However, the natural system cannot obtain any strength enhancement through the fruit.

However, if this is not domineering, it is an enemy of the animal system and not the natural system, not to mention the large-scale destruction, the former is far behind the latter.

Therefore, although Dao Strength represents a person's physical strength, it cannot represent a person's true combat power.

"Jack Rose, Dao Strength is 700! The next Laidlaw!"

The moment Lai Luo stepped out of the queue, the eyes of the three generals on the high platform were instantly attracted.

Each of them wanted to see how powerful this man, who Tina and all the soldiers on the warship called God, would be.

"Brothers, can you all push back and stay away from me?"

Lai Luo's voice sounded, and great confusion appeared on the faces of the newcomers and the testers on both sides of him.

"Do as he says!"

"Thank you, Master Marshal!"

A young man who was so concerned by Akainu, this was an extremely attractive gimmick, and all the other testers stopped what they were doing, and all of them silently looked at Laidlaw who was moving his joints.

Back then, Akainu and Kizaru, the current marshal and general, who punched more than 4,000 terrifying numbers with one punch, did not fight like this.

Now they want to see if this young man is grandstanding or self-righteous.

After all, the strength of the material used in this force detector has never been shaken by anyone other than Karp.

"Fujitora, what do you think?"

Looking down at Laylo, who hadn't made a move for a long time, just warming up and letting the people around him keep retreating, Akainu asked Fujitora behind him.

"Master Marshal, I'm just a blind man, what do you want me to think?"

"If you talk again, the old man will throw you out tomorrow as a bomb to blow up pirates. Do you believe it?"

"Just kidding, this kid is full of blood and energy, and his every move seems to be light, but he has a powerful and heavy state. His punch is likely to be equal to Lieutenant General Garp."

"Oh? Do you think so highly of him?"

After getting Fujitora's high evaluation, Akainu sneered instead.

Karp, that is a mythical existence. He just relied on his own pair of iron fists to fight the old generation of pirate overlords in the sea, the Cross Pirates, even if it was a powerhouse such as Roger and Whitebeard, At that time, he was also very afraid of the navy.

"This little boy in front of me can be on par with Garp, doesn't that mean he can kill the old man?"

Akainu snorted softly again. Regarding Garp's repeated threats to kill him, he has always had a lot of shadows in his heart.


After finishing a series of warm-ups, Lai Luo slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

With the training in Beihai and the blessing of the mysterious sword, Lei Luo, who was already very physically fit, didn't know exactly how far his pure physical strength had reached.

At least, one thing is clear to Lai Luo, everyone present, including the existence of the three generals, absolutely no one can rely on his physical body to confront him!

Suddenly, Lai Luo took a deep breath, and instantly emptied all the air around him, and at that moment, his eyes exuded an undisguised edge!

Chapter 278 Unprecedented

With the hot air entering his lungs, Laiduo's blood flowed extremely fast, his muscles bulged like hills, and the surging power that was hard to hide swept through everyone's heart.

"Life is back!"

Whether it was Kisaragi or Akainu, when they saw the changes in Lai Luo's body, their expressions suddenly changed, and a slight exclamation came from their mouths.

The return of life, a powerful ability that can control one's body, blood and hair according to consciousness, is the profound meaning of the six types of naval profound meanings.

I saw Lai Luo raised his right hand at this time, and slowly stretched out his index finger and gently placed it in the center of the mechanical instrument in front of him.

"Dao Strength is 0? This kid is in such a big battle just to show us a 0?"

At that moment, someone's exclamation sounded, and the whole square was instantly boiling, and everyone was constantly sneering at Lai Luo.

Let's step back, so that there is room to escape after humiliation?

In the face of this overwhelming ridicule, Lai Luo still stood still, with no expression on his face.

He was waiting, Akainu, Kizaru and Fujitora were also waiting, and they were all waiting for the moment when the blood flow in Lei Luo reached its peak speed!

This is the power brought about by the return of life. The faster the blood flow, the stronger the explosive power.

As Lei Luo's fair skin gradually infiltrated blood red, the air beside him gradually became restless, and the aura that suddenly climbed closed all mouths in an instant.


A loud bang came out, and the ground centered on Laylo's feet spread and cracked like a spider web.

On the big screen of the truth detector, the dazzling 0 still did not change, but in the area in front of Lai Luo's fingertips, there was a dark finger hole.

"Did he make a move?"

The inspector who hurriedly got up from the ground said in disbelief.

Not only him, the other testers also didn't see any movement from Lai Luo, still standing in front of the truth detector.

However, the terrifying appearance of all this destruction kept telling everyone that Lei Luo moved, but his speed was so fast that it was impossible to see clearly with only a pair of naked eyes.

"Finger gun..."

Kizaru and Akainu frowned.

Just now, Lei Luo, at the moment when his own blood flow rate reached its peak, perfectly integrated the inch strength and the finger spear, and a finger sprang out.

Is this the end?

No, not yet!

The inspector, who thought that the Dao Power Detector had malfunctioned, hurried forward to check it, trying to find out why the numbers on the display still did not change.

At the moment when his palm touched the instrument lightly, the scene of the collapse was unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Dao force detector, broken!

After the sound of the equipment hitting the ground, the whole square was silent, and everyone opened their mouths and eyes to the maximum.

This is an instrument made of the most sturdy metal in the world, and it shattered so easily!

Even the hero of the navy, Lieutenant General Garp, the original full blow was just a crack!

"Sakaski, what do you think?"

Kizaru's figure appeared beside Akainu like a ghost, and solemn words sounded.

"Fujitora, I made a bet with you just now, and you won."

After a long time, Akainu let out a long sigh.

Fujitora's estimate was correct, the power contained in this newcomer's body was indeed greater than that of Garp.

Compared to the varying degrees of shock to everyone, Lei Luo couldn't wait to cry out to the sky.

What the **** is this metal so hard! Lao Tzu's bones are broken!

With the faint golden light appearing on Lei Luo's fingers, the light therapy technique slowly attacked, and the pain of the broken bone was slightly relieved.

"Inspector, have I passed this?"

After the injury recovered, Laylo, who moved his fingers at will, asked the inspector.

Destroying a Dao force detector with one blow has never happened before. Laylo's question made the inspector also bewildered, and he had no choice but to pin his head to Akainu.

"Others continue to do the Dao Strength test. As for Lai Luo, follow the old man."

Akainu's words fell, and with a wave of the cloak with the word justice written behind him, he left.

Fujitora, who was beside him, smiled politely at Lai Luo, while Kizaru waved his hand, turned into a light, and rushed to the check-in room as fast as he could.

When it's time to get off work, no one can stop Lao Tzu from punching in!

"This yellow ape is really lazy."

Looking at the light beam that disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, Lei Luo sighed with emotion, and also turned into a light and shadow to follow behind Akainu.

Just after Lai Luo left.

"I didn't read it wrong just now, did that kid smash the Dao force detector?"

"Your reaction arc is too long!"

"Did you not notice that Lai Luo's fruit ability seems to be similar to that of General Kisaragi?"

"Invincible power coupled with the speed of light, what a terrifying person this is!"

Among the shocked crowd, a girl with long pink hair looked at the back that was walking away, and a blush gradually appeared on her face.

She could clearly feel that the momentum that Laiduo had erupted in his body swept through the crowd irregularly, but avoided her as if consciously.

"Go ahead and start testing, the next one is... Vince Mocreju!"


After smiling slightly at Lai Luo's back, the pink-haired girl walked to the front of a Dao force detector.

Office of the Admiral.

"Sit down, Laylo, eh? Polisalino sneaked away again?"

After greeting Lai Luo to be seated, Akainu's voice was clearly filled with anger.

The last time he confessed his fate to Fujitora and Lu Niu, Kizaru also sneaked away. Now it was Lai Luo's turn, and he was still not there. It seemed that he had to find a chance to have a good talk with him.

"Master Marshal, I don't know why you are looking for me?"

The navy has always been a model of one marshal and three generals. Now that Fujitora and Green Bull have taken the lead, Lai Luo can't think of any other position at the same level.

"Do you want to be a general?"

Just as Lei Luo was guessing, Akainu's voice suddenly sounded, hitting Lei Luo's heart.

Do you want to be a general? Isn't that nonsense, I'm aiming for the future!

If you are not a general after joining the navy, what is the difference between being a salted fish? Might as well be a pirate.

Chapter 279 Eyeliner

In Lai Luo's heart, the obsession with the general cannot be described in words at all, but, in front of Akainu, he must not be so straightforward.

"I joined the navy in order to punish evil and promote good, in order to create an era of great peace for the people of the world, in order to restore peace to this sea, a peace without killing and fighting! With justice as the gun, Destroy the evil in the world!"

"Well said! Little Brother Lai Luo, it is really a blessing for the navy to have you join us!"

Faced with Lei Luo's high-sounding righteous rhetoric, without waiting for Akainu's reaction, the tearful Fujitora rushed forward.

"Marshal, I think it's necessary for the navy to pay for Admiral Fujitora to treat his eyes, and along the way, his ears."

Looking at Fujitora who was holding a humanoid sculpture in the office tightly and telling his grand ideals, Laidlaw turned his head and said to Akainu.

The current three generals of the navy, Kizaru are lazy and never do anything extra, and Lu Niu can't find anyone after receiving the task without authorization.

Akainu sighed involuntarily, and then looked at Lai Luo with more and more fiery eyes.

This kid is still young, and his mind is not that mature. He just instills his mind a little bit and guides him, and he will definitely be a talented person in the future!

Fortunately, Lai Luo didn't know the terrible thought in Akainu's heart. You must know that, plus the time in the Naruto world, his age can even be called brothers with Sengoku and Karp, and his thinking is naturally unshakable.

"Lai Luo, it is rare that you have an earth-shattering combat power and a heart of justice at the same time. Please accept the position of Admiral of the Navy!"

The righteous Akainu directly threw an olive branch to Lai Luo without any hesitation.

"Okay, I agree!"

Lai Luo and Akainu hit it off.

At this time, Fujitora was still enthusiastically speaking about his grand wishes to the sculpture.

In the port, two full-haired but lively old men sat quietly cross-legged, one was catching fish and looked at them calmly, while the other was eating the senbei in his hand.

"Kapp, after so long, I think your hatred for Sakaski is not that strong, right?"

The old fisherman looked at the motionless fish float in front of his eyes, and asked the old man beside him who lay down and basked in the sun after eating the senbei.

"I said Warring States, after all, it's not your grandson who died. You should not mention Sakaski in front of me."

That's right, these two old men are the famous hero Garp in the navy and the former Marshal Shenfo Warring States.

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