Although he thought so in his heart, Lai Luo didn't dare to say it out, so he had no choice but to walk to Dream's side and activate the light therapy.

After more than ten seconds, Dream coughed, and a black solid the size of a wrench flew out of his mouth, almost rubbing against Lai Luo's face, and finally embedded in the wall.

Good guy, this ghost cuisine is so perverted!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lai Luo's idea of ​​never moving his chopsticks was even more determined.

"Oh, yes, Reiju, this devil fruit is for you."

After thinking about it for a long time, Lai Luo, who really had no excuse to delay the time, had no choice but to take out the Devil Fruit that he accidentally obtained in Victor's weapons factory.

This is a papaya-like fruit with fine lines all over its body. Looking at it, it seems like the ethereal wind.

Reiju didn't show anything, and took the Devil Fruit directly from Laylo.

Reiju, who already has the strength of a vice admiral, has the blessing of a technological combat uniform. If she adds the power of a devil fruit, she will become a general sooner or later.

Moreover, he is also a devil fruit person who can swim in the sea with the help of a combat uniform.


I saw Leiju silver teeth bite, a vacancy appeared on the devil fruit, and at the same time, her face changed suddenly.

Fishy smell, rottenness, bitterness... All the words that human beings can think of to describe the unpalatable taste are all concentrated in the mouth of the devil fruit in Reiju's mouth.

Growing up as a princess since childhood, Leijiu is naturally delicious and spicy, and the taste of devil fruit is a hundred times more unpalatable to her than chewing wax.


Feeling a surge in her stomach, Leiju wanted to spit out the pulp, so scared that Tina directly covered her mouth with a rude and rude method, and then slammed the devil fruit into her stomach.

In order to obtain the power given by the Devil Fruit, you must swallow the first mouthful, no matter what method you use.

If you don't swallow the first mouthful and spit it out, you will also not get the ability of the Devil Fruit.


Suddenly, on the ground where the Devil Fruit in Leiju's hand fell, a faint breeze lingered in her eyes.

Chapter 287 Nature Department! !

The next moment, Leiju sprinted to the bathroom and vomited while holding a big pout.

What is that and how does it feel like I'm eating shit?

Wait, shit, toilet...


Reiju was once again disgusted by the picture she imagined, and she retched again.

She is a girl, and she is also the princess of Germa. When has she ever eaten such an unpalatable thing?

At this moment, Lei Luo flicked his fingers, and a golden light passed through the wall and submerged into Reiju's body, constantly soothing her restless stomach juices.

"Feel the power of the Devil Fruit."

After a while, Lai Luo said to Reiju who came out of the bathroom.

The only thing Laylo can be sure of about this devil fruit with unknown abilities is that it is a fruit related to wind. As for which category it belongs to, he has no idea at all.

Following Lai Luo's guidance, Leiju slowly closed her beautiful eyes, adjusted her state to an extremely peaceful level, and quietly felt the new power that had just appeared in her body.

Suddenly, with a cool breeze caressing the faces of Renault and Tina, a look of shock appeared in their eyes.

This is the wind and wind fruit of the natural system!

However, just as Lai Luo was about to wake up Leiju, the howling wind, like a wild horse that had taken off its reins, unscrupulously vented out of Leiju's body and swept up everything in the room.

"What a terrifying power!"

Tina, who was holding Lelo's arm tightly, looked at Reiju, who was motionless and unaffected by her duty, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The sight in front of her was just that Reiju had unintentionally triggered the ability of the Devil Fruit, and more importantly, the intensity of the wind seemed to continue to rise, and there was no sign of stopping.


The sound of objects breaking into Lai Luo's ears, looking for the sound, he only saw a number of small cracks on the roof, which were constantly expanding!

"Leiju, wake up!"

Lai Luo's voice suddenly sounded, passing through the howling wind without hindrance and falling into Reiju's heart.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by Reiju who suddenly opened her eyes, the power of the wind disappeared in an instant, only the sound of furniture breaking after falling to the ground.

Looking at the messy house in front of her, and Lei Luo and Tina with tangled hair, a deep guilt appeared on Reiju's face.

At this moment, several high-level officials also stopped watching at several locations in the Naval Headquarters.

the next day.

"Boy, what happened to you last night? Why are you like a panda now?"

Garp, who got up early for a stroll, saw Laylo with two big dark circles under his eyes, and asked thoughtfully.

Last night, because of Leiju's unintentional release of the fruit power, her room with Tina was almost completely destroyed. Lei Luo, who was busy cleaning up all night, was naturally listless.

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't had a good rest."

Lei Luo, who stretched and relieved the fatigue in his body a little, said slowly.

"Why don't I ask Sakaski to move the battle between you and Polsalino a day later?"

"It doesn't have to be."

"You remember, Polsalino has a fatal flaw, that is, he relies too much on the ability of the glittering fruit."

"Thank you Lieutenant General Karp for the reminder."

For Kizaru, Lai Luo didn't take it to heart at all.

A Kizaru who mainly relied on Glitter Fruit to fight and Laylo, whose Glitter Fruit was only one of his abilities, the gap between the two was needless to say.

"Yo yo yo, did Lieutenant General Garp help Laylo so much?"

Suddenly, a light and shadow appeared beside Garp and Laylo, and it was the yellow monkey who was going to Icefire Island.

Looking at Kizaru's lazy smile, Lai Luo understood that he didn't seem to be cared by someone either.

"Boy, I heard that your light fruit ability is very different from this old man's sparkling fruit. Why don't you and I warm up a little first?"

Kizaru lowered his head slightly and looked down at Lai Luo with playful eyes.

In the world of One Piece, the height setting is extremely abnormal. As an ordinary person, Kizaru has a huge body that is three meters away. With the corners of his mouth with a mocking smile at all times, Lei Luo feels very uncomfortable.

"What do you say."

Lai Luo snorted, and did not give Kizaru a good face.

"It's not big, but it's quite temperamental! Since we both have the speed of light, how about a race? The end point is Ice and Fire Island."

After giving Lai Luo a chuckle, Kizaru turned to look at Garp.

"Then ask Karp to read in the future."

The competition between light and light, this gimmick suddenly aroused Garp's curiosity.

"Then get ready, the old man counts three times and starts, three! Two! One!"

At the moment when the words rang out in Garp's mouth, the figures standing on both sides of him disappeared in the blink of an eye. If it weren't for the two golden traces in the air, even if it was said that Garp had always been the only one here, many people would believe it. .

"As expected of the light!"

Looking at the two figures that disappeared on the sea level with just one breath, Garp couldn't help sighing.

call out!

"Bastard, do a sneak attack!"

Lei Luo's face sank after he paused slightly due to the sudden beam of light in front of him.

He didn't expect that, as a dignified admiral of the navy, Huang Yuan would actually use this method during the race.

"Light Prison Bound!"

Unwilling to be outdone, Lei Luo waved his hand, and along with the slight vibration of the space, tiny cracks appeared one by one, and six dazzling golden lights blazed out, connecting with each other, in a surrounding trend, tightly surrounding the fast-moving yellow ape .

In this regard, Kizaru just smiled slightly, and the figure turned into a little golden light drifting away in the next moment. After passing through the gap in the light prison, it solidified again and continued to move forward at a more terrifying speed.

On the sea, two golden lights were running side by side, and various light-related visions that appeared from time to time in the air kept hitting the two of them.

But even if the visions became more numerous and the power contained in them also increased, they could not stop the two golden lights from advancing.

The extreme heat and absolute coldness came, and Laylo knew very well that a hundred meters further ahead was where Icefire Island was located.

"Wait a minute, why did Kizuna suddenly turn around?"

Just when the two were evenly matched, Lai Luo discovered that Kiabou changed the direction of the forward, even if it had the speed of light, this was a very time-consuming decision.

The next second, the moment Lai Luo touched Ice and Fire Island with his feet, his expression changed, he raised his head sharply, and looked at Yata Mirror, which appeared in the air at an unknown time.

"Boy, it seems that the winner of this race is the old man."

Kizaru's frivolous voice sounded above the sea, and at this time, the Ice and Fire Island under Lai Luo's feet also vanished in a single thought.

Chapter 288 Light vs Light

"Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy!"

The figure fell into the real Ice and Fire Island, feeling the real touch of the earth under his feet, and Lei Luo's view of Kizaru changed a little.

When the two of them attacked each other just now, Kizaru actually took the opportunity to set up a golden light eight-tag mirror in the sky, and then used the refraction of light to insinuate the phantom of Icefire Island in front of the two of them.

Perhaps this move has little effect on most navies, but it is the most effective for Laylo, who has never been to Ice and Fire Island in the future.

The real Ice and Fire Island and the feeling of heat and cold from the other direction are so real, and coupled with the phantom, this mirage really deceived Lai Luo's eyes.

The fact that the yellow ape is too dependent on the ability of the glittering fruit has long been known to Lei Luo. He has always believed that the yellow ape relies on the power of the fruit, but now he really understands that the so-called dependence is just the yellow ape's influence on the fruit. The degree of development of the fruit ability is too deep.

"Hey, boy, Ice Fire Island is half fire and half ice, don't you feel that your feet are no different from ordinary dirt?"

At this moment, after the Kiaburo laughing in front of Lai Luo, the figure turned into golden light and dissipated.

Lei Luo, who suddenly thought of something, raised his head again, only to find that the golden light Yata Mirror in the sky slowly began to dissipate at this time.

Played again!

Looking at the island that was gradually turning green all around, the flames of anger in Lai Luo's heart were burning.

He didn't expect that Kiabou would set up two mirages one after another, the first was an illusion, and the second was an illusion that covered the real thing.

Lai Luo raised his hands, and tens of thousands of tiny light beams continued to converge, extending from his wrist, gradually forming the appearance of a spear.


Driven by his emotions, Lei Luo slammed into the ground under his feet, and his body shot out. The sharpness of the light spear in front of his arms even split the space faintly, and slaughtered towards Kizaru.

"Wow, so scary!"

Looking at Lei Luo who had already rushed in front of him in one breath, Kizaru had a frightened look on the surface, but there was no sign of dodging.

The light spears crossed and fell, and Kiabou's body that was cut in half did not flow out of a drop of blood, but turned into an aurora like daytime, causing Laylo to be temporarily blinded for a while.


The sudden warning from the domineering news made Lei Luo forcibly stop his unfinished offensive, and backhanded the light spear behind him.


A harsh voice sounded, and I don't know when it appeared in the hands of the yellow monkey behind Lei Luo, Tian Cong Cloud Sword and the light spear collided impressively, and the ruthless force instantly made Lei Luo's body sink.

The terrifying high temperature emanating from the lava on the ground slapped on Lai Luo's face, but Lai Luo smiled slightly.

"Kizuna, do you think you are the only one who has been calculating?"

The same Tiancong Yunjian suddenly appeared in front of Kizaru's throat, and behind him, it was Lei Luo who held the sword in his backhand.

"Is it a clone again?"

Kizaru watched the figure below him turn into golden light, but there was no shock on his face, as if all this had always been under his control.

Swish swish!

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