As far as the former is concerned, there is no harm in joining the Alliance of Peacemakers, and there are even many benefits.

But if you don't join, it is estimated that you will not be able to lead your remaining companions to realize the ideal of revenge.

"I choose to join you, but I have one request, Titch's head, we must let a few of us chop!"

After pondering for a while, Marco nodded.

Chapter 313 The lore at a glance

On the vast expanse of the sea, a battleship with a giant log on each side is slowly moving forward. Above it, there are three slightly depressing skulls looking to the left, front, and right. , and this is the latest Four Emperors force, the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Hahaha, how can the Whitebeard Remnant Party be defeated by the leader of the Peacemaker Alliance, Lai Luo, like a clown jumping on the beam?"

Poison Q, known as the God of Death, looked at the newspaper in his hand, and the sarcasm on his face was self-evident.

"Is it that kid named Lai Luo again, he seems to be very active recently!"

On the other side, Shiliu, who was still wiping the famous sword Thunderstorm in his hand, said calmly.

The name Lai Luo has been paid attention to by Blackbeard and his party for a long time, especially his Devil Fruit, which is almost identical to Kiabou, has long been regarded by Titch as a possession.

But now, when they mentioned this name again, they didn't pay too much attention, and it was all because of the defeat of the Margao people.


With the roar of a cannonball, the Blackbeard pirate ship shook violently, and the captains who noticed the enemy attacking flashed their extremely tacit figures and rushed to the deck.

"Who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be Brother Xiao Ma, why, are you so eager to give your fruit ability?"

The evil king Pizarro did not hide the ridicule in his heart, and the frivolous words did not put the enemy in front of him in the eyes at all.

A group of remnant soldiers and defeated generals riding on the broken pirate ship, such a combination cannot establish any relationship with the powerful, but this is still the only remnant left by Whitebeard.

"What about Titch, call him out, it's time for a showdown today."

Life and death?

Hearing these four funny words, the already sickly poisonous Q laughed and leaned back and forth, and even fell off the horse's back.

Who gave Margo so much courage to say such a thing?

Could it be that the successive defeats have made him, who used to be the best in the world, have a death-seeking mentality?


A sudden small sound entered the eardrum, and a jet-black bullet appeared on the vast sea, tearing the air and other obstacles, passing through Margao's eyebrows, and behind him, the only thing the whole ship could be regarded as a complete sea. The thief flag was shot down suddenly.

At this time, there was no blood flowing out of Margao's forehead, only the blue flame slowly emerged, and the wound was smoothed out in one breath, leaving no trace.

"Yinyue Fan Oka, you are so anxious every time!"

Raising his hand to catch the falling flag, the obvious cold killing intent on Margao's face was perfectly suppressed by him.

Whitebeard, in the hearts of his sons, is a myth that cannot be desecrated, but now that the flag representing Whitebeard has been shot down, Margao, who has followed Whitebeard the longest, is indifferent, which makes Lafitte feel indifferent. There was a hint of confusion and incomprehension.

What is he going to do?

"Margao, are you in such a hurry to seek death?"

Just when the two sides were silent, the originally blue sea was suddenly replaced by a black tide, and in the constantly lingering black aura, there seemed to be a great gravitational force that was constantly sucking everything around. At the same time, A tall figure also appeared on the Blackbeard pirate ship, facing the opposite Margao from a distance.


The appearance of this figure obviously made the expressions of the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates change suddenly, and endless anger seemed to burst out from his eyes, and it was about to burn the people in front of him to ashes!

"Hey, where did the smell of blood come from?"

Shiliu of Rain, who was obsessed with blood, moved his nose and turned his eyes to the scarlet that spread out like a spider web on the sea surface, which was extremely eye-catching in the endless darkness.

On the Kuroshio, a corpse that had been corroded and only left with white bones slowly emerged. It was faintly discernible that it should be a shark-like murloc.

"That Muir!"

Marr exclaimed in a low voice, the cold killing intent could no longer be suppressed at this moment, and he shrouded Blackbeard and the others.

Namul, the murloc leader of the eighth team of the Whitebeard Pirates, died at the hands of Tiki the Blackbeard!

"If you want to fight, you can fight openly, why send a small fish to play sneak attack?"

Titch smiled slightly and looked at the black-robed man who was standing beside Marco and held him back.

This person has a power that makes him coveted, and an aura that makes him feel dangerous.

This feeling is like an old enemy of mutual growth and mutual restraint, up and down, left and right, life and death, light and darkness!

"Hello, Blackbeard Pirates!"

The man with the black robe covering his face noticed his existence and was noticed by Tickey, so he simply took off his hood and greeted the entire Blackbeard Pirates with a smile.

Alliance of Peacemakers, Laylo!

For a time, Blackbeard's hands were replaced by endless black gas, and Shiliu of the Rain also pulled out the thunderstorm around his waist, even the poisonous Q, who was screaming because of the pain of falling from the deck, rushed like a chicken blood. on his old horse.

There was no order for everyone to be on guard, just because the handsome young man in the sun was named Lai Luo!

"Laylo, we have never had any intersection, I advise you to leave early with your people, and don't make mistakes here!"

The figure of Lafitte with a pair of white wings suddenly stretched out from behind and suspended in the air, and the earnest voice was like the brain of Lai Luo, which was full of some kind of magic power, constantly impacting, and kept bewitching him.


Lai Luo sneered, looked up at Lafitte and smiled, those scarlet eyes instantly caught Lafitte's eyes.

Just a few seconds later, Lafitte's body trembled, tearing at his wings like a madman, gnawing at his own flesh and blood, letting the blood splatter and the flesh flying, and there is no sign of stopping. .


Finally, Lafitte, who was no longer human, was planted on the deck of the Blackbeard Pirate Ship. On his **** face, there was an extremely ferocious smile, as if he was cruelly torturing others, and his heart was very happy.

Seeing this, Poison Q, the ship doctor, rushed forward to check, but before he could get close, Lafitte suddenly opened his mouth with fresh flesh and made a bite at him.

"Complete mental breakdown and will torture himself to death soon after."

The answer given by Poison Q surprised Titch and others.

How could this happen suddenly? Why did Lafitte become like this? Could it be because of Lai Luo?

Evil Eye General Lai Luo!

Suddenly, in their hearts, the title that he had when he first knew about Laylo, who was still a navy, rang out.

Chapter 314 The Battle Begins

Evil eyes, a pair of scarlet eyes that have never appeared in the world, the most notable feature of the current Navy Admiral Lai Luo!

The report that appeared in the newspaper at the beginning kept echoing in the minds of Titch's party.

Looking at the pale-faced Blackbeards and Black Thieves, Marco smiled softly. They had all experienced the special abilities of Laylo's eyes, but compared to Lafitte, it might be a human world. difference from hell.

One lore, yes, just one glance, Lai Luo is enough to instantly kill a powerhouse that shocked the world!

"Sure enough, Whitebeard is right. You are really a conceited and reckless person. In this case, there is no defense at all."

The sound that suddenly sounded in his ear made Tickey's body tremble, and the dark mist instantly shrouded his body, but what was waiting for him was not an unbearable blow, but a sharp scream around him.

Blackbeard Pirates No. 6 Captain, Crescent Hunter Katrin Diemei's chest was pierced by a golden thunder spear!


Just as Lei Luo was about to shoot at the next person, a roar that was not human but not a beast came from his back.

Looking back, there is no Katrin Diemei, some just have white hair all the time, and the nine-tailed fox with the silver moon logo on the forehead is glaring at Lei Luo.

"Lei Luo, you have to pay attention, Catlin's is the owner of the Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit of the animal-type phantom beast, and she must be killed nine times before she can be killed!"

The information that Margo had told at that time suddenly appeared in Laylo's mind.

A large part of the reason why the Whitebeards were defeated in the stop called the end was that Katrin, who had been suspended from a suspended animation, suddenly burst out and attacked Marco to the point of being seriously injured.

Dodge to the right!

Just as Lai Luo was about to continue to take action and completely end Katrin, who had only five tails left, the domineering warning was suddenly launched.


The nine-tailed fox whose left eye was scratched raised its head and roared furiously. The pain drove it to swing its sharp claws and hit the empty air somewhere without hesitation.

The sound of iron objects colliding, the appearance of sparkling sparks unreasonably, and there is only one sentence that can explain all this.

Shiliu of the Rain, the transparent fruit ability!

"What's the matter after Lei Luo is dealt with, now whoever is fighting, I will kill whoever!"

Tiki's angry voice sounded, and at this moment, the black tide surged on the sea, turning into a huge wave and rushing towards Margao and his party.

Hatred, jealousy, hatred, fear, anxiety... In the Kuroshio, all kinds of negative emotions are constantly pouring out, and that strong gravitational force is constantly absorbing everyone's thoughts, even if they know that entering the Kuroshio, the only thing they will end up is Being twisted into powder, but still unable to suppress the inner despair.

"Damn, it's this trick again!"

Margao snorted angrily. In order to prevent himself from being affected by the ability of the dark fruit again, he was prepared to directly break his elbow and use the pain to wake him up.

However, the reason why Margao dared to do this is because he has the ability to regenerate infinitely, others do not.

At this critical moment of life and death, a thunder light suddenly pierced the Kuroshio and shone on the bow of the Whitebeard Pirates. It was the second thunder and lightning that emerged, and then gradually spread, with tens of thousands of thunders crashing. Blast, and completely shred the Kuroshio wave.

"Boss, here we come!"

The people who came out of the negative emotions only saw a large number of men and horses in specially made battle uniforms on a ship with the word "peace" written in the distance. Thunder around the body, even if it is not shot, it is enough to imagine the strength of the two!

"Margao, the one who uses the sword is called Yi, and the one who saves you is called Anilu. These cadres are handed over to me, and the others are handed over to my people and yours. As for Tiki, I will meet your requirements!"

With a wave of Lai Luo's hand, countless golden lights converged into three barriers, dividing the battlefield into three areas.

This battle is the first battle against the Four Emperors, and also the first battle of the Peace Army under his command!

Although the full version of the technical combat uniform has not yet been mass-produced, the cloning technology of the bloodline factor has not been implemented, and the Bamen Dunjia has just come into contact with all talents, but Lai Luo has sufficient confidence, because in Blackbeard's team, there are still There is one strongest person who has not appeared, and that is the former admiral of the navy - Aoki!

"After fighting for so long, eat an apple!"

"Oh, thank you."

With a backhand laser cannon, Fan Oka, who was hiding in the dark, raised his gun and smashed Lai Luo to pieces. Suddenly, someone next to him handed over a seductive and attractive red apple.

However, just when the sweet juice and fresh flesh touched Lei Luo's mouth, in his eyes looking at the poisonous Q in front of him, there seemed to be two words written, FUCK!


A blast sounded, and the apple in Lai Luo's hand exploded. Such a good opportunity, how could the experienced cadres miss it!

Sharp claws, heavy punches, and long knives followed one after another. While extremely fast, they were not lacking in formidable power. All of them were blasted into the smoke. The powerful anti-shock force made even Shiliu of the Rain almost unable to cover them. Stop the famous sword thunderstorm in your hand.

The smoke drifted away, and Lelo, who was white and black on his face, silently watched the poisonous Q suspended in the air with horror in his eyes.

What ability is the rib surrounded by black flames? Where did the hand bone that was about to be crushed to death by Poison Q come from?

"You can force me to use Susanoo, your strength is not bad, but why did not one person break the 100 million bounty..."

Waiting for Laylo to finish speaking, a palm the size of a boat suddenly stretched out from under the sea, and slapped heavily on Susanoo, that ruthless force instantly lifted Laylo away. The figure is like a cannonball, and a wave dozens of meters long is drawn on the sea.


Lei Luo, who had just stabilized his body, spat out a mouthful of blood, and even Susanoo's ribs had faint cracks.

With the physical body alone, without the blessing of the devil fruit and domineering, such a terrifying force can burst out, there is only one person in the world!

Lei Luo looked up, only showing his head and one-third of his upper body, the figure that was comparable to the size of a hill was the one who injured him.

Captain of the Seventh Blackbeard Pirates, the Wolf of San Juan!

"Hey, where did you go just now, do you know that my bones are about to be crushed by him!"

The poisonous Q with a lifeless face collapsed on the deck, complaining to the wolf with a cry in his voice.

"I'm sorry, I ate too full and fell asleep, hahahaha..."

Chapter 315


After the silly laugh, the evil wolf slammed his fist into the wall of light previously set up by Lei Luo, and shattered it with just one blow.

"Looks like you've been beaten in the face."

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