The rest are converted in the form of points, a point is added for winning a game, and then military rank is determined according to the number of points.

In addition, the only thing you need to pay attention to is that you must not kill your companions, otherwise you will be stripped of your military posts and sent to the underwater prison.

"The battle of recruits, start now!"

With Akainu's order, the atmosphere instantly became active, and everyone locked their eyes on the ten empty arenas.

This seemingly simple rule hides the extraordinary.

If a strong man, after a whole day of fighting, will eventually experience a decline in combat effectiveness due to mental fatigue, that is the opportunity to pull him down.

Similarly, if a few people agreed to use the way of wheel battle to consume the physical strength of the defending party, it is not a bad idea, but it is unknown who will enjoy the final result.

Just when everyone was hesitating whether they should step forward to occupy the ring at this moment, a tall figure dragged a blind man holding a long knife, slowly walked out of the crowd, and each boarded one side of the ring.

"Even Green Bull and Fujitora were asked to participate in this competition?"

Looking at the blind man standing quietly in the center of the ring, and the tall figure sleeping on his back, most people helplessly turned their eyes to the remaining four rings.

Is it not a waste of effort to challenge a strong man who already has the power of a general.

"Did Lai Luo and Reiju also choose to occupy the ring at this time?"

As the two most dazzling new stars who came back from this wave of conscription, Lai Luo and Reiju's actions naturally attracted everyone's attention.

It seems that they were driven by the four, and the recruits who were eager to try at the bottom of the ring finally no longer hesitated and rushed to the rest of the ring, or challenged the first four.

As an existence that no one dared to challenge easily, Lai Luo completely focused his attention on the arena where Reiju was.

"Captain Dusky, challenge!"

Looking at Dasqi, who walked into the next arena, wearing pink-framed glasses, a faint smile appeared on Lai Luo's face.

Dasqi is Smog's direct subordinate. Although she is only a major, her strength is generally good, but compared to Reiju, she is still a lot worse.

By the way, why haven't you seen Smokey recently?

Laylo, who was still guessing where Smoker went, also heard the voice of the challenger.

"The current Navy Colonel Kerby, challenge Mr. Laidlaw!"

Lai Luo turned his head and quietly looked at the tall and straight teenager who appeared in front of him.

Kirby, Luffy's friend and Garp's apprentice, once created data that was enough to change history in the Battle of the Top.

"You are not my opponent."

Perhaps the future Kirby will become a naval hero comparable to Garp, but now he is a rookie at best, and he may not even be able to make a move under the real powerhouse.

Facing Laylo's contempt, Kirby laughed at himself.


I saw Kirby suddenly stepped on the ground quickly with his legs, and his figure appeared in front of Lai Luo like a ghost.


With the real touch coming from his fingertips, Kirby was overjoyed, even if the attack hit was only because of his sudden attack.

According to Karp's description, Laidlaw's strength is far from being comparable to any admiral in the Navy, and now, this is the only chance for Kirby to understand the gap between himself and the admiral.

"Yes, but unfortunately you are still too weak."

Lai Luo's voice came from the edge of the ring, and Kirby looked up, only to see Lai Luo in front of him turning into a golden light in an instant and disappearing.


It is true that Kirby has always been weak, but he has never given up trying to become stronger!

"Mr. Lai Luo, this is a six-style mixed technique that I developed myself. I hope it can arouse your fighting spirit a little bit."

After slightly adjusting his mentality, Kebi jumped up in place and continued to climb in the air with the help of the ability of the moon step.

What is this kid doing?

Laidlaw never cared about any of Kirby's actions, just as an elephant never cared about a weak ant slamming into him desperately.

Soon, Kebi, who had reached the critical point, flicked his waist, and the whole person stood upside down on top of Lai Luo, and fell at an extreme speed with the appearance of his right finger on the ground.

"Is it a combination of iron blocks and finger guns?"

With just one glance, Laylo could see what the six-style mixing technique in Kebi's mouth was, just like Kebi's current move.

First use the moon step to raise yourself to the commanding heights, then use the paper painting to change your own movements, and finally, while condensing the finger spear, cast iron blocks all over the body.

The strength of the acceleration brought about by the acceleration of gravity, the sturdiness of the iron block sacrificed for its own mobility, and the destructive power of the finger gun are perfectly integrated at this moment. The idea of ​​this trick is really good!

However, in the face of Kirby's offensive, Laidlaw just stood there quietly.

Kirby's move combines strength and defense, and it may have miraculous effects against ordinary people, but in front of Laylo, who has the speed of light, it is like a snail crawling, extremely slow.

The next moment, Lai Luo turned sideways and his eyes twitched slightly, and the aura of the king who was above the crowd burst forth. It was just a face-to-face, and Keby lost consciousness.

It is indeed a good thing to have a heart that is not afraid of strong enemies, but no matter how strong the heart is, it can never make up for the hard gap in strength.

This was Laidlaw's first lesson for Kirby.

"My God, Colonel Kirby is already considered an upper-level existence in the younger generation, and he was instantly killed by Lai Luo with one look!"

"Is this the strength of a real strong man?"

"That's domineering!"

Lai Luo paid no attention to the noise of the crowd, but focused his gaze on the person who recognized the overlord's arrogance.

It was a man with a refined appearance, but with arrogant muscles. For some reason, from him, Lai Luo could feel the same aura.

The breath of the overlord!

"It seems that this conscription has really found a lot of powerful beings."

Leroy said calmly.

Domineering and domineering is a natural ability that a person has, and it is a courage that cannot be cultivated.

Anyone who awakens the tyrannical arrogance, as long as he does not commit suicide, can basically occupy a place in this sea in the future.

Chapter 284 Superhuman Air Fruit

"Hey, how many moves have you been here?"

Seeing that Dasqi was defeated at the speed of light in Leiju's hands, the bored Lei Luo suddenly spoke to the crowd below the ring.

"Who is he talking to?"

"It shouldn't be me, how can someone with my strength like me."

"It can't be you!"

At this moment, the young man among the recruits who was previously concerned by Lai Luo slowly walked out of the crowd, jumped gently, and appeared on the ring.

"That's Gorgeous!"

With just one glance, the identity of the young man was revealed in one sentence.

To say that this Gedger is also a newcomer who has been paid attention to by the high-level Navy.

In the reason test a few days ago, Gedges, who punched up to 4200 points, shocked all four.

The Dao Strength value is above 4000. Although it is not as perverted as Lai Luo, it is also an extremely terrifying number.

Because in the Navy's records, people with a Dao value above 4,000 have basically become generals. In other words, Gedgers is a potential stock that is expected to become a general in the future.

"You are very strong, I am not your opponent, not in every way."

However, what surprised everyone was that Gerges' first sentence after entering the ring was actually a direct acknowledgement of Lai Luo's strength.

Cowardice without fighting is a big taboo in the military!

"However, I will never be killed by you."

Gedges' voice sounded again.

I will never be killed by you in seconds. Isn't this still another way to say that Lai Luo is stronger?

Since you feel that you are inferior to the other party, why should you step into the ring?

Not only the recruits watching from the arena, but even Laylo couldn't guess what Gedges was really thinking.


Suddenly, Gedges took a deep breath, not even his chest bulging.


Under everyone's attention, Gedges glared angrily, squirting out all the air that had been sucked into his stomach earlier.

"What ability is this?"

Looking at the air bombs that had condensed into reality and rushed towards him, a trace of confusion appeared in Lai Luo's heart.

This kind of ability, even in the original comics, has never appeared!

Lei Luo, who had just avoided the blow in a blink of an eye, was not able to stand still, and several air bombs followed.

Perhaps Lei Luo, who was dodging, didn't notice it. In the eyes of the audience below the ring, these air bombs didn't seem to be for attacking, but more like laying the groundwork for the next move.

"Why are the power of these air bombs so weak?"

Lai Luo frowned slightly, he could feel that Gedges' attack was nothing more than a paper tiger on the surface, and at best it could work against ordinary people.

However, those air bombs stagnated in the air for a long time and never disappeared, which caught Lai Luo's attention.

"If it's to pave the way for the next move, then the preparation time is too long!"

In an instant, Lai Luo's figure turned into a golden light and appeared behind Gedges, and the voice of great disappointment sounded.

However, at the next moment, Lai Luo's face suddenly changed, and he actually chose to give up the opportunity to shoot.

"What kind of power is this!"

There was some shock in Lai Luo's voice.

At the moment he just appeared behind Gedjes, he could clearly feel that there was no more oxygen in the circle centered on Gedjes, and the creatures would enter, and they would suffocate and die soon.

Suddenly thinking of something, Lai Luo raised his hand, the golden light from his palm was extremely concentrated, and the terrifying high temperature penetrated into the air bomb that was stagnant in the air.


The originally calm air bomb exploded at the moment when Lei Luo touched, and the flames in the sky were like a deadly poisonous snake, madly attacking Lei Luo.

"Sure enough, it's oxygen."

After some testing by himself, Lai Luo verified his idea, that is, these air bombs are more like a sealed jar, and what is hidden in it is the oxygen that everything depends on to survive.


A snap of fingers suddenly sounded.

Boom boom boom!

Deafening explosions sounded one after another, the entire ring was instantly engulfed by flames, and the terrifying high temperature turned into a demon, trying to burn everything in front of him.

Looking at the arena that had turned into a volcano in front of them, everyone subconsciously swallowed a sigh of relief.

Laylo, is it dead or alive now?

"Is this the kid you said? It's not bad for fruit development!"

Akainu on the high platform turned and asked Lieutenant General Mole behind him.

"It's a pity that the flames still can't keep up with the pace of light."

Lieutenant General Mole, who smiled helplessly, slowly raised his head and looked at Lai Luo, who had already appeared in the sky at some point in time.

Over the frenzied burning arena, Laylo, whose shirt on his right arm was slightly charred, looked down at Gedges, who was standing in a vacuum and was not eroded by the flames, with a look of approval on his face.

With the appearance of ferocious, in essence, no destructive air bombs as a cover, it has the effect of deterring the enemy.

After the enemy found out that something was wrong, he wanted to launch an attack on Gedger's body, but found that there was a vacuum around him, which deepened the panic in the enemy's heart.

For an unknown thing, human nature is to panic and stay away, and this is the basis of Gedges' third step.

Among the air bombs that were arranged in advance, he deliberately left a safe place, that is, the center of all the air bombs.

Once the enemy enters the safe zone, then it is the turtle in the urn. At that time, Gorgeous only needs to exert a little force to detonate all the air bombs, and then everything will die in the explosion.

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