But what's the use of that?

If some people with bad intentions join the navy, not only will they not provide much help to the navy, but it will also become a hidden crisis. In the final analysis, what the world government does is only a temporary solution.

"I think that in order to calm the chaos in the world, the navy must be reformed!"

After thinking for a while, Lai Luo said solemnly.

The Naval Headquarters looked extremely united before, because the two legends, Sengoku and Karp, gathered people's hearts from two aspects of resourcefulness and strength, but now both of them have chosen to step back behind the scenes, and the temporary unity of the Navy will definitely be broken. .

And this is also the most fundamental reason why Akainu and Aokiji started to fight for the position of marshal. Although the two of them have the same ultimate goal, their formal concepts are completely opposite.

According to the current situation, Laidlaw believes that it is necessary to carry out a rigorous reform of the naval headquarters from top to bottom, and unify everyone's ideas. Only in this way can the navy be truly powerful.

Of course, in Lai Luo's heart, the reform was just a rhetoric for him to win over his own forces and build his own navy in the future.

"Shh! Don't hype up this dangerous idea, or you will be killed by General Akainu as a revolutionary army."

Tina is very clear that what Laylo said is right, his idea is indeed the system that the Navy should implement at present.

However, the last person who said such a thing finally gave up his position in the navy, chose to betray, and established a third-party force, the Revolutionary Army, that did not belong to the navy and pirates. That person is the son of Karp , Luffy's father - Revolutionary Dragon!

"Go back to rest early, the next journey to find Victor is very hard."

After making sure that no one around was eavesdropping on Laylo's remarks, Tina thought about sending Laylo away.

"Do you have a portrait of Victor? If so, I think I can find his exact location."

Suddenly, Lei Luo thought of something and said confidently to Tina.

Teigu's five visions are omnipotent, an artifact with penetrating vision, farsightedness, perspective, future vision and illusion. If it is used to find people, farsightedness plus future vision is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Although your strength is quite strong, your methods are nothing more than telescopes and the like, which are useless."

"What about the domineering look?"


Tina's heart jumped when she heard the words "sound and domineering".

Domineering, the world's top ability that humans can cultivate successfully.

People with domineering are not necessarily strong, but the real strong must have domineering existence!

Looking at the three major forces of the navy, the revolutionary army, and the pirates, which of the main characters in each party is not the most accomplished in terms of domineering.

But to predict the future with domineering arrogance, the entire world can only be done by Katakuri, the deputy emperor of the BIGMOM Pirates. Does the young man in front of him really have that kind of strength, or is he just underestimating himself?

"Don't believe me so, you give me Victor's portrait, and then tell me the data of this warship, let me try it without any loss."

Laylo, who read the doubts in Tina's eyes, did not explain anything, but gave Tina the right to choose.

"Okay, I trust you. I will send someone to deliver everything you want to your room tomorrow morning."

"Then it's settled, I'll go back to rest first."

After Lei Luo stretched, he walked straight to his room, leaving Tina alone on the deck, looking at his leaving back, frowning for some reason.

At this time, on a small island dozens of miles away from the warship where Laylo was.

"Master Saber-toothed Tiger, as long as you spare my life, I can give all my wealth with both hands."

The moon was dark, the wind was high, and the cold wind was howling. There were seven or eight pirates on the island tremblingly begging for mercy. In front of them, a saber-toothed tiger in the shape of a human was sitting on a stone, licking him with his scarlet tongue. With the still-dry blood on the claws.

If someone were passing by now, even if he didn't know what happened, he could easily judge that this place was invaded by a tyrannical beast just now based on the tragic death of dozens of corpses on the ground.

"I don't want your wealth, and I will give you some money."

The human-shaped saber-toothed tiger smiled strangely, slowly got up and walked in front of the captain, shook his sharp claws with cold light at him, and continued:

"Go west, there is an island. As long as you go there to loot in three days, I will let you go today, and everything you rob is yours."

Chapter 244 Akainu's Attention

In the small room, in front of Laylo was a portrait of an elegant middle-aged man, as well as a lot of data related to naval warships.

Lei Luo's mind was condensed, Teigu's five-vision omnipotent future vision was activated, and an island with a small country appeared in his mind in just a moment.

"No, pirates will invade this country in three days!"

It seems that the future Lai Luo has not had time to inform Tina to rush to the island at the fastest speed, and the feeling of a whirlwind has already arrived first, and the warship seems to be attacked by some kind of creature.

"All guards! All guards! There are sea kings attacking warships!"

As soon as Lai Luo, who had just walked out of the room, heard the three words Neptune, he immediately turned into a golden light and rushed towards the deck.

On the deck, Tina's hands turned into huge black iron railings, and a small battlefield was circled in the sea, in which several navies were fighting against a sea king.

"Everyone hold on!"

Tina shouted, there was a hint of helplessness in her voice.

With the passage of time, the mortal navy has long been exhausted, but the sea king is still fierce, and the decline of defeat is constantly expanding.

Sea kings are the most powerful creatures in the sea, but they are not invincible, at least in front of the previous navy, sea kings are just bigger animals.

But now, because of the war on the top, a large number of elites in the navy have lost their lives. Most of the survivors are soldiers transferred from other branches. Naturally, their combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the sea kings.

"Damn it, if only Smoker was here!"

In order to prevent the destruction of the warship, Tina must maintain the current state at all times, and the owners of the devil fruit are all landlubbers, and it is almost equivalent to a waste after falling into the sea.

It is precisely because of this that she, who is the strongest on the scene, can't make a move, and can only pin her hopes on these recruits.

call out!

At this moment of crisis, a laser suddenly shot out of the naval warship, piercing the head of the Sea King effortlessly.


Looking at the silhouette gradually condensed by the laser in front of her, Tina couldn't help frowning.

Such a simple killing of a sea king without a trace of blood on the whole body, coupled with the move just now, a name suddenly appeared in Tina's heart - Glittering Fruit!

But soon, Tina dismissed the idea. Once the devil fruit finds its host, the same second one will not appear in the world again, and now the person who has the glittering fruit is the Admiral Kizaru of the Naval Headquarters, and Laylo can't have the ability of glittering fruit anyway.

If this is the case, then what is the matter with Lai Luo's ability?

"Wow! Lai Luo, are you that strong?"

"One finger pierces through the sea kings, when will I be so powerful!"

"Even if it's a general at the headquarters, it's probably nothing more than that!"

Compared to Tina's carelessness, these navies, who had never seen a big scene, surrounded Lai Luo in the center, and looked at him with adoring stars in their eyes.

That's right, the weak eat the strong, and everything respects strength. It has always been the rule of the pirate world. When people face the strong, they will envy and worship from the bottom of their hearts, and there are few weak people who disobey the strong.

"Major Admiral Tina, order the warship to go all the way to the west. In about a day and a half, you will see an island with Victor on it."

After Lei Luo said that, he left for a long time, leaving everyone with a very handsome back.

late at night.

"Laylo, have you rested yet?"

Lei Luo, who was planning how to step up to the Admiral's side step by step, was awakened by a knock on the door, and it was Tina who came.

"What is she doing? She came to me in the middle of the night. Could it be that she was fascinated by my actions during the day?"

As soon as this idea was born, it was immediately erased by Lai Luo. He didn't think that an old woman in her thirties would be like a nymphomaniac girl.

"come in."

Sure enough, Tina, who pushed in the door, did not express her love to him, but walked up to him, lit a cigarette, and said lightly, "Who are you, or why did you join the navy? , for what purpose."

When asked by Tina, Lei Luo was a little stunned and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Just imagine, a person who joins your faction by chance, has a strength far beyond your own but is willing to be a third-class soldier at the bottom, no matter how you think about it, it feels wrong.

"I am who I am. Joining the Navy is just to uphold justice."

"Oh? I don't think a person with natural devil fruit ability and arrogance can think so simple."

"Even if it is the owner of the fruit of light, so what? I said that the navy needs to be reformed, do you think my words are just casual remarks?"

"Light Fruit?"

Hearing this, Tina's eyes were full of confusion, what kind of devil fruit is this, why have never heard of it.

Looking at Tina who frowned, Lei Luo secretly smiled.

It's that simple to deceive people, as long as you guide the other party to your own rhythm first, everything that follows is left to one mouth to have the final say.

"Yes, that's right, the Guangguang fruit is not the glittering fruit of General Yellow Monkey. The connection between my fruit and his fruit may be the relationship between superiors and subordinates."

Listening to the explanation given by Lei Luo, Tina was a little dubious. After all, he was at the scene of the top war at the time. The frontier witnessed the boundary between the upper and lower levels of the Fire Fist Aisin fruit. Don't press the red dog on the ground. She agreed with this statement in her heart.

"Have you heard of photosynthesis?"

When the words fell, Lei Luo slowly raised his right hand, and a soft light flashed in his palm. When he touched it lightly, the huge vitality fell into her body along Tina's fingertips. Swept away the tiredness of her day.

This trick is a derivative of light therapy. It can be used regardless of whether you are sick or not. The effect is to eliminate fatigue and fatigue in the human body and inject vitality into life.

"It is indeed different from the glittering fruit of General Kizaru. If this is the case, the safety of the warship will be handed over to you."

After eliminating his doubts about Laylo, Tina returned to her room, while Laylo began to plot his own reform plan again.

Office of Admiral Akainu at the Naval Headquarters.

Jingle Bell-

"Tina, what's the matter?"

"Reporting to Admiral Akainu, a navy named Lai Luo newly added by me a few days ago, not only has the arrogance and arrogance above everyone, but also the owner of the natural devil fruit, with the strength to kill the sea king in one blow. ."

"As long as he joins the Navy, nothing else matters."

"I accidentally discovered today that he can actually ignore the curse of the sea."

"Oh? Remember to bring him to see the old man when you come back."

Chapter 245 Bounty Hunter Victor

"He's too good!"

"This is the first sea king to be killed in seconds?"

"God, is this still human?"

Lai Luo, who was standing on the bow, was basking in the sun and enjoying his quiet nap time.

As for those sea kings who dare to disturb his sleep, they will be taken away by a laser beam as soon as they show up.

It was already the second day after the warship sailed to the west, and the miniature of a small island was gradually enlarged in the navy's sight.

This is a fertile land on which people built a country called Osria and lived on its own, until one day a pirate ship came here.

Facing the armed oppression of the pirates, the helpless residents finally chose to give up their resistance and surrender all their wealth.

In this way, batch after batch of pirates came here, taking away batch after batch of wealth, until one day, a bounty hunter named Victor appeared and took people from the endless oppression. rescued.

Since then, whenever a pirate invades the island, Victor will appear, which also makes him have a pivotal position in the hearts of the people, and in the eyes of the navy, he is a righteous man worth winning over.

"It's really the story of a generation of great men!"

After hearing the news that Tina got, Lei Luo couldn't help but sigh, but he sneered at it in his heart.

Bounty hunters are notoriously elusive, and as long as someone pays them, they can solve their targets by any means.

In other words, bounty hunters never defend a place for free. Since Victor often protects Osria, someone must have paid a generous bounty.

"I heard that people in this country will take the initiative to hand in generous rewards every time Victor kills the invading pirates."

"I'll just say, bounty hunters are all money fans. How could they do such a high-risk, low-return thing."

Laylo, who was hanging out with Tina in this country, did not notice that a pirate ship had quietly docked in the north of the island at this time, and the seven people who got off the ship were among the slaughtered group of pirates that night. down people.

"Boss, I heard that there is a bounty hunter named Victor. He is very powerful. Why don't we escape?"

"If you run away, there is a dead end. If I don't believe it, he is the only Victor who can kill all seven of us!"

As for the monster named saber-toothed tiger that appeared that day, it was the name that scared all pirates in this sea area.

It is said that the strength of the saber-toothed tiger has long been comparable to that of a lieutenant admiral, especially his armament and domineering.

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