"Sure enough, it still can't cause any substantial damage to you?"

After the flames gradually dissipated, Gedges raised his head, and the golden light that rushed into the air at the moment of the explosion did not escape his eyes at all.

"Is this the power of the Devil Fruit?"

Lai Luo, who slowly landed, didn't pay much attention to the shocked eyes outside the ring, and asked directly to Gedges.

"Well, Superman is an air fruit."

"Air fruit? Then you should be able to control more than oxygen, right?"

"The flame just now was because of oxygen, and the explosion was because of hydrogen... Oh, by the way, you know, after inhaling too much carbon dioxide, people will be in a trance in light, fainting or even death in serious cases."

Looking at Gedges with a more and more cunning smile on his face, Lai Luo faintly found that there seemed to be something wrong with his mental state.

The burning of the fire produces a lot of carbon dioxide!

Laylo, who suddenly realized that he was in a rich carbon dioxide environment at the moment, quickly held his breath, but when he looked at Gedges again, what appeared in front of him was an ink-like fist.

Chapter 285 Armed and Domineering!

Lai Luo recognized the arrogance of this person who was specially used to restrain the natural devil fruit ability at a glance.

For the natural devil fruit, the only way to deal damage to it is to be domineering in the armed color!

But even so, his unresponsive brain due to inhaling a lot of carbon dioxide did not make a timely evasion judgment.


Like a kite with a broken string, Lai Luo's figure flew to the edge of the ring, and a mouthful of blood spurted out instantly.

"Hehe, Gedges is a fighting genius. With a thoughtful mind and a strange power far beyond ordinary people, it seems that Lei Luo is going to suffer a lot now."

Lieutenant General Mole has absolute confidence in the young powerhouse he recruited. Even if he can't win, he will definitely lose. After all, this is Gedjes who defeated himself!

On the ring, Lei Luo, who had just got up, just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Before he could do anything else, he felt a huge force attacking him again, buckling his whole body to the ground again.


In the muffled sound, cracks spread on the ring, dust covered the sky, and only a faint picture could be seen of a person being severely pressed to the ground and ravaged.

Could it be that Lai Luo is going to lose?

At this moment, the few words Gedges said when he first entered the ring appeared in everyone's mind. It turned out that he was being humble!

Maybe Laylo underestimated the enemy, or maybe Gedges' ability was too weird, but in the battle, people would only praise the winner and never ask the reason for the loser.

"Gerges lost."

Akainu's voice suddenly sounded, making Lieutenant General Mole somewhat unhappy.

He knew that Akainu valued Laylo very much, but in this situation, Laylo had lost the possibility of a comeback no matter what.

With just such a slight flick, Laidlaw would be thrown out of the ring by Gedges, disqualifying him from the ring.

And now the fact, it is true, Lai Luo has been thrown out of the ring

clap clap clap...

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause in the air, and everyone who looked at Xunsheng was horrified.

Why is there a Laylo in mid-air?

If that's the case, then who is the one outside the ring?

"Your brain and stamina are really worthy of this face and this figure."

Lai Luo in the air smiled slightly, but he didn't do anything, just a slight smile, because at this time Gedges had already jumped off the ring.

After losing, Gedges knew very well that he had lost, because Laylo, who had been fighting with him, had disappeared with a bang at this moment.

It's just a shadow

Everything just now was developed according to the plan made by Gedges. He thought it was foolproof, but he didn't know that Laiduo would still clone this trick.

Now that all the trump cards have been exposed, it is only a clone that defeated the opponent, and then there is naturally no reason to continue fighting.

On the high platform, Lieutenant General Mole was also surprised, even as an outsider, he didn't even notice when Laiduo changed his avatar.

"Ouch, take a closer look. The Leroy you just saw is not as high as it is now, and it's not at this position."

If Kiabou said that, Lieutenant General Mole was awakened at once.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Lei Luo, who slowly descended from the ring, asked the figure who was submerged in the crowd.

However, no one responded to him, but the air in front of him was separated according to the type, and it became the three words of Gedges.


Lai Luo grinned evilly, and it seemed that he already had a candidate for his team in the future.

It seemed that Gedges' defeat had an effect. Now that an hour has passed, the arena where Lai Luo was standing was deserted, far less lively than the arena where Leiju next door was.

Fujitora and Midori are known to have general-level strength, so no fools will challenge them.

As for Lai Luo, in the eyes of the recruits, he was already classified as a general, and naturally no one challenged him.

In contrast, although Leijiu has achieved an unbeaten record of more than ten consecutive victories, her strength is relatively weak.

In addition, as a woman, her physical strength is still weaker than that of a man, and the burden of successive battles has turned into fatigue and appeared on her face, making her the target of most people.

Meanwhile, Cake Island.

"According to the information returned by the spies, the navy is engaged in a battle of recruits. If there is no accident, Laylo's lowest position will be lieutenant general."

"Go down."

In a house made of candy, Perospero and Katakuri both frowned and remained silent.

Because of the lack of high-level combat power, the World Government ordered a new recruit war, which led to the promotion of high-level officials, rather than a step-by-step promotion.

If Laidlaw was just an ordinary third-class soldier, or a major, even if he was killed by the pirates, it would not attract the attention of the navy.

However, if Lai Luo passed the battle of recruits and reached the rank of lieutenant general, everything would be different.

The death of the lieutenant general will directly lead to the final battle between the navy and the BIGMOM pirates.

"Mom has already ordered Lai Luo to kill, but now the situation... oh, what should I do now?"

Perospero sighed deeply, with an indescribable sadness in his tone.

With the temper of the aunt, she is completely arrogant and does not take the navy in the eyes. Even if Lai Luo holds the important position of the naval marshal, the kill order will never be withdrawn.

But at the moment, compared to the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates, the BIGMOM Pirates are in a weaker situation, and they must not suffer too many losses in order to obliterate Lei Luo alone.

"Wait a minute, I seem to see that in a month's time, there will be several powerful young pirate groups in the Chambord Islands. Perhaps their appearance can change the pattern."

"It's just a group of young people, what can they be used for?"

Perospero doesn't care about the future foreseen by Katakuri. He doesn't think that the new pirate has the strength to fight against the navy. Even if they join forces, there is absolutely no chance.

Furthermore, in Snug's description, Lai Luo's combat power is definitely not under the generals, and how much trouble can be caused by only a few calves born.

"Among those young people, there was a boy in a straw hat who seemed to be called the fifth emperor of the sea by the navy later."

"What did you say? The Fifth Emperor! Wait a minute, can we use a trick to kill someone with a knife?"

The shock on Perospero's face was quickly replaced by a touch of treacherousness.

The navy, which has always advocated justice, was killed by the fifth emperor who represented the evil of the new generation. This seems to be a good plan.

Chapter 286 Semifinals

As the battle of recruits gradually came to an end, the next round of decisive battles began between the remaining six finalists.

Laidlaw vs. Gorgeous.

Fujitora vs. Reiku.

Green Bull vs Yax.

Obviously, Akainu's group deliberately avoided the battle between Lai Luo, Fujitora, and Midori.

"I abstain."

Gedges did not hesitate at all, because he knew that even if he tried his best to fight against Laylo, the final result would only be defeat.

"I also abstain."

"Me too."

Likewise, Reiju and Yax had a clear understanding of their own strengths.

As a result, only three people remained in the final semi-finals.

One by one?

Akainu pondered slightly. He didn't know how to formulate the schedule, but by chance, he saw Kizaru who was about to clock in and get off work.

"Stop, Polsalino!"

The thick male voice suddenly came from behind, which sounded like a devil's call in the ears of Kizaru. If he turned around at this time, it would definitely be nothing good.

"Master Marshal, it's already off work now. There shouldn't be anything to work overtime, right?"

The reluctant Kizaru turned around, revealing his signature slightly wretched smile.

However, Akainu ignored him, but announced to everyone below: "Tomorrow, on Icefire Island, in the semi-finals, Lai Luo will play against Kizaru, and Fujitora will play against Green Bull!"

Akainu's words fell, and the atmosphere of the naval headquarters was instantly pushed to a climax. This is a battle between four naval supreme powers!

Being able to witness such a great battle between the powerhouses is bound to yield a lot, but the location of the semi-finals is an extremely dangerous area, which can't help but discourage most people.

Ice and Fire Island was originally just a little-known abandoned island that didn't even have a name.

However, because Akainu and Aokiji fought for the position of marshal on the island for ten days and ten nights, the originally deserted environment was artificially turned into a harsh area of ​​half lava and half ice. Surviving on the island is extremely difficult.

It is precisely for this reason that Ice and Fire Island, where Wanjing has disappeared, will be the best occasion for the semi-finals, a ring where the four of Lai Luo can be allowed to exercise their power without any scruples.

"Can I abstain?"

"Yes, in exchange for all your vacation."

His last struggle was rejected so decisively, Kizaru accepted the order helplessly on the surface, but he was secretly scolding Akainu in his heart.

The moon rises, and the night falls.

"First of all, congratulations to Leiju for becoming a lieutenant general, and secondly, congratulations to Lai Luo for becoming a general!"

Tina, who was holding a dream, was in a very good mood. Long before the two of Lai Luo returned, she had left the stage in person and made a table of sumptuous dark dishes.

According to the internal information Tina inquired, the so-called semi-finals are just a cover for Akainu. His real purpose is to take this opportunity to make things difficult for the daily lazy Kizaru.

After all, whether it is Fujitora, Green Bull, or Laylo, they are all terrifying beings with general-level combat power.

"What do you mean, Fujitora and Green Bull might just be on the set on Ice and Fire Island?"

"Precisely, neither of them will ever pass."

The answer given by Tina made Lai Luo speechless.

"Akainu wants to make things difficult for Kizaru, why is he looking for me?"

"I think it's because you're the only one who can keep up with the speed of General Kizaru."

Indeed, the yellow monkey with the speed of light can be said to be an undefeated existence. Even if it is defeated, with the advantage of speed, there will never be a situation of defeat.

Since he wanted to find trouble with Kizaru, Lai Luo was naturally the best choice.

"You two, eat, I'm going back to formulate tomorrow's battle plan."

To fight against the yellow monkey, to formulate a combat plan? This is absolutely impossible!

Perhaps when fighting against Fujitora and Green Bull, Lai Luo would also think about a battle plan because the comics did not show the full strength of the two, but if the opponent is Kizaru, he just needs to be adaptable.

As for why Lei Luo said this, it was because he saw that Dream just ate a small mouthful of Tina's carefully crafted dark food, but he rolled his eyes and stuck his head on the ground.

"Lei Luo, don't go yet, come and see what happened to Dream."

Just as Lei Luo was about to walk out of the second daughter's room, Tina's voice suddenly sounded.

Hey sister, are you really ignorant or pretending to be stupid, isn't the half-dead appearance of the dream because of the dishes cooked by your superb cooking skills?

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