Terrifying strength, brutal methods, and some kind of weird ability to track others, it can be said that saber-toothed tigers are synonymous with ferocity. Any pirates who do not follow his instructions will all die after the specified time. .

"How are we going to find Victor, are we just doing this?"

"Remember to let them hide the warship. Pirates will invade here in a while. We just need to wait for Victor to appear."

In the tavern, Laylo and Tina were talking.


Suddenly, an explosion sounded, mixed with the screams of many people, and soon spread to the vicinity of the tavern.


The gunshot killed people, and the flesh and brain in the shattered head were mixed together and splashed on the walls of the tavern.

"If you don't want to die, hand over your money."

After the seven pirates rushed into the tavern and shot a nearby teenager, the man in the lead said wildly.

Seeing the bulging waists of the seven people and their pockets stained with undried blood, Lei Luo grabbed the furious Tina and nodded firmly to her, letting Tina continue to choose to trust him.

However, as a Rear Admiral, Tina naturally has a strong sense of justice. Seeing that someone dares to ignore the system set by the Navy and treat human life as a child's play, she naturally won't sit on the sidelines.


I saw Tina waved her arms, and the two slender arms instantly turned into two spears made of iron bars, stabbing towards the pirates.

In the face of the sudden attack, the pirates reacted extremely quickly, and the seven people were instantly divided into a formation of three to one. While blocking Tina's offensive, the pirate boss shot suddenly.

It has to be said that it was not all luck that these pirates survived in the hands of saber-toothed tigers.

"Impulsive woman!"

Seeing this, Lei Luo shook his head helplessly, turning into a light and shadow in front of Tina, his raised fingers easily caught the flying bullet, and then flicked his fingers.


A scream sounded, a pirate fell to the ground, and the other six made a decisive decision, turned around and fled.

"Laylo, as a navy, why didn't you stop them?"

Seeing the pirates flee, Tina questioned Lei Luo.

Facing the irrational woman, Lei Luo rolled her eyes at her, and then moved his gaze to an elegant middle-aged man who appeared outside the tavern.

"That's Victor!"

Following Lai Luo's gaze, Tina recognized the identity of the person who was fighting with the pirates at a glance.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Six screams sounded in succession, Victor raised his knife and fell, and six brand-new corpses appeared on the ground, followed by the sound of people around him shouting for Victor.

This Victor is really an alternative among bounty hunters. After dealing with the pirates who came to invade, he didn't stay too long, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.


Lei Luo whispered in Tina's ear, strode up, and did not shy away.

After walking for about an hour, Laylo and Victor followed Victor to a forest.

"What's the matter? What about Victor?"

Confused, Tina asked Laylo that Victor had just turned a corner before he disappeared.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either."

Similarly, Laidlaw is also very confused about this character who has not appeared in the original work. Does the setting of the character Victor only appear when pirates invade the country?

"A big living person disappears mysteriously, this is not common sense?"

"There are a lot of unreasonable things, but Victor must be hiding somewhere in the forest, then you can see me."

Teigu's five-vision omnipotence was turned on, and Lai Luo, who had obtained the ability to see through, swept his gaze in front of him, but did not find any trace of Victor.

Chapter 246 Hidden Secrets

Lai Luo, who suddenly realized something, suddenly raised his head, only to see a long knife magnifying infinitely in his eyes.

"Be careful!"

Tina wanted to push Lei Luo away, but the speed of the long knife was too fast, cutting Lei Luo's body in half in one breath.

"Are you also the gang of the pirates? If that's the case, then go to hell!"

A slightly hoarse voice sounded, and Victor's figure appeared behind Tina at an unknown time, and he was holding a dagger with a cold glow in his hand.

However, before Victor could take further action, the long sword made of golden light was already on his neck, which was the Tiancong Cloud Sword.

"I advise you not to act rashly, because my sword is faster."

How could this happen, that person is obviously dead!

The unbelievable Victor hurriedly looked down and found that the corpse of Lai Luo, who had been cut in half by him, had turned into a little golden light and was scattered between the sky and the earth.

What kind of ability is this? Why didn't he realize that this was a fake body just now?

At this moment, Victor doubted his eyes and his cognition, he had never seen such a situation before.

Seeing Victor's stunned expression, Laylo chuckled lightly.

Where did the turtle come from, haven't you even heard of shadow clones?

Hey, no, this world doesn't seem to have this setting.

During the time he entered the world of pirates, Lai Luo found through research that the chakra in his body could not be replenished because the world of pirates did not have this setting, but he had Liukuxian who could steal the vitality of heaven and earth. As a thief, he can also use other energies to replace the existence of Chakra.

"Lei Luo, stop it! We came here this time to win people over to join the navy. Why did you meet with swords as soon as you came up?"

"Hey, I saved you, and he was the one who made the sneak attack first."

Lai Luo was a little confused about Tina's brain circuit. She was reminding herself to be careful just a moment ago. How could her face change so quickly, and it was still when the dagger in Victor's hand was still on her back.

A woman's heart is really a needle in the sea!


When Victor heard the name, his body shook violently, killing intent surged in his eyes, but he was quickly hidden by him.

"Hello, my name is Tina, I'm a Rear Admiral, and I'm inviting you to join in the name of the Navy Headquarters..."

"Not interested, don't follow me anymore."

"Why don't you think about it again? With your prestige, the official position is at least at the level of a colonel."

"I like to be at ease, the Navy is not for me."

"For a man of justice like you, only the navy is your final destination!"

"you are annoying!"

In the face of Tina's warm invitation, Victor refused again and again, and finally couldn't help it. After yelling at Tina, he drew his long knife and walked forward alone.

Looking at the scene of Tina being deflated, Lei Luo didn't know why he wanted to laugh.

Wait a minute, why is Tina so enthusiastic when she draws Victor, and when she draws herself, she just wants to talk?

Thinking of this, Lai Luo couldn't help sighing, such a woman who changed her face when she met anyone.

"Laylo, what are you sighing? It's my mission and your mission to win over Victor. Now that he's lost, why don't you use your knowledge and domineering to figure out where he went!"

Although Lai Luo didn't like being forced to do things, but when Victor heard the word "navy" just now, he was obviously in a bad mood, and he was eager to leave, and the bounty hunter didn't hold a pirate. The corpse went to the government in exchange for money, and instead dumped it in the downtown area at will, which obviously does not conform to common sense.

"What are you in a daze, can you hurry up, we finally found Victor, we can't waste the opportunity!"

After rolling his eyes and constantly urging his Tina, Laylo closed his eyes and sensed the position of the mark he had just left on Victor.

"how so?"

About ten seconds later, Lai Luo suddenly opened his eyes and looked back at Osria when he came.

If his perception is correct, Laidlaw can be sure that Victor definitely has some unknown secret.

Because the location of the current mark is actually in the national imperial city dozens of miles away from here.

"This Victor is not easy."

Lei Luo smiled evilly, and directly pulled Tina and turned towards Oslia on the island.

Inside the Imperial Palace.

"Lord Saber-toothed Tiger, we don't know what happened to those two navies, so you just let us go."

On the throne, the human-shaped saber-toothed tiger that night licked its claws on its own, and let the six people kneeling in front of him beg for mercy, but he didn't answer at all.

It is normal for a servant to beg the king for mercy, but if Lai Luo and Tina appeared here, their faces would definitely be filled with shock.

The six people who kept begging for mercy were the six pirates who died earlier.

"As a pirate, even the mortal enemy navy did not recognize it, you are really incompetent."

After a long time, the human-shaped saber-toothed tiger snorted softly and said coldly, the killing intent pervading his body almost condensed into substance.

"Lord Saber-toothed Tiger, you see that our pirate group is almost wiped out, and we have indeed come to Osria to loot today as you ordered, so please spare our lives."

Feeling the killing intent of the human-shaped saber-toothed tiger, the six pirates frantically kowtowed their heads. Even if their heads were bleeding, they didn't dare to slack off, and they didn't even dare to look up at the humanoid sitting on the throne. Saber-toothed tiger.

"Put down all the money you stole, and then I will count from one to ten. If you can get out of here, I will spare your life."

"Thank you Saber-toothed tiger for pardoning the villain!"

Running more than 40 meters in ten seconds, and still putting down the cumbersome money, these pirates who licked blood on the knife edge still have great confidence in their physical fitness.

However, just when the pirates put down their bulging pockets and were about to set off to run wildly, a number they were most afraid of came to their ears.


The figure of the human-shaped saber-toothed tiger stood up from the throne, and its sharp claws turned into a white light, cutting the necks of the pirates in the blink of an eye, and the six great heads flew up instantly.

dong dong dong dong dong!

With the sound of the six corpses falling to the ground, the saber-toothed tiger clapped its hands, and ten figures of men in black walked out of the shadows in the palace.

"The seven of you, find out the location of the Navy's warships as soon as possible, and wipe out all the navies."

"As for the three of you, it's still the old rules. Find the pirate group nearby and tell me their location."

Chapter 247 Probe and Alternatives

Osria, as usual, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, has abundant supplies, and has a patron saint like Victor, and the development of the country is getting stronger and stronger, but all of this, in Lai Luo's eyes, But very abnormal.

"Charcoal, sulfur, saltpeter, and a lot of iron, this island is really rich in materials."

Somewhere on the island, Laylo slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

With the help of Teigu's omnipotence, Lai Luo successfully discovered the unusual feature of this island, that is, under the island, buried a lot of resources, the resources for making gunpowder.

Thinking about it, no one has discovered and made firearms in such a superior material environment, and no navy or pirates have occupied it. This is obviously because some people have hidden all these materials and do not want the outside world to know.

To make a fortune in silence, this is the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes.

In order to find out the secrets of this island, after discussing with Tina, Lai Luo decided to adopt the method of conspiracy and then act. Before investigating everything clearly, they must not attack rashly, in order to prevent the surprise.

"Tina, have you noticed anything unusual recently?"

Laylo, who returned to a secret cave, asked Tina.

"Recently, a group of people seems to be investigating the traces of the navy. Fortunately, you expected the enemy to take the lead and hid the ship first."

Tina was amazed at Laidlaw's discovery of Victor's anomaly, and suddenly proposed to hide the warship halfway to the imperial city, and let the navy disguise as ordinary people.

A young man who seems to be inexperienced in the world has such a brain, which is undoubtedly a talent for the Navy.

"By the way, I was reminded just now that every time Victor solves the pirates, the king of this country will pay him privately. The only thing that confuses me is that Victor is a bounty hunter. , actually chose to comply with the king's request and live in the imperial city."

A bounty hunter who advocates freedom and refuses the navy's request would actually agree to live on this island, and coupled with the large amount of supplies that Laylo found, what kind of connection is there? It still needs careful scrutiny.

"Why don't you do this? You and I will visit the king of Osria as a navy, and by the way, test Victor's purpose."

"it is good."

Not just for some reason, Laidlaw always felt that Victor's stay on the island had an inexplicable relationship with the resources underground. This seemingly peaceful country seemed to be shrouded in an elusive shadow.

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