Laidlaw sat on the sofa in a clothing store, watching the countless beauties in front of him trying on all kinds of clothes one after another.

Pure, cute, royal, loli, sexy...

At this moment, the lamb in Lai Luo's heart was about to collapse.

Vienna Island, what kind of yearning for women, this is clearly a man's paradise!

"Sir, do these clothes that the two ladies tried on need to be packed?"

Suddenly, just when Lai Luo was reluctant to think about the feast in front of him, a gentle and pleasant voice suddenly sounded, pulling him back to reality.

That's right, why don't you come and try on clothes?

Since I want to buy it, I have no money.

"Damn it, a piece of clothing sells for 120,000 Baileys, why don't you go grab it?"

Just flipping through the prices of the few pieces of clothes beside him, Lei Luo's restless heart instantly cooled.

Now he just wants to change the previous sentence, Vienna Island is a paradise for single men.

At this time, Tina and Leiju, who had just walked out of the fitting room, saw Lai Luo's sad face.

"It's okay, it's enough for the two of us to come here and try. Anyway, these clothes are rarely worn."

"Sister Tina is right, there is no need to spend so much money on clothes."

Tina and Leiju, one is a major admiral of the navy, and the other is the eldest princess of Jemal Kingdom.

"The two of you can try it with confidence, open it up and buy it, as long as you like it, buy it. As I said, even if the pirate king Roger is resurrected, it won't work!"

In order not to make the second daughter feel sorry, Lai Luo said without thinking.

"Actually, I used to be a bounty hunter. Although I'm not particularly rich, I can still buy a few clothes, so you two are welcome, or I'll be angry."

Facing Lei Luo's follow-up supplement, Tina and Leiju's eyes also showed excitement again.

With Lai Luo's terrifying strength, even if he has only been a bounty hunter for half a year, the wealth he possesses is absolutely beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Chapter 276 The Upstart Lai Luo

With a determined face, Lei Luo watched as the two beauties picked up a fur coat and walked into the fitting room, the expression on his face instantly disintegrated.

"Well, if I can work part-time to pay off my debts, I'll come when I have time until the debt is paid off."

"Sir, this shop does not have this rule."

"Then you can always get a discount, right?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but this shop doesn't have this rule either."


These two words were originally used by Laylo to express the helplessness in his heart, but they happened to be heard by Tina and Leiju who had just tried on the clothes.

Is Laidlaw complimenting me on how beautiful I am? Then you must buy this one!

Huh? That one seems pretty good too!

Looking at the two girls who misunderstood what he meant and tried more and more clothes, Lai Luo sighed silently, turned and sat back on the sofa.

Every time he encountered something that was not a matter of life and death, but he couldn't solve, Lai Luo would try to ask the system for help.

"System, I used to read that the golden fingers owned by the protagonists in other novels have the function of the mall system, don't you?"

"This system can only be used for lottery draws, and there is no low-level reward like currency."

"Then what the **** am I going to do now?"

For the answer given by the system, Laidlaw was going crazy.

I have already boasted about Haikou in front of Tina and Leiju. If I can't pay in the end, it will definitely affect my image in their minds. The girl-hunting plan I finally made will come to an end. .

"In this system, there is a loan function."

"Huh? Listen carefully?"

Suddenly, the system, like a kindness, proposed a brand new function to Laidlaw that he had never heard of before.

"It's very simple, one billion Bailey only needs to repay a god-level lottery point,"

A bit of god-level lottery points is equal to one billion Baileys, why does it feel like a loss?

At the beginning of the period, Lai Luo did think so, but later he remembered that he was a navy and not a pirate. He only needed to deposit the money in the bank, wouldn't he be able to complete the cycle of money making money?

It seems that this god-level lottery point is not too bad.

"Then what are you waiting for, give me Huahua for one billion, hurry up."

"Sorry, the host's current god-level lottery points are 0 and cannot be directly exchanged."


Lei Luo, who was speechless for a while, only felt that his forehead was hurt by the systemic anger. After being silent for a long time, he still could not control his emotions.

"Then what the **** are you talking about!"

"Don't worry, this system has said that it is a loan function, and it can be credited."

"Everything, you are the best for me, just exchange one billion for me first."

Accompanied by Lai Luo's extremely attentive smile, after a ding in his mind, the storage space that came with the system was instantly filled with countless green banknotes of the largest denomination, without a single gap.

As a young man with no car, no house, and no money before crossing the road, Lai Luo had never seen so much money, and he never thought there would be so much cash in one billion.

"Everything, I love you!"

"Don't worry, remember that this is a loan. If you can't turn in 1 god-level lottery point within a month, then the president's interest will be paid, and..."

"Okay, okay, go and rest, I'm going to start spending!"

At this time, Lai Luo instantly understood why those upstarts should wear large gold chains and twenty jewelry rings on ten fingers.

With so much money, if I don’t spend it, I can’t put it down at home, and it’s so crowded that there’s not even a place to sleep!

"Waiter, come here!"

Lai Luo sat on the sofa with a golden knife and waved to the waiter in the distance who had humiliated him one after another.

Now he understands another truth, that is, if you have money, you can really speak with confidence.

"Hello sir, can I help you?"

"How much does your store sell for?"

"A customer asked the same last time. After our boss gave him a 30% discount, it looks like about 10 billion."


"Sir, are you meeting our boss?"

"No, no, I'll ask."

Laylo, who barely managed to squeeze out a smile, was obviously a little embarrassed.

At this moment, he once again understood a truth, that is, there are people outside people, and a mountain is higher than a mountain!

After a long time, Tina and Leiju, who had been busy all morning with the scorching sun in the sky, finally stopped trying on various types of clothes.

"Waiter, check out!"

"A total of 76,253,800 Baileys. I'll give you a zero, 76 million is fine. Would you like to pay in cash or by card?"

The waiter who made Lai Luo repeatedly embarrassed has already brought it to the credit card machine, such as a large amount of consumption, who would bring so much cash?


With a loud bang, a mountain of Baileys appeared in the open space in front of Laylo, stunned everyone present.

"This is 80 million, don't look for it, the rest is the tip I gave you."

Lai Luo waved his hand gently, ignoring the shock mixed with envious glances from the people around him.

There are still a full 920 million Baileys in the system's storage space, and the space that is large enough is still full.

"Laylo, where are you hiding all this money?"

"My fruit ability is only used."

"That's great, I'll give you all these clothes to save the trouble of carrying them."

Facing Tina and Leijiu's request, Lei Luo's face twitched, because as early as when the second daughter asked him this question, the system had already emphasized to him again that only the prizes of the lottery were allowed to be stored in the system's storage space. .

Naval Headquarters.

"Report to the marshal, to report to General Kizaru, Lai Luo and the others have successfully annihilated the Kingdom of Jemal, and it seems that Charlotte Snag, the general of the BIGMOM Pirates, was present at the time."

In the Marshal's office, a third-class soldier reported to Akainu and Kizaru who was going to be lazy during the lunch break and was caught by Akainu.

"Yoyoyo, it seems that my future partner has been completely determined."

Kizuna said with a lazy smile.

As early as a few days ago, Fujitora and Green Bull had been invited by Akainu to become quasi-navy admirals, and they were only short of the final promulgation ceremony.

"Fujitora and Green Bull have great reputations, and Lai Luo is just a young boy who suddenly appeared, plus he is so young, this old man is afraid that directly promoting him as a general will make the soldiers dissatisfied. mood."

Akainu put down the newspaper in his hand and sighed silently.

"Sakaski, don't worry, if it's a big deal, let that kid Laylo go through the naval enlistment process. Anyway, as long as he performs well enough, no one will say anything more."

Chapter 277 Dao Strength Test

New World Naval Division G1.

After a long wandering on the sea, Laidlaw finally arrived at the place he longed for.

I thought that based on my glorious record along the way, it should not be difficult to become a general, at least it should be a lieutenant general, but what Lei Luo did not expect was that Akainu would let him and this batch of conscripts return to the headquarters of people take the moral test together.

"That's enough, seeing that the war is about to end for two years, it's better to have a half-official job soon. By the way, let's go and have a good relationship with Fujitora and Lu Niu."

Lai Luo, who walked to the square helplessly, swept his gaze across the crowd, looking for his target.

At this moment, the noisy square is full of people, not to mention looking for someone, it is very good to know that you are there.

For this group of people who returned to the headquarters, Akainu was generally quite satisfied. After all, there were some devil fruit capable people and some well-known powerhouses in some areas.

"Everyone gathers and lined up in ten columns, don't waste this old man's time off work."

A slightly lazy voice resounded through the human ear, and there were thousands of light spots and lingering attacks from all directions. On the high platform, a slightly wretched figure gradually converged.

The Admiral Kizaru Porusalino.


Before Kizaru could stand firm, the giant magma fist that suddenly appeared in the air slammed down, and the golden light scattered again, staring again at another place.

"As a general so lazy, don't blame the old man for being ruthless next time!"

Looking at Akainu who was standing in his previous position, Kizaru just smiled shyly.

The point of being ruthless is at best a literal meaning, and Akainu is afraid that it will take a lot of effort to catch the light.

"Start the quiz!"

Akainu snorted coldly. In this test, the person he likes most is Laylo, and Tina once said that Laylo's fruit ability is somewhat similar to that of Kizaru, and he doesn't want a future admiral to be another lazy Lazy office worker.

This seemingly small farce is over, but it has taught every newcomer who has just entered the Navy and is still arrogant.

The fastest Kizaru, the most destructive Akainu, this is the undeniable terrifying strength of the Admiral of the Navy, the apex that newcomers look forward to!

Maybe it was unintentional, or maybe it was intentional. The scene in front of him was not important to Lai Luo. What really shocked him was the tall figure standing on the left and rear of Akainu, wearing the military uniform of the general - Fujitora. !

"The plot development is wrong! Why should I take part in the Dao Strength test here, Fujitora and Lu Niu have already become generals?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Lai Luo was quite dissatisfied, but he had no choice but to continue his boring test at the moment.

Dao Li, a counting unit used by the Navy to reflect a person's combat power, 10 Dao Li is equivalent to an ordinary navy soldier.

Having said that, most of them understand that this Dao Strength test, to put it bluntly, is to test a person's physical strength, that is, how much destructive power is in a blow with all one's strength, and it does not indicate the level of real combat effectiveness.

For example, a devil fruit person with pure physical strength of 500 dao power.

The animal system can easily burst out several times the physical strength with one punch.

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