to find Hinata in the ninja world.

When Shiren was young, he followed his father to the world of ninjas, and used the unique way of the Otsutsugi clan to "see" Hinata, thinking she was very cute, and designated her as a wife candidate.

Of course, a large part of the reason is that Hinata has extremely high-purity white eyes, which may be limited to the women of the Otsutsugi clan. She is called the "white-eyed princess" by Shi and the dead souls of the Otsutsugi clan, and she is the best candidate for a wife.

When he married Hinata, he would start a world-annihilation plan to destroy this ninja world that had been in constant wars and failed.

At this time, Lei Luo also discovered through the five-vision omnipotence that there were several figures rushing towards him, and after a closer look, he found that these were all puppets.

"It seems that Totoro Otsutsuki has discovered me, so it's just a little warm up." Lai Luo's mouth curled into a smile, and he really wanted to see if the puppet on the moon could compete with the best in the ninja world. Sand Hidden Village, who is good at puppet art, compares with one another.

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